no1tovote4 said:
It was not meant to offend. God would be working on a much larger view. That you may not see how it could possibly help them, doesn't mean that it didn't. Much like a child going into surgery can be scared and likely unconvinced in the benevolent nature of the surgeon.
I reject your unsupportable premise of God’s “larger view”,
and the analogy with surgeons, who in all cases promote
human life by attempting to save it.
no1tovote4 said:
My sister for one. She died long before I was born. She was born microcephalic and had health issues all of her life. We cannot know the likelyhood of any of that and that is the point.
Why is the liklihood my brother will not face future
physical challenges not extended to your sister?
no1tovote4 said:
Stating there is suffering NOW and therefore that proves that there is nothing larger than us is bogus reasoning based on illogic and not on any certain determination of evidence.
I am not saying suffering NOW proves anything except
the malevolent nature of God, the massive scale of the
suffering being certain evidence.
As long as you are blathering about evidence, can you
provide any that your sister and my brother, and any
of GodÂ’s other victims have in fact benefitted from their
suffering, either physically or spiritually?
no1tovote4 said:
You cannot even make an assumption of morality as you have tried earlier, much like the child mentioned earlier before surgery may think the doctor is "mean" when his intent is to save that child's life. We cannot know what suffering in this life may gain us in a later one.
Yes, I can make an assumption that moral imperatives exist.
You are free to reject them, as I am free to reject yours,
yours being that the suffering of innocents is for their
own benefit.
no1tovote4 said:
In the context of an eternal universe the few years we have here are very little in comparison to the rest of time. Downplaying a short portion of our existence is exactly that, emphasising the terminal nature of this existence and stressing that it is only that, a tiny portion of our existence.
All the more reason to assume the greater acuteness of the
suffering God has in store for us in the spiritual world.
no1tovote4 said:
Once again, you deliberately miss my point. You are stuck so much on the suffering that you cannot see past this minute moment of time.
In fact, I am looking back hundreds of thousands of years,
and forward for as long as human beings can survive.
no1tovote4 said:
That in some cases it may be worse with the 'protection' that you assume would be yours if this Deity were moral, you even assume the morality of the Deity.
No, what I assume is that a benevolent diety would abide
by moral imperatives.
no1tovote4 said:
This is still not evidence of the non-existence of Deity,
no1tovote4 said:
just of your lack of a larger picture.
Evidence of your own, please.
no1tovote4 said:
You have limited yourself so strongly to only this existence that any importance to further existence cannot be applied. Thus you apply a strict physical moral code to a much more spiritual existence such as the Deity would be.
no1tovote4 said:
Like a doctor cutting into somebody to remove an appendix knows that the surgery will cause suffering, he knows that he has limited the actual suffering to a less than terminal condition....
In this case the ends (the surgery) certianly justifies the means (actual physical injury in order to save a life)...
Let me refine what I said earlier: That the ends
any means is the tenet followed by Hitler, Stalin,
God, and others.
The end being some hypothetical improved state
of existence, and the means being the suffering
and death of entire classes, nations, and, in the
case of God, every member of the human race.
The God you are defending has based His relationship
with human beings on this tenet.
no1tovote4 said:
I have not defended any God whatsoever,
Yes, you have.
no1tovote4 said:
just represented the fact that it is fallacious to argue that because there is suffering there cannot be a God.
Nor have I.
no1tovote4 said:
In fact I have pointed out that to argue that some are healed with no explanation therefore there must be a God would be an equal fallacy based on the same logic. This is not a defense of God, it is a defense of LOGIC.
I am with you here.