Caution for Parents: Don't Give That Kidlet Cold Medicine


Apr 20, 2010
There is a massive recall underway for Johnson & Johnson children's cold medicines. There are no little ones in my house, and so I had not known. I wanted this to be published here, because over 40 different medications are involved and seven deaths have already been reported.

J&J (Johnson & Jonson) recalled more than 40 varieties of children's cold medicines last month after FDA inspectors discovered a slew of manufacturing problems at a Pennsylvania facility. The company's third recall in the past year triggered a flurry of criticism from Washington lawmakers, who will question company management at a hearing Thursday.

A spokeswoman for J&J declined Wednesday to comment on the congressional memo. Late Tuesday the company posted a statement on its Web site saying it would restore its public image by restructuring management and overhauling manufacturing operations.
"McNeil is taking steps to bring its operation back to a level of quality that Johnson & Johnson demands of its companies, and that the public rightly expects of us," read the statement.

Since the April 30 recall, the FDA has received hundreds of reports of complications with J&J products, including seven deaths, according to a memo distributed to congressional staffers. The memo was obtained Wednesday by the Associated Press.

FDA probing hundreds of complaints with J&J medicines |

Please use caution. The manufacturing defects include bacteria found to have contaminated the medications.

Also, if you have much invested in Johnson & Johnson stock, I'd talk to a broker about maybe moving that money to a safer place for the time being. It would appear this company has broken down completely internally.


I realize that this is never gonna get the attention that some wing nut pol in Kentucky garners around here, but mebbe a few Mommies and Daddies would like to discuss how they feel about being sold poisonous cold medicine for children.

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