Catherine Austin Fitts – Federal Government Running Secret Open Bailout

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
$21 trillion in “missing money” at the DOD and HUD that was discovered by Dr. Mark Skidmore and Catherine Austin Fitts in 2017 has now become a national security issue. The federal government is not talking or answering questions, even though the DOD recently failed its first ever audit. Fitts says, “This is basically an open running bailout.

Under this structure, you can transfer assets out of the federal government into private ownership, and nobody will know and nobody can stop it. There is no oversight whatsoever. You can’t even know who is doing it. I’m telling you they just took the United States government, they just changed the governance model by accounting policy to a fascist government.

If you are an investor, you don’t know who owns those assets, and there is no evidence that you do. . . . If the law says you have to produce audited financial statements and you refuse to do so for 20 years, and then when somebody calls you on it, you proceed to change the accounting laws that say you can now run secret books for all the agencies and over 100 related entities.”
Catherine Austin Fitts - Wikipedia

"Fitts served as managing director and member of the board of directors of the Wall Street investment bank Dillon, Read & Co. Inc.[when?]

"She has also worked as the president of Hamilton Securities Group, Inc., an investment bank and financial software developer.

"She was Assistant Secretary of Housing — Federal Housing Commissioner at the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development in the administration of President George H. W. Bush.[1]"

Fitts has been a lifelong Republican, and she was a Trump supporter through his first year, at least.

She also has the best insight into the nexus of organized crime and the US government of anyone I have ever read.

The Missing Money

"$21 Trillion dollars is missing from the US government. That is $65,000 for every person in America. That is as much as our entire national debt!

What's going on? Where is the money? How could this happen? How much has really gone missing? What would happen if a corporation failed to pass an audit like this? Or a taxpayer?"

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