Caught: ABC Whitewashes Baltimore Riots, Change Headline from "Violent Protests" to "Mourning"

'The Black Guerilla Family'........really?..........:lmao:
Don't laugh-

Membership100-300 full members with 50,000 associates Criminal activities Drug trafficking[1] auto theft,[1] robbery,[1] and homicide[1]
Allies Symbionese Liberation Army, Nuestra Familia,[2][3] Crips, Bloods, [2] Black Liberation Army,Weather Underground, [2] Gangster Disciples.[2]

Although the BGF experienced a decline in membership and strength in the 90s, it has recently reorganized and gained substantial power and growth due to its alignment with the 415s, Crips, Bloods, and Black Gangster Disciples. Several members of the Crips and Bloods have recently been found with documentation from “Dove Life” (Crips) and “Blood Line” (Bloods). Both groups are believed to have working alliances with the BGF under these aliases. Members of the 415 gang and BGF have been found with documentation suggesting membership in a group called the “Firm.” The Firm is believed to be a working alliance between the 415 and BGF gangs.

Above from

And, the 2 cops ambushed in NYC sitting in their car?

Police believe New York City cop killer was a member of the Black Guerrilla Family: sources Ismaaiyl Brinsley, 28, shot two cops dead as they sat in a patrol car in Bedford-Stuyvesant to avenge the deaths of Michael Brown and Eric Garner. He also shot his former girlfriend at her home in the Baltimore area on Saturday morning, police said. Law enforcement sources said the NYPD has dispatched investigators to Baltimore to probe Brinsley's past and suspected involvement with the Black Guerrilla Family prison gang. TINA MOORE , BILL HUTCHINSON
Saturday, December 20, 2014, 7:11 PM
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so have the protesters taken out any local grocers, 7/11's, wal-marts yet,yet still sparing all the fast food places?
Freddy Gray reportedly had his spinal cord in his neck region 80% severed during his arrest, and Baltimore PD has been stonewalling for over a week, giving the arresting officers a chance to get their stories aligned.

Maybe a white neck matters more?

"The 25-year-old black man who died of apparent spinal injuries a week after an arrest by Baltimore police officers should have received medical attention before he was loaded into a police van, police said Friday.

"Officers pinned Freddie Gray to the ground on April 12 after a foot chase and then put him into a police van and drove him to the station. He died in the hospital a week later after his spine was allegedly injured at some point during the arrest."

Freddie Gray Should Have Received Medical Care Before Ride in Van Police - NBC News

NO, not at all. This kind of shit also happens to WHITE NECKS when they resist arrest. Sometimes even from black cops. YOU JUST DON'T HEAR ABOUT IT.
A week is nothing for an investigation to figure out what exactly happened and which are responsible.
A week is too long to explain why a man was chased down and arrested after running from police for making "eye contact" with bike cops.

The Real News Network (TRNN) is headquartered in Baltimore and has been reporting on this incident since it happened.

In Baltimore on Saturday, April 15th, about 1,500 people took part in the largest demonstrations to date against the killing of 25-year-old West Baltimore resident Freddie Gray in police custody.

"The arrest was captured on video.

"Police say Gray was fine when he was placed in a van and transported, but his spine was severed 80% from his neck, and he died after being in a coma for a week."

Business as usual in Baltimore?

Hundreds Protest in Baltimore No Police Yet Charged in Freddie Gray s Death

Do we even know why he ran? I haven't been following this one because to be honest I'm getting tired of em.
Did he have warrrants,drugs a weapon?

No no and yes.

When the police were asked why they chased him they dont know. Thats just what they do in those neighborhoods.

Oh by the way this guy had an arrest record pretty long but that also included stupid shit like like having dice or playing cards. You know, the usual stuff people go to jail for
Freddy Gray reportedly had his spinal cord in his neck region 80% severed during his arrest, and Baltimore PD has been stonewalling for over a week, giving the arresting officers a chance to get their stories aligned.

Maybe a white neck matters more?

"The 25-year-old black man who died of apparent spinal injuries a week after an arrest by Baltimore police officers should have received medical attention before he was loaded into a police van, police said Friday.

"Officers pinned Freddie Gray to the ground on April 12 after a foot chase and then put him into a police van and drove him to the station. He died in the hospital a week later after his spine was allegedly injured at some point during the arrest."

Freddie Gray Should Have Received Medical Care Before Ride in Van Police - NBC News

NO, not at all. This kind of shit also happens to WHITE NECKS when they resist arrest. Sometimes even from black cops. YOU JUST DON'T HEAR ABOUT IT.
A good example of that is in San Bernardino, Ca early part of April. Last name Pusok a white guy. He was being arrested for identity theft he ran then steal a horse. When police caught up they beat the heck out of him. I just read this last week that they settled for $650k.
NO, not at all. This kind of shit also happens to WHITE NECKS when they resist arrest. Sometimes even from black cops. YOU JUST DON'T HEAR ABOUT IT
Was Freddy resisting arrest?
Investigators with the city police and other agencies are still trying to recreate the events of the next 45 minutes, during which Gray sustained a severe and ultimately fatal spinal cord injury while in police custody.

"But in its own investigation, The Baltimore Sun found that police missed the opportunity to examine some evidence that could have shed light on events. For example, by the time police canvassed one neighborhood looking for video from security cameras, a convenience store camera pointed at a key intersection had already taped over its recordings of that morning.

"The Sun also found that accounts from residents conflicted with the official version of events, including a police account that Gray's arrest was made 'without force or incident.'"

The 45-minute mystery of Freddie Gray apos s death - Baltimore Sun
They're "mourning" a man who...3 weeks ago....they wouldnt give a two cent fuck about.

Its all just an excuse to get violent and attack others who are better off in life.
What I find ironic is bloods and crips calling a truce because they are pissed off about a guy who died while in police custody.
Meanwhile, during times of normal hostilities between these normally rival factions think nothing more than swatting a house fly than blowing away a 5 year old girl in a drive by....Their attitude "we all gotta die some time"....
The only reason anyone runs from the police is they do not want to be questioned/detained/arrested.
Idiots who get into a fight with a cop are risking their lives.
When I was a kid, we did all kinds of "kid stuff" just to get the cops to chase us.
But that was like I said. Kid stuff.
I do not think if a person is approached by the police in a traffic stop, should run or drive off. Nor should they fight with police or resist arrest.
if you hit a cop, you're taking a huge risk of serious injury. And you'd be adding a major felony to your record.
Was Freddy resisting arrest?
Investigators with the city police and other agencies are still trying to recreate the events of the next 45 minutes, during which Gray sustained a severe and ultimately fatal spinal cord injury while in police custody.

"But in its own investigation, The Baltimore Sun found that police missed the opportunity to examine some evidence that could have shed light on events. For example, by the time police canvassed one neighborhood looking for video from security cameras, a convenience store camera pointed at a key intersection had already taped over its recordings of that morning.

"The Sun also found that accounts from residents conflicted with the official version of events, including a police account that Gray's arrest was made 'without force or incident.'"

The 45-minute mystery of Freddie Gray apos s death - Baltimore Sun

I don't know whether Freddy was resisting arrest or not. Neither do you. I repeat...this shit happens to WHITE NECKS. And since Baltimore has a minority Majority of BLACKS on their freaking police department who KNOWS WHAT happened or why.
don't know whether Freddy was resisting arrest or not. Neither do you. I repeat...this shit happens to WHITE NECKS. And since Baltimore has a minority Majority of BLACKS on their freaking police department who KNOWS WHAT happened or why
Baltimore's white police officers don't live anywhere near to communities they patrol and some of them regularly dehumanize the populations of those communities.

Freddie Gray and the Legacy of Slavery in Baltimore Policing

"JAY: I've talked to some black cops in Baltimore, and one of them told me that in the locker room, when they're getting ready to go on their shift, some of the white cops joke--and most of the white cops don't live in Baltimore. In fact, many of the cops, white cops, don't even live in Baltimore County. They live in other states, and they've been hired and they come in here to work during the week.

"But they crack jokes like, okay, time to go back working at--to the zoo. And you know, zoo or animals in cages. And it's, I think a lot of the policing, especially in the areas of great poverty, it's very much like an extension of prison culture. That the role of cops is to make sure people feel intimidated so they won't act out, which is the way guards act in prisons."
Liberals must rewrite history to empower oppressed social victims and to further their own agenda of exposing the oppressors. The treacherous Jew dominated media laughs at the masses.


Caught ABC Whitewashes Baltimore Riots Change Headline from Violent Protests to Mourning PUNDIT PRESS
Man if you only had the balls to say this stuff in real life and take your beatings. We would respect you more.
But I do say it in real life, all the time. The jew knows I am not his friend. I will let Joseph Goebbels let you know why it must be done.

In this 3:24 interview between several life-long residents of Gilmor Homes, the housing project Freddy Gray lived and died in, and TRNN reporter Stephen Janis, allegations of systematic oppression by local law enforcement officers are alleged:

"JANIS: The Gilmor Homes Project where Gray grew up in West Baltimore bears the scars of neglect. A dilapidated basketball court has sat broken for years, the housing which surrounds it falling into disrepair. But the decay of the physical infrastructure has not stopped the city from flooding the neighborhood with police, a constant flow of law enforcement that residents told Conway made it impossible to even stand outside in a place where they grew up.

"GILMOR HOMES RESIDENT: They drive past when we right here, they're making us move even if we live right here or not. Go inside, you can't stand here.

"GILMOR HOMES RESIDENT: They won't let us sit nowhere. They'll tell us move, we gotta go here, we gotta move off there, we're not doing nothing."
don't know whether Freddy was resisting arrest or not. Neither do you. I repeat...this shit happens to WHITE NECKS. And since Baltimore has a minority Majority of BLACKS on their freaking police department who KNOWS WHAT happened or why
Baltimore's white police officers don't live anywhere near to communities they patrol and some of them regularly dehumanize the populations of those communities.

Freddie Gray and the Legacy of Slavery in Baltimore Policing

"JAY: I've talked to some black cops in Baltimore, and one of them told me that in the locker room, when they're getting ready to go on their shift, some of the white cops joke--and most of the white cops don't live in Baltimore. In fact, many of the cops, white cops, don't even live in Baltimore County. They live in other states, and they've been hired and they come in here to work during the week.

"But they crack jokes like, okay, time to go back working at--to the zoo. And you know, zoo or animals in cages. And it's, I think a lot of the policing, especially in the areas of great poverty, it's very much like an extension of prison culture. That the role of cops is to make sure people feel intimidated so they won't act out, which is the way guards act in prisons."

And you know all this shit way out there in California, eh? And you're absolutely positive of the "white minority policemen" who are at the root of the problem...even with a BLACK POLICE COMMISSIONER AND A BLACK MAYOR? And you are taking the word of a BLACK website? Yeah right...
even with a BLACK POLICE COMMISSIONER AND A BLACK MAYOR? And you are taking the word of a BLACK website? Yeah right...
How do you know TRNN is a BLACK website?
Paul Jay is CEO and Senior Editor of TRNN, lives in Baltimore, and he's White. He thinks elite whites are not fit to lead, and that explains the roots of Baltimore's looting problem:

Not Fit to Rule

"Why? Capitalism has lost its dynamism. Far too few people own far too much. And that's the root of the problem. The class that owns so much, that wields so much political power, is not capable of effecting policy in the interests of the majority.

"The top 20 percent are not even capable of effecting public policy in the interest of their own class. They can't deal with systemic threats to the very system that made them wealthy. Nothing makes this more obvious than their inability to regulate the big banks or deal with regulating carbon emissions.

"They are fractured: different billionaires and pools of capital--and the political class that represents them--bicker and claw for even more money and power..."

"Our ruling elites are dysfunctional and not fit to rule.

"They own a news media that makes it all seem so reasonable, so humane, so inevitable.

"Perhaps they even believe it."

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