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Catholic Church under pressure to approve homosexualism, accept gays


Senior Member
Sep 22, 2014
In a dramatic shift in tone, Catholic bishops released a document Monday saying that homosexuals had “gifts and qualities to offer” and asked if Catholicism could accept gays and recognise positive aspects of same-sex couples.

Roman Catholic gay rights groups around the world hailed the paper as a breakthrough, but Church conservatives called it a betrayal of traditional family values.
The document, prepared after a week of discussions at an assembly of 200 bishops on the family, said the Church should challenge itself to find “a fraternal space” for homosexuals without compromising Catholic doctrine on family and matrimony....
Source: Catholic Church under pressure to approve homosexualism accept gays - eReporter
While I obviously have no problem with homosexuality (or any sexuality for that matter) where religion is concerned, if your religion's positions can change or evolve with the times that's like saying it was never from God to begin with, but Man, hence it can change and evolve.
You're right on about the changing positions - evolutions of the Roman Church, Delta and guess what else you are right about? Catholicism never was God to begin with! The doctrine of the Roman Church is NOT the doctrine of Christ nor do they preach the true Gospel of Jesus Christ from the Holy Bible. It is a doctrine of demons - they are the church of the Nicolatanes which Jesus warned about in Revelation 2:6 - anyone in the Roman Church who desires to follow Christ and enter the strait gate to heaven should depart from the church of the Nicolaitanes immediately! It is a doctrine of devils.

(some refer to them as the Nicolaitians also)

Read Romans Chapter 1, Revelation 21:8, Galatians 5:19,20,21........ that they which do such things shall not enter the kingdom of heaven ....and then ask yourselves why this Roman Church refers to itself as Christian and the Doctrine of Christ when it is neither! To hear them debating this subject one would come away believing they had never picked up a bible and read it in their life!
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While I obviously have no problem with homosexuality (or any sexuality for that matter) where religion is concerned, if your religion's positions can change or evolve with the times that's like saying it was never from God to begin with, but Man, hence it can change and evolve.

Oh how I love it! How many people can say in their generation they saw a church do a 180 on a topic such as this? This is fantastic both for gays and atheists.

How are the theists responding to it? Your tent just got a little bit bigger. We'll give you the gays in order to have this proof that your church is man made up! Now all you have to do is edit your bibles again anywhere it says anything negative about gays and you'll be fine. Plus you can always say that it may say it in the bible, but Jesus didn't say it. That's another out they all use because honestly this Jesus guy never said anything wrong. Nothing anyone ever quoted him saying. And that's suggesting the writers of the bible met Jesus and we know honestly none of the people who wrote the bible ever met Jesus. People lived to the age of 29 back then, especially poor jews. The bible was written 60 plus years after. That's someone's grand kid writing what his superstitious grandfather tells him as fact and even first hand account.

My one Catholic friend said he'd leave the Catholic Church if this or Women being Priests ever happened. I wonder what he's going to do?
I don't think that the Catholic church position on homosexuality or same sex marriage has changed. And let us not forget that churches suppose to seek sinners, not bar them.

Maybe The Catholic church is starting up their own "ex-gay" programs?
I don't think that the Catholic church position on homosexuality or same sex marriage has changed. And let us not forget that churches suppose to seek sinners, not bar them.

Maybe The Catholic church is starting up their own "ex-gay" programs?

Last night either Jimmy Kimmel or Fallon played all the Cardinals dancing to It's Raining Men. I'm sure it was doctored but I bet a lot of the priests in the Catholic Church are relieved.

Now they need to start letting priests marry OR make women priests because they don't molest.

Not that I'm suggesting gays molest. I'm not. I just think Catholic Priests are all a little "odd" or "off" promising not to ever fuck. Now that is what is not natural. Gay is more natural than that.
In a dramatic shift in tone, Catholic bishops released a document Monday saying that homosexuals had “gifts and qualities to offer” and asked if Catholicism could accept gays and recognise positive aspects of same-sex couples.

Roman Catholic gay rights groups around the world hailed the paper as a breakthrough, but Church conservatives called it a betrayal of traditional family values.
The document, prepared after a week of discussions at an assembly of 200 bishops on the family, said the Church should challenge itself to find “a fraternal space” for homosexuals without compromising Catholic doctrine on family and matrimony....
Source: Catholic Church under pressure to approve homosexualism accept gays - eReporter
Horribly misleading headlines. No surprise of course coming from the secular media.

The Catholic Church is never going to "approve" homosexual acts, Ok? No more than they will ever "approve" an unmarried heterosexual couple living together and being sexual. No sex outside of marriage will ever be endorsed, nor will gay marriage.

What the Church is struggling with is the fallout of all this. How many souls are adrift because the Church does not approve of them being gay, or living together, or a divorced Catholic getting remarried? Many millions. The pope feels that a genuine act of mercy must be applied here. He feels we need to overlook some faults and still administer to their needs in any ways available. Lessening the restrictions to the sacraments is one significant way. Kind of like let mercy overrule doctrine in some ways.

Of course it is controversial but it may be necessary nonetheless. What it will not do, however, is change Church teaching on sin. Not unlike what John Paul II said to his priests about all these Catholics confessing artificial contraception in the confessional. He said do not go hard on them over this. It is still a sin but not one that separates them from God. It is to be thought of as "invincible ignorance" and we are to still welcome them as members of the faithful.
I thought the Catholic Sees were run by homersexuals in the first place..
I don't think that the Catholic church position on homosexuality or same sex marriage has changed. And let us not forget that churches suppose to seek sinners, not bar them.

Maybe The Catholic church is starting up their own "ex-gay" programs?

Last night either Jimmy Kimmel or Fallon played all the Cardinals dancing to It's Raining Men. I'm sure it was doctored but I bet a lot of the priests in the Catholic Church are relieved.

Now they need to start letting priests marry OR make women priests because they don't molest.

Not that I'm suggesting gays molest. I'm not. I just think Catholic Priests are all a little "odd" or "off" promising not to ever fuck. Now that is what is not natural. Gay is more natural than that.

Hey--you do know that a person with the desire to molest a child probably will continue to ave that desire despite being married, right.

Letting the priests marry is not going to solve anything. However, women priests is a very interesting concept.

I got a feeling that this Pope is not going to last. To many "changes" in to short of a time period. That is dangerous.
In a dramatic shift in tone, Catholic bishops released a document Monday saying that homosexuals had “gifts and qualities to offer” and asked if Catholicism could accept gays and recognise positive aspects of same-sex couples.

Roman Catholic gay rights groups around the world hailed the paper as a breakthrough, but Church conservatives called it a betrayal of traditional family values.
The document, prepared after a week of discussions at an assembly of 200 bishops on the family, said the Church should challenge itself to find “a fraternal space” for homosexuals without compromising Catholic doctrine on family and matrimony....
Source: Catholic Church under pressure to approve homosexualism accept gays - eReporter
Interesting the direction that the Catholic Church is going.
The Vatican; under pressure from more conservatives members, are already starting to walk back those comments.
I don't think that the Catholic church position on homosexuality or same sex marriage has changed. And let us not forget that churches suppose to seek sinners, not bar them.

Maybe The Catholic church is starting up their own "ex-gay" programs?

Last night either Jimmy Kimmel or Fallon played all the Cardinals dancing to It's Raining Men. I'm sure it was doctored but I bet a lot of the priests in the Catholic Church are relieved.

Now they need to start letting priests marry OR make women priests because they don't molest.

Not that I'm suggesting gays molest. I'm not. I just think Catholic Priests are all a little "odd" or "off" promising not to ever fuck. Now that is what is not natural. Gay is more natural than that.

Hey--you do know that a person with the desire to molest a child probably will continue to ave that desire despite being married, right.

Letting the priests marry is not going to solve anything. However, women priests is a very interesting concept.

I got a feeling that this Pope is not going to last. To many "changes" in to short of a time period. That is dangerous.

He is/was just what the church needed.

I'm Greek Orthodox. Our priests can marry so they are normal human beings. We don't attract weirdos who are willing to not fuck for life. That's just weird period. What's up with the dude who says that's what he wants? Is he a self loathing gay because his religion says it's wrong? Then all that pent up cum and talking to little alter boys. You don't ask a man to not fuck for life, and not jack off too probably. Too much to ask. Do you honestly think that doesn't have anything to do with the pedophilia in the Catholic Church? I do!

Oh, but our priests have sex with the women. LOL. In fact I have an uncle who looks just like the priest and not his father. He's almost 7 foot and his family is all under 6 foot and the priest is tall plus mom spent a lot of time at church. LOL.
While I obviously have no problem with homosexuality (or any sexuality for that matter) where religion is concerned, if your religion's positions can change or evolve with the times that's like saying it was never from God to begin with, but Man, hence it can change and evolve.

Oh how I love it! How many people can say in their generation they saw a church do a 180 on a topic such as this? This is fantastic both for gays and atheists.

How are the theists responding to it? Your tent just got a little bit bigger. We'll give you the gays in order to have this proof that your church is man made up! Now all you have to do is edit your bibles again anywhere it says anything negative about gays and you'll be fine. Plus you can always say that it may say it in the bible, but Jesus didn't say it. That's another out they all use because honestly this Jesus guy never said anything wrong. Nothing anyone ever quoted him saying. And that's suggesting the writers of the bible met Jesus and we know honestly none of the people who wrote the bible ever met Jesus. People lived to the age of 29 back then, especially poor jews. The bible was written 60 plus years after. That's someone's grand kid writing what his superstitious grandfather tells him as fact and even first hand account.

My one Catholic friend said he'd leave the Catholic Church if this or Women being Priests ever happened. I wonder what he's going to do?

Sure doesn’t take much to fool you. What Church dogma or doctrine have changed over 2000 years? Although I doubt you even know the difference between doctrine and disciplines.

It’s not a 180 degree turn, maybe 20 degrees. And in the more important way of looking at sex outside of marriage, they have not moved one degree. (See my post #8 above for further explanation.) But what’s the point in trying to school you? You have a mission and nothing is going to deter you.

So you are Greek Orthodox, hey? How about that? Yet you don’t have the slightest understanding of what Scripture is about, and surely not what God is about, IMO. You think men made this all up and tailored it to their own needs or to make round pegs fit in square holes. Don’t try to dance around homosexuality by pretending Jesus had nothing to say (he did) or that because it was Paul or others, those words don’t count. You think no man can control his sexuality unless he gives in as often as he must. You think God’s grace does not assist priests in their celibacy because it’s all up to man and God doesn’t really make a difference in our affairs.

The fact is, 90%+ of priestly abuses were towards adolescent boys, not children and not girls. And most of that took place in the 50s – 70-s when seminaries became soft and somewhat corrupt just like the rest of our culture. But to be sure, satan will always put most of his efforts towards taking down the Catholic Church and its clergy because when the shepherd is struck the sheep scatter. He has no need to tell hedonistic, lustful unchurched Americans anything new, they are already doing fine as far as the evil one is concerned. So do not be surprised the sins of the Church will always be the only ones everyone points out and gets a good laugh over. Satan is also referred to in Scripture as “the accuser of the brethren.” Sound familiar?

So our Church is man made up is it? Of course if you ignore all of the saints and the miracles and the revelations through history you might be able to start your little theory. But to me you look like an angry clown who so so wants to take down an institution he is not part of that he will hand select his evidence and pretend all the other evidence which he cannot explain away does not count or exist. What a fool’s game.
While I obviously have no problem with homosexuality (or any sexuality for that matter) where religion is concerned, if your religion's positions can change or evolve with the times that's like saying it was never from God to begin with, but Man, hence it can change and evolve.

Oh how I love it! How many people can say in their generation they saw a church do a 180 on a topic such as this? This is fantastic both for gays and atheists.

How are the theists responding to it? Your tent just got a little bit bigger. We'll give you the gays in order to have this proof that your church is man made up! Now all you have to do is edit your bibles again anywhere it says anything negative about gays and you'll be fine. Plus you can always say that it may say it in the bible, but Jesus didn't say it. That's another out they all use because honestly this Jesus guy never said anything wrong. Nothing anyone ever quoted him saying. And that's suggesting the writers of the bible met Jesus and we know honestly none of the people who wrote the bible ever met Jesus. People lived to the age of 29 back then, especially poor jews. The bible was written 60 plus years after. That's someone's grand kid writing what his superstitious grandfather tells him as fact and even first hand account.

My one Catholic friend said he'd leave the Catholic Church if this or Women being Priests ever happened. I wonder what he's going to do?

Sure doesn’t take much to fool you. What Church dogma or doctrine have changed over 2000 years? Although I doubt you even know the difference between doctrine and disciplines.

It’s not a 180 degree turn, maybe 20 degrees. And in the more important way of looking at sex outside of marriage, they have not moved one degree. (See my post #8 above for further explanation.) But what’s the point in trying to school you? You have a mission and nothing is going to deter you.

So you are Greek Orthodox, hey? How about that? Yet you don’t have the slightest understanding of what Scripture is about, and surely not what God is about, IMO. You think men made this all up and tailored it to their own needs or to make round pegs fit in square holes. Don’t try to dance around homosexuality by pretending Jesus had nothing to say (he did) or that because it was Paul or others, those words don’t count. You think no man can control his sexuality unless he gives in as often as he must. You think God’s grace does not assist priests in their celibacy because it’s all up to man and God doesn’t really make a difference in our affairs.

The fact is, 90%+ of priestly abuses were towards adolescent boys, not children and not girls. And most of that took place in the 50s – 70-s when seminaries became soft and somewhat corrupt just like the rest of our culture. But to be sure, satan will always put most of his efforts towards taking down the Catholic Church and its clergy because when the shepherd is struck the sheep scatter. He has no need to tell hedonistic, lustful unchurched Americans anything new, they are already doing fine as far as the evil one is concerned. So do not be surprised the sins of the Church will always be the only ones everyone points out and gets a good laugh over. Satan is also referred to in Scripture as “the accuser of the brethren.” Sound familiar?

So our Church is man made up is it? Of course if you ignore all of the saints and the miracles and the revelations through history you might be able to start your little theory. But to me you look like an angry clown who so so wants to take down an institution he is not part of that he will hand select his evidence and pretend all the other evidence which he cannot explain away does not count or exist. What a fool’s game.

What did Jesus say about homosexuality?
While I obviously have no problem with homosexuality (or any sexuality for that matter) where religion is concerned, if your religion's positions can change or evolve with the times that's like saying it was never from God to begin with, but Man, hence it can change and evolve.

Oh how I love it! How many people can say in their generation they saw a church do a 180 on a topic such as this? This is fantastic both for gays and atheists.

How are the theists responding to it? Your tent just got a little bit bigger. We'll give you the gays in order to have this proof that your church is man made up! Now all you have to do is edit your bibles again anywhere it says anything negative about gays and you'll be fine. Plus you can always say that it may say it in the bible, but Jesus didn't say it. That's another out they all use because honestly this Jesus guy never said anything wrong. Nothing anyone ever quoted him saying. And that's suggesting the writers of the bible met Jesus and we know honestly none of the people who wrote the bible ever met Jesus. People lived to the age of 29 back then, especially poor jews. The bible was written 60 plus years after. That's someone's grand kid writing what his superstitious grandfather tells him as fact and even first hand account.

My one Catholic friend said he'd leave the Catholic Church if this or Women being Priests ever happened. I wonder what he's going to do?

If people only lived to age 29 back then then why did they believe manhood begins at age 30? That would mean they never could marry, thus never have children.
I don't think that the Catholic church position on homosexuality or same sex marriage has changed. And let us not forget that churches suppose to seek sinners, not bar them.

Maybe The Catholic church is starting up their own "ex-gay" programs?

Last night either Jimmy Kimmel or Fallon played all the Cardinals dancing to It's Raining Men. I'm sure it was doctored but I bet a lot of the priests in the Catholic Church are relieved.

Now they need to start letting priests marry OR make women priests because they don't molest.

Not that I'm suggesting gays molest. I'm not. I just think Catholic Priests are all a little "odd" or "off" promising not to ever fuck. Now that is what is not natural. Gay is more natural than that.
Nope, females never ever molest.

They're perfect.
While I obviously have no problem with homosexuality (or any sexuality for that matter) where religion is concerned, if your religion's positions can change or evolve with the times that's like saying it was never from God to begin with, but Man, hence it can change and evolve.

Oh how I love it! How many people can say in their generation they saw a church do a 180 on a topic such as this? This is fantastic both for gays and atheists.

How are the theists responding to it? Your tent just got a little bit bigger. We'll give you the gays in order to have this proof that your church is man made up! Now all you have to do is edit your bibles again anywhere it says anything negative about gays and you'll be fine. Plus you can always say that it may say it in the bible, but Jesus didn't say it. That's another out they all use because honestly this Jesus guy never said anything wrong. Nothing anyone ever quoted him saying. And that's suggesting the writers of the bible met Jesus and we know honestly none of the people who wrote the bible ever met Jesus. People lived to the age of 29 back then, especially poor jews. The bible was written 60 plus years after. That's someone's grand kid writing what his superstitious grandfather tells him as fact and even first hand account.

My one Catholic friend said he'd leave the Catholic Church if this or Women being Priests ever happened. I wonder what he's going to do?

Sure doesn’t take much to fool you. What Church dogma or doctrine have changed over 2000 years? Although I doubt you even know the difference between doctrine and disciplines.

It’s not a 180 degree turn, maybe 20 degrees. And in the more important way of looking at sex outside of marriage, they have not moved one degree. (See my post #8 above for further explanation.) But what’s the point in trying to school you? You have a mission and nothing is going to deter you.

So you are Greek Orthodox, hey? How about that? Yet you don’t have the slightest understanding of what Scripture is about, and surely not what God is about, IMO. You think men made this all up and tailored it to their own needs or to make round pegs fit in square holes. Don’t try to dance around homosexuality by pretending Jesus had nothing to say (he did) or that because it was Paul or others, those words don’t count. You think no man can control his sexuality unless he gives in as often as he must. You think God’s grace does not assist priests in their celibacy because it’s all up to man and God doesn’t really make a difference in our affairs.

The fact is, 90%+ of priestly abuses were towards adolescent boys, not children and not girls. And most of that took place in the 50s – 70-s when seminaries became soft and somewhat corrupt just like the rest of our culture. But to be sure, satan will always put most of his efforts towards taking down the Catholic Church and its clergy because when the shepherd is struck the sheep scatter. He has no need to tell hedonistic, lustful unchurched Americans anything new, they are already doing fine as far as the evil one is concerned. So do not be surprised the sins of the Church will always be the only ones everyone points out and gets a good laugh over. Satan is also referred to in Scripture as “the accuser of the brethren.” Sound familiar?

So our Church is man made up is it? Of course if you ignore all of the saints and the miracles and the revelations through history you might be able to start your little theory. But to me you look like an angry clown who so so wants to take down an institution he is not part of that he will hand select his evidence and pretend all the other evidence which he cannot explain away does not count or exist. What a fool’s game.

I don't ignore the saints, miracles & exorcisms. I don't believe them. Ever see the black churches on tv putting their hands on people and healing them? How come their church has the power and yours doesn't? Maybe you should join their church. But I guess your cult has its traditions and stories and so does theirs. Their form of christianity is half Chrstian and half African customs the slaves never let go of when they were brought over here and taught Christianity by us god fearing christians.

So you admit your church lost it's way in the 50's - 70's? We also know there were some pretty fucked up Pope's throughout history too. A lot of them were made "saints". Why? Because they had the $. How about the last two you sainted? I remember one of them. He was no saint.

So you want me to assume your church, after all the history they have of losing their way, you want me to believe now they are back on track?

Or that they were even legit to begin with? Wake up fool!

You can call me angry or mad all you want. I'm trying to wake you up from a brainwashing. Believing in god is not good for you no matter how good it makes you feel. You can be good without god. No?
Joseph Smith the founder of the Mormon church said god told him all the traditional churches were corrupt and to start a new religion. I don't believe god talked to him but I do agree with him about other religions.

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