USViking said: question still deserves a coherent answer, and no one has been able to come up with anything better than "shit happens"......
I guess I should start with an apology for my flippant answer. But discussing this topic causes these not yet healed wounds that I have to ooze with such pain, that sometimes that is the only way I can respond.
I'm not sure I know exactly what you are looking for. You want to know why your brother died at such an early age? I don't have an exact answer.
Other than what I stated earlier that here on earth "the sun shines on the evil & the good, the rains on the just & the unjust", Matt. 5:45. And in Ecclesiastes 9:2 says, "that all things come alike to all......"
In Gensis 3:16-18 you can read about the expulsion from the Garden of Eden, that because of sin,
that sorrow would be greatly multiplied, the ground cursed with thorns & thistles, we were taken from dust and to dust we shall return.
And tho' I don't understand completely, I cling daily to the promises of seeing my son again. I physically ache not being able to touch his skin or smell his hair.
And tho' I have no intention of having a who's-suffered-more contest with you, if you think you can equate your suffering to that of mine or your parents, you can't even come close.
"For the Lord himself shall decend from heaven....and the dead in Christ shall rise first.....Then we which are live shall be caught up we shall ever be with the Lord.
And God will wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be anymore pain,........".
You may also read in the Gospels of the Crucifixion. Where a Man who was pure & perfect came & shed His innocent blood that these promises can come true.
If you are truly looking for answers Viking, I hope you find them.