CAUGHT ON TAPE—- Racist NAACP Leader Says “Kenneth Gladney Not Black Enough” to Prote


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2010
CAUGHT ON TAPE—- Racist NAACP Leader Says “Kenneth Gladney Not Black Enough” to Protect – He’s an “Uncle Tom” (Video)
On May 5th, 2010 The Missouri NAACP hosted a press conference and rally on behalf of Perry Molens and Elston McCowan, demanding the county prosecutor drop assault charges stemming from an attack outside Russ Carnahan’s townhall in South St. Louis County on Health Care last August. Molens and McCowan were arrested after the staged Carnahan event in August after they beat, kicked and stomped on black vendor Kenneth Gladney. The two Russ Carnahan supporters and SEIU members also called Kenneth the n-word as they bashed him into the cement.

This press conference in May was intended to drum up political pressure to prevent the jury trial of the two SEIU staff members arrested for attacking Kenneth Gladney in the presence of three witnesses.

Video of the entire press conference was posted online in eight parts and includes speeches by Harold Crumpton (NAACP national board member and president, St Louis City branch), Mary Ratliff, (NAACP state president, Missouri), progressive blogger Adam Shriver (cited as their legal expert), Elston McCowan, Perry Molens, and emceed by Zaki Abruti, UAPO. Also attending the event were a host of self-defined socialist agitators and a self-proclaimed Huffington Post reporter, Jeanine Molloff.

Here is the unbelievable video of the racist NAACP event. The two men accused of attacking Gladney go on trial this month. Elston McCowan, the man standing next to the speaker, can be seen laughing when the speaker says Gladney is not a brother.

Following is the transcript:

Back in the day, we used to call someone like that, and I want to remind you, uh, when this incident occurred, I was really struck by a front page picture of this guy, which we called, a Negro, i mean that we call him a Negro in the fact that he works for not for our people but against our people. In the old days, we call him an Uncle Tom. I just gotta say that. Here it is, the day after a young brother, a young man, I didn’t mean to call him a brother, but on the front page of the Post Dispatch, ironically, he’s sitting in a wheelchair, being kissed on the forehead, by a European. Now just imagine that as a poster child picture, not working for our people.​

Ironically, Gladney reached out to the NAACP after the assault, but was mocked by their local president for not filing a claim. 11 months later, the same organization is out in public claiming Gladney isn’t black enough to protect and calling him an “Uncle Tom” for getting his a$$ kicked by SEIU thugs after a Carnahan town hall. And remember- Perry Molens, the SEIU staff member caught on video coming up behind Gladney and throwing him to the ground, is white.

This is outrageous.
Has the NAACP has become a radical racist, leftist group of thugs that promotes public beatings? It looks like it.
[ame=]YouTube -[/ame]
I don't accept this evidence. A couple of damn fools on a home made tape. Yeah, it's not convincing.

I've been known to change my mind with good evidence,daveman. Are your views set in stone? Mine aren't.
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I don't accept this evidence. A couple of damn fools on a home made tape. Yeah, it's not convincing.
What would convince you?
I've been known to change my mind with good evidence,daveman.
Well, as long as you get to define what "good evidence" is, I suppose your views never have to get challenged.
Are your views set in stone? Mine aren't.
Neither are mine. Ask me about gays in the military sometime, in another thread.

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