Catholic Little Sisters Sue Over Oblamacrap

I wish the Catholic Church was as concerned about Pedophile Priests molesting children as they are about whether or not their female employees are using birth control or not.

In the real world, we call these things, "Priorities".

I wish you had brains, but I have to live with reality. Why should an organization that doesn't do business with the public, and only employs nuns, have to provide contraceptive coverage?

Because they get Fed govt. funding. If they don't want the contraception/birth control measures then get off the public dole.
I wish the Catholic Church was as concerned about Pedophile Priests molesting children as they are about whether or not their female employees are using birth control or not.

In the real world, we call these things, "Priorities".

I wish you had brains, but I have to live with reality. Why should an organization that doesn't do business with the public, and only employs nuns, have to provide contraceptive coverage?

Ask the victims of the catholic church's hiding kiddie rapists about "reality".

They have to live with "reality" every single day.

If the church cared as much for children as they do pedophiles and and fetuses, no one would have a problem with this. Its the screaming hypocrisy that stinks.
I wish the Catholic Church was as concerned about Pedophile Priests molesting children as they are about whether or not their female employees are using birth control or not.

In the real world, we call these things, "Priorities".

I wish you had brains, but I have to live with reality. Why should an organization that doesn't do business with the public, and only employs nuns, have to provide contraceptive coverage?

Because they get Fed govt. funding. If they don't want the contraception/birth control measures then get off the public dole.


The law has absolutely nothing to do with getting money from the government, it has to do with them not meeting Obama's definition of a church.
I wish the Catholic Church was as concerned about Pedophile Priests molesting children as they are about whether or not their female employees are using birth control or not.

In the real world, we call these things, "Priorities".

I wish you had brains, but I have to live with reality. Why should an organization that doesn't do business with the public, and only employs nuns, have to provide contraceptive coverage?

Ask the victims of the catholic church's hiding kiddie rapists about "reality".

They have to live with "reality" every single day.

If the church cared as much for children as they do pedophiles and and fetuses, no one would have a problem with this. Its the screaming hypocrisy that stinks.

The ones that sued the church and effectively changed the way they deal with priests who commit crimes? Or are you talking about the ones inside your head?
The Amish, The Mennonites, Christian Scientists and perhaps Muslims are granted exemptions from ObamaCare so why not the Catholics? Yep Some Religious groups are exempt:
member of a “federally-recognized Indian tribe,” congratulations! You’re also exempt from the individual mandate. This is in part because the Indian Health Service offers government-run health care to members of such tribes. Members of a “recognized religious sect or division,” as specified in Section 1402(g)(1) of the Internal Revenue Code, are also exempt. So, you might be asking yourself: which “religious sects” are exempt?

Interesting fact: The IRS can’t go after you if you don’t pay the fine

Section 1501(g)(2) of the Affordable Care Act specifies that the IRS cannot subject taxpayers to “any criminal prosecution or penalty” for refusing to pay the mandate fine. Also, in contrast to normal tax levies, the IRS cannot “file notice of lien with respect to any property of a taxpayer by reason of any failure to pay the penalty imposed by this section.”

Basically, the only thing the IRS can do to make you pay the mandate fine is to take it out of your withholding, or withhold it from your tax refund, if you’re due one. So if you don’t participate in the withholding process, the IRS has no way to collect the mandate fine.

So it don't matter anyway!
White House Publishes Final Regulations For Obamacare's Individual Mandate -- Seven Things You Need To Know - Forbes
I wish the Catholic Church was as concerned about Pedophile Priests molesting children as they are about whether or not their female employees are using birth control or not.

In the real world, we call these things, "Priorities".

I wish you had brains, but I have to live with reality. Why should an organization that doesn't do business with the public, and only employs nuns, have to provide contraceptive coverage?

As I understand it, the organization hires a lot of women who aren't clergy. So, yeah, there should be coverage.

There should also be coverage in case one of those nuns gets an ovarian cyst and has to take birth control pills to treat it.
In the real world, we call these things, "Priorities".

This is God's world, nutsack. Not yours

Yeah, well, then, the minute he stops by Congress himself and tells them not to fund birth control, we might listen to him.

All I see are a bunch of men in dresses claiming they are talking to him.

Hey, God and I rapped last night, and said he was totally cool with birth control.
I wish the Catholic Church was as concerned about Pedophile Priests molesting children as they are about whether or not their female employees are using birth control or not.

In the real world, we call these things, "Priorities".

I wish you had brains, but I have to live with reality. Why should an organization that doesn't do business with the public, and only employs nuns, have to provide contraceptive coverage?

As I understand it, the organization hires a lot of women who aren't clergy. So, yeah, there should be coverage.

There should also be coverage in case one of those nuns gets an ovarian cyst and has to take birth control pills to treat it.

Is it your understanding that those women do not know they are employed by nuns?
I wish you had brains, but I have to live with reality. Why should an organization that doesn't do business with the public, and only employs nuns, have to provide contraceptive coverage?

As I understand it, the organization hires a lot of women who aren't clergy. So, yeah, there should be coverage.

There should also be coverage in case one of those nuns gets an ovarian cyst and has to take birth control pills to treat it.

Is it your understanding that those women do not know they are employed by nuns?

Why does that matter.

Look, if you guys are going to ABSOLUTELY INSIST employers run health care, instead of having the government do it (like it does for about half the country and the way every other civilized state does it), then you can't make that health care subject to the superstitions of the employer.

Only two people should be making medical decisions. The Patient and the Caregiver.

Not employers.
Not Insurance companies.
Not the Government.
As I understand it, the organization hires a lot of women who aren't clergy. So, yeah, there should be coverage.

There should also be coverage in case one of those nuns gets an ovarian cyst and has to take birth control pills to treat it.

Is it your understanding that those women do not know they are employed by nuns?

Why does that matter.

Look, if you guys are going to ABSOLUTELY INSIST employers run health care, instead of having the government do it (like it does for about half the country and the way every other civilized state does it), then you can't make that health care subject to the superstitions of the employer.

Only two people should be making medical decisions. The Patient and the Caregiver.

Not employers.
Not Insurance companies.
Not the Government.

What the fuck are you talking about now?

The unions want employers to run health care, not me.
It was written into Obamacare by Democrats, not me.
It was signed by Obama, not me.
It even started under a Democratic President by the name of Roosevelt, who I didn't vote for by the way.

Why the fuck is it anyone's fault but the Democrats?

What the fuck are you talking about now?

The unions want employers to run health care, not me.
It was written into Obamacare by Democrats, not me.
It was signed by Obama, not me.
It even started under a Democratic President by the name of Roosevelt, who I didn't vote for by the way.

Why the fuck is it anyone's fault but the Democrats?

It was written into ObamaCare because Obama wanted to get Republicans to go along.

Which was a waste of time.

The lack of a Public Option people could sign on to is the glaring flaw of the ACA.
They should get over it.

Sure they will, when the government stops forcing them to do things that violate their faith.


What about the people who are opposed to the death penalty on moral grounds but are forced to pay taxes which go toward executions?
The difference being that the people paying those taxes are not also pushing the lethal-injection plunger...

Think of it as the government (yours or ours) telling Muslims that they must eat pork three times a week, from now on, as part of the national health program...
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