*Catholic Church In Satanic Trouble*

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Dec 9, 2007
Sorry bout that,

1. Its come from within.
2. This pope may be no good, and I don't trust his leadership.
3. Im Catholic and he stinketh.
4. He could not be doing a worse job, if he were to try.

5. Bowing down to Islam is wrong, and he can't convince anyone to follow.
6. Even the liberal Catholics like, Nancy won't be able to swallow that horseshoe.
7. Well she might, but the rest of of us thinketh he, stinketh,

I'm a traditional Catholic, probably under FBI (Waffen SS) surveillance. No clue why the pope sacked that bishop.

This pope is way too liberal for my taste. Catholic priests should be allowed to marry, like Lutherans. What's next, women priests?
Sorry bout that,

1. Its come from within.
2. This pope may be no good, and I don't trust his leadership.
3. Im Catholic and he stinketh.
4. He could not be doing a worse job, if he were to try.

5. Bowing down to Islam is wrong, and he can't convince anyone to follow.
6. Even the liberal Catholics like, Nancy won't be able to swallow that horseshoe.
7. Well she might, but the rest of of us thinketh he, stinketh,

The Pope is infected with wokism
While there is something to be said for outreach to the sane, peaceful Muslim community (assuming that it exists), that outreach must be delayed until, or contingent upon, its unambiguous condemnation of the global cancer of Islamic terrorism. To reach out at this moment in time is an abomination.

This Pope is a tragedy.
Sorry bout that,

1. I'm not for one, talking out about the clergy.
2. But this pope has to be spoken of.
3. He has stepped over the line, and is quite a heretic.
4. He should be hounded out of office, he is a reprobate by any measure.
5. A snake in sheeps clothing.

Sorry bout that.

1. Use to when the followers were having a satanic problem, an exorcism, we had to go to the Exorcist Priest.
2. Who do we go to to get an exorcism for the pope?
3. I think there is Holy Hell, to pay for this pope, and we are in deep shit.
4. Its official the Catholics are run by a bad apple, a satanists.
5. But are we all doomed by having a fallen pope in office?
6. Lots of questions revolving around the pope.

Sorry bout that,

1. Its come from within.
2. This pope may be no good, and I don't trust his leadership.
3. Im Catholic and he stinketh.
4. He could not be doing a worse job, if he were to try.

5. Bowing down to Islam is wrong, and he can't convince anyone to follow.
6. Even the liberal Catholics like, Nancy won't be able to swallow that horseshoe.
7. Well she might, but the rest of of us thinketh he, stinketh,

I know, it's terrible, he wants to be kind and forgiving and actually help people and crazy shit like that?

What is the catholic church coming to? YOu guys need to get back to your basic values of molesting altar boys and looking down on people.
I know, it's terrible, he wants to be kind and forgiving and actually help people and crazy shit like that?

What is the catholic church coming to? YOu guys need to get back to your basic values of molesting altar boys and looking down on people.
Sorry bout that,

1. We deserved that.
2. And the pope hasn't laid his had on the problem, ignored it mostly.
3. We need a house cleaning, but will we have to time to do it?
4. The world is going down the tubes, and Catholic Leaderships too.
5. End times are marching right at us.

I'm a traditional Catholic, probably under FBI (Waffen SS) surveillance. No clue why the pope sacked that bishop.

This pope is way too liberal for my taste. Catholic priests should be allowed to marry, like Lutherans. What's next, women priests?
Actually, he is about to officially bless LGTB relationships for the first time.
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