CBO: ACA Will Cost Less Than Projected, Cover 12 Million Uninsured People This Year

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Is this supposed to make any sense?

coming from a person like you who hasn't a clue, I guess you can come to that conclusion....

I'm just not sure what you were trying to say. And ACA definitely includes several mandates, not sure how you can deny that.

there are no mandates ... sorry !!! i realize you hate the fact that its a tax fine if you don't sign, but to call it a mandate is disingenuous ... its not
coming from a person like you who hasn't a clue, I guess you can come to that conclusion....

I'm just not sure what you were trying to say. And ACA definitely includes several mandates, not sure how you can deny that.

there are no mandates ... sorry !!! i realize you hate the fact that its a tax fine if you don't sign, but to call it a mandate is disingenuous ... its not

Alrighty then!
You make no sense as usual.

Umm because he said so when he promised it would be fully funded. Damn why do people have such short memories?

and he has kept that promise so whats your point ???

And on that idiotic note. No point in discussing anything further with ya.

go back a listen for your self ... do yo hear the word promise??? I didn't think so ... so hows it feel to be a liar ??? you can tell us .... as for the deficit spending ... he has cut the deficit spending by half ... something you morons hate to admit

The federal budget outlook will continue to improve this year, with the deficit projected to shrink to $514 billion — the lowest level since President Barack Obama took office.

Rebounding tax receipts and slower spending will help narrow the budget shortfall for the third consecutive year, the Congressional Budget Office said on Tuesday. The deficit will continue to fall next year, to $478 billion, before beginning to climb again in 2016, as costs related to aging baby boomers mount.

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It’s a turnaround from the early days of the Obama administration, when the government ran a string of trillion-dollar deficits that topped out at $1.4 trillion, amid the Great Recession.

(Also on POLITICO: CBO: ACA enrollment down, job losses up)

The forecast helps explain why fiscal issues have slipped from the top of lawmakers’ agenda. After battling over taxes and spending for much of the last three years, with repeated standoffs over funding the government and raising the debt limit, lawmakers in both parties have largely moved on. Democrats are eager to focus on income inequality, while Republicans want to keep attention on the troubled Obamacare launch.

The report predicts enrollment this year in Obamacare will likely be about 2 million less than projected, thanks to the bungled roll-out, while CBO sees the law cutting into the number of workers by more than expected.

Republicans seized on those figures. “CBO Report Confirms Devastating Impact of Obamacare on Jobs,” House Speaker John Boehner said in an email blast to reporters.

The report estimated the law will reduce the total number of hours worked by about 1.5 percent or the equivalent of roughly 2 million full time workers. That’s “almost entirely” because people will choose to work less, rather than because businesses will demand fewer workers, CBO said.

don't ya hate it when you're wrong
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and he has kept that promise so whats your point ???

And on that idiotic note. No point in discussing anything further with ya.

go back a listen for your self ... do yo hear the word promise didn't think so so hows it feel to be a liar you can tell us

Note to the OP: the reason that the ACA is projected to cost less is because:

- The networks of providers are much more limited, which means people Cannot Keep The Doctors They Liked. BULL SHIT
- Enrollees are opting for the cheapest plans with enormous deductibles and copays, which shifts the costs to patients. Note, these plans are often more expensive than the better plans with Doctors They Liked that Obama cancelled.


you can keep the doctor you want ... any body can keep the doctor they want ... the ones who are whining are the ones who bought a plan with out doing any research on it ... where the plan they bought said you have to use their doctors ... this isn't something of all plans out there if there doctor is in their plan, then no problems ... it all depends on what plan you buy ... some plans have their own doctors as did before Obama care and they were cheaper plans with very low co-pays stop your lying ... again Obama didn't cancel anything ... the insurance company canceled them ... stop your lying

I bought one of those plans that said you have to use their doctors ... my plan before was a plan that cost me 550 dollars a month with a 5000 deductible without any max pay out...my new plan with the policy picking my doctor cost me 250 dollars a month ... with a max pay out of 250 dollars for emergency room visits ... to my doctor, it's a 1200 dollar deductible with a max pay out ... so againg please tell me how is that worse??? I sure would like to know...
And on that idiotic note. No point in discussing anything further with ya.

go back a listen for your self ... do yo hear the word promise didn't think so so hows it feel to be a liar you can tell us

yep that picture fits you to a "T" dblack... there ism't one word that movie that mentions the words I promise ... the denier dblack can't stand the fact that obama is doing what he has said he won't do and thats sign any bill that will raise the deficit ... obama has cut deficit spending by 50% and dblack can't stand that Idea.. it just sticks in his craw ... where dblack can't shake it loose ... no matter how many times he post his video on deficit spending ... that's why dblack hears no evil, sees no evil, speaks no evil, it fits him to a "T" dblack won't look or see, or listen to any true factual information... he relys on his hero's hannity, beck, limbaugh, and his queen from alaska, to tell him what to believe
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How can you say there is "no loss of liberty" when before I had the ability to get health care through charity

Please explain this.

Before ACA, I could choose to get my medical care covered by friends and family by charity (and not impose on the public or anyone without their consent),
and NOT BE FINED for not buying insurance. (If someone covering my costs wanted to buy this to reduce the costs, they had the FREEDOM to -- It wasn't forced or fined by govt).

I still do not understand this. How do you get health insurance by 'charity'? Someone else pays your monthly insurance bill?

That's called freeloading.

Under ACA, I either am required to buy insurance or pay a fine to government by taxes.

Yes. That's called being responsible and paying your way.

Having charity or family agree to pay all expenses DOESN'T COUNT but would still be fined.

Bull. Get yourself a policy, then continue to get someone else to pay that monthly bill for you, like before.

I no longer have freedom to be covered other ways besides the one allowed by law.

I don't have the freedom to walk around naked in public, either.


Is that more clear?

It's clear you are looking for a free ride.
Under ACA, I either am required to buy insurance or pay a fine to government by taxes.
Yes. That's called being responsible and paying your way.

Nope. That's just obedience. Responsibility is about making your own decisions and dealing with the consequences. When the decisions are made for you, you are alleviated of responsibility. You're just following orders.
Note to the OP: the reason that the ACA is projected to cost less is because:

- The networks of providers are much more limited, which means people Cannot Keep The Doctors They Liked. BULL SHIT
- Enrollees are opting for the cheapest plans with enormous deductibles and copays, which shifts the costs to patients. Note, these plans are often more expensive than the better plans with Doctors They Liked that Obama cancelled.


you can keep the doctor you want ... any body can keep the doctor they want ... the ones who are whining are the ones who bought a plan with out doing any research on it ... where the plan they bought said you have to use their doctors ... this isn't something of all plans out there if there doctor is in their plan, then no problems ... it all depends on what plan you buy ... some plans have their own doctors as did before Obama care and they were cheaper plans with very low co-pays stop your lying ... again Obama didn't cancel anything ... the insurance company canceled them ... stop your lying

I bought one of those plans that said you have to use their doctors ... my plan before was a plan that cost me 550 dollars a month with a 5000 deductible without any max pay out...my new plan with the policy picking my doctor cost me 250 dollars a month ... with a max pay out of 250 dollars for emergency room visits ... to my doctor, it's a 1200 dollar deductible with a max pay out ... so againg please tell me how is that worse??? I sure would like to know...

Let me explain how it works.

Some people with serious illnesses see doctors from different hospitals in order to deal with all of the various complications they deal with on a daily basis. Some of them even see doctors from other states. Under the new LPO networks that are designed to lower costs those types of things they can no longer do this unless they are willing to pay out of pocket.
Note to the OP: the reason that the ACA is projected to cost less is because:

- The networks of providers are much more limited, which means people Cannot Keep The Doctors They Liked. BULL SHIT
- Enrollees are opting for the cheapest plans with enormous deductibles and copays, which shifts the costs to patients. Note, these plans are often more expensive than the better plans with Doctors They Liked that Obama cancelled.


you can keep the doctor you want ... any body can keep the doctor they want ... the ones who are whining are the ones who bought a plan with out doing any research on it ... where the plan they bought said you have to use their doctors ... this isn't something of all plans out there if there doctor is in their plan, then no problems ... it all depends on what plan you buy ... some plans have their own doctors as did before Obama care and they were cheaper plans with very low co-pays stop your lying ... again Obama didn't cancel anything ... the insurance company canceled them ... stop your lying

I bought one of those plans that said you have to use their doctors ... my plan before was a plan that cost me 550 dollars a month with a 5000 deductible without any max pay out...my new plan with the policy picking my doctor cost me 250 dollars a month ... with a max pay out of 250 dollars for emergency room visits ... to my doctor, it's a 1200 dollar deductible with a max pay out ... so againg please tell me how is that worse??? I sure would like to know...

Let me explain how it works.

Some people with serious illnesses see doctors from different hospitals in order to deal with all of the various complications they deal with on a daily basis. Some of them even see doctors from other states. Under the new LPO networks that are designed to lower costs those types of things they can no longer do this unless they are willing to pay out of pocket.
and we get more right wing nut job whining bull shit...

let me explain this to you ... if you buy a LPO then you get to deal with their policy on who you get your problem taken care of ... if you don't like that LPO networks, the don't buy into it ... buy the plan that lets you go to any doctor you want ... if you want to keep your doctor and you want to be able to go to any doctor then buy that plan... other wise tell them stop whining about what they bought ... if you buy a LPO then you don't get to whine ... are we clear??? what ever out of pocket expense they pay that's their problem, after all they chose the LPO ... stop your whining ...
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Under ACA, I either am required to buy insurance or pay a fine to government by taxes.
Yes. That's called being responsible and paying your way.

Nope. That's just obedience. Responsibility is about making your own decisions and dealing with the consequences. When the decisions are made for you, you are alleviated of responsibility. You're just following orders.

False. When you get slammed by another car and your hospital bill is $100,000, your decision to not buy insurance will end up costing the taxpayers.

And don't try to convince anyone here that you would work out a payment system with the hospital and pay back the entire $100,000 in installments. :lol:
Yes. That's called being responsible and paying your way.

Nope. That's just obedience. Responsibility is about making your own decisions and dealing with the consequences. When the decisions are made for you, you are alleviated of responsibility. You're just following orders.

False. When you get slammed by another car and your hospital bill is $100,000, your decision to not buy insurance will end up costing the taxpayers.

And don't try to convince anyone here that you would work out a payment system with the hospital and pay back the entire $100,000 in installments. :lol:

Presumption of innocence is a staple of our justice system.
Nope. That's just obedience. Responsibility is about making your own decisions and dealing with the consequences. When the decisions are made for you, you are alleviated of responsibility. You're just following orders.

False. When you get slammed by another car and your hospital bill is $100,000, your decision to not buy insurance will end up costing the taxpayers.

And don't try to convince anyone here that you would work out a payment system with the hospital and pay back the entire $100,000 in installments. :lol:

Presumption of innocence is a staple of our justice system.
Please explain.
False. When you get slammed by another car and your hospital bill is $100,000, your decision to not buy insurance will end up costing the taxpayers.

And don't try to convince anyone here that you would work out a payment system with the hospital and pay back the entire $100,000 in installments. :lol:

Presumption of innocence is a staple of our justice system.
Please explain.

Your argument amounts to "guilty until proven innocent". You're assuming that someone without your idea of adequate insurance coverage will end up defaulting on their bills - and that's by no means a foregone conclusion.
Presumption of innocence is a staple of our justice system.
Please explain.

Your argument amounts to "guilty until proven innocent". You're assuming that someone without your idea of adequate insurance coverage will end up defaulting on their bills - and that's by no means a foregone conclusion.

What a ridiculous argument. Is it "guilty until proven innocent" to give a bank your SS# when getting a credit card, since dinging your credit thru that number is the only way for them to punish you for defaulting on your payments? Of course not.

Congress has been making laws and regulations for over two centuries with the goal of improving society as a whole - this is no different.
Please explain.

Your argument amounts to "guilty until proven innocent". You're assuming that someone without your idea of adequate insurance coverage will end up defaulting on their bills - and that's by no means a foregone conclusion.

What a ridiculous argument. Is it "guilty until proven innocent" to give a bank your SS# when getting a credit card, since dinging your credit thru that number is the only way for them to punish you for defaulting on your payments? Of course not.

No. That's a voluntary interaction. Do you seriously not recognize that difference?

Congress has been making laws and regulations for over two centuries with the goal of improving society as a whole - this is no different.

The broad shift toward preventative laws that impose a burden on otherwise innocent people based on the presumption that they are likely to do something wrong is new, and I consider it a really dangerous trend. It would be perfectly reasonable, in my view, to require someone who is actually found guilty of pushing their expenses off on others, to maintain insurance going forward, as a punitive or corrective measure. But pre-punishing people for something they might do is bullshit.

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