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CBO: Obamacare to Hit Only 65 Percent of 2015 Coverage Target


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
disgusting and it cost us taxpayers BILLIONS and increased government by gawd know how much which WE get to pay for too

7:23 AM, Mar 20, 2015 • By JEFFREY H. ANDERSON

Given that Obamacare’s supporters like to take the Congressional Budget Office’s overly optimistic scoring of the president’s signature legislation as gospel, it’s fun to look at how poorly Obamacare is actually doing in relation to earlier CBO projections. When the Democrats rammed Obamacare through Congress in 2010 without a single Republican vote, the CBO said that the unpopular overhaul would lead to a net increase of 26 million people with health insurance by 2015 (15 million through Medicaid plus 13 million through the Obamacare exchanges minus 2 million who would otherwise have had private insurance but wouldn’t because of Obamacare).

Fast-forwarding five years, the CBO now says that Obamacare’s tally for 2015 will actually be a net increase of just 17 million people (10 million through Medicaid plus 11 million through the Obamacare exchanges minus 4 million who would otherwise have had private insurance but won’t, or don’t, because of Obamacare).

In other words, Obamacare is now slated to hit only 65 percent of the CBO’s original coverage projection for 2015.

Obamacare’s under-publicized failure on this key point is attributable to a variety of factors, including but not limited to the following: People aren’t thrilled with Obamacare-compliant insurance’s high cost and limited doctor networks, and some would even rather pay a fine for refusing to buy such insurance than pay its premiums; the Supreme Court ruled that part of Obamacare was unconstitutional, thereby giving states more freedom not to help expand it; and HealthCare.gov has been more reminiscent of DMV.org than of Expedia.com.

ALL of it here:
CBO Obamacare to Hit Only 65 Percent of 2015 Coverage Target The Weekly Standard
more from the article: and why I refer to it as, OSCAMcare

In addition (and just as the CBO originally projected), the bulk of Obamacare’s net coverage gains are coming from dumping people into Medicaid (59 percent of the current projected net increase in 2015), not from getting people enrolled in private insurance (41 percent). Of course, President Obama rarely if ever talks about that aspect of Obamacare — but Republicans should.

In light of all this, it’s time for a winning conservative alternative to Obamacare that would pave the way to full repeal, offer a flat (age-based) refundable tax credit that would get people off of Medicaid and onto private insurance (letting them shop for value in the process), and give a tax cut to millions of Main Street Americans who buy health insurance on their own. Such everyday Americans generally receive nothing under Obamacare, have gotten the short end of the tax stick for decades, and deserve to get a tax break for buying individual-market insurance that’s roughly akin to the tax break for having employer-based insurance.

With such a tax-credit-based alternative in play, repeal can become a reality.

all of it here:
CBO Obamacare to Hit Only 65 Percent of 2015 Coverage Target The Weekly Standard
From Your liar in chief. I mean my gawd DOES this man EVER tell you the truth?


Prez Claims Obamacare Going Great!
Says signature act doing better than expected

President Barack Obama told an audience in Cleveland that Obamacare is doing great, intoning, "It's working better than even I expected."

Obama was reacting to the latest Republican budget proposal that would repeal Obamacare. The president told his audience that the Republicans are out to destroy the social contract in America, "...the basic bargain of shared sacrifice and shared responsibility."

Making a pitch for Obamacare as part of what he called "middle class economics," Obama said Republican claims of doom and gloom have not come about.

"Every prediction they made about it turned out to be wrong. But it doesn't matter. Evidence be damned," Obama said.

Despite being passed five years ago, the full Affordable Care Act has not been implemented yet, with many mandates within the law delayed. Controversy over Obamacare, including millions who lost their existing insurance plan, despite the president's oft-repeated promise otherwise, appears to have calmed down.

A just released poll from the Kaiser Family Foundation, a supporter of Obamacare, shows 43 percent of Americans have an unfavorable view of the law compared to 41 percent who have a favorable view. Opposition to the law has been higher than support according to the foundation's tracking poll on the issue, with opposition reaching over 50 percent in mid-2014.

all of it and comments at :
Prez Claims Obamacare Going Great Truth Revolt

one of the comments:
rm56 Guesta day ago
Average Americans simply can not afford $6,000 deductibles. I am not sure why the affordable care act (which the name itself is insulting not to mention completely innacturate) puts such high deductibles on people? Perhaps it was Obama and Grubers way to cause rationing due to the high cost? Time will tell how many people die because medical treatment that once was available is now only available to the rich. Obamacare needs to be scraped and we need to get back to having the private sector run our healthcare. It is a damn fact, that when ever the government takes over anything it is ruined.
But the Democrats care soooooooooo much.

Obama's not buying, but look who is.

Instead, it is a close friend of Obama's who is buying the $8.7 million house.

Reports the Associated Press:

"An attorney for Marty Nesbitt said Thursday that his client bought the property. Seth Madorsky says Nesbitt didn't have any partners or co-investors in the deal.

"The 3-acre property is in Waimanalo, next to the town of Kailua where the Obama family has spent the winter holidays in recent years ...

"Nesbitt is a Chicago businessman who served as treasurer for Obama's first presidential run. He is currently the chairman of the Barack Obama Foundation, which will build the president's future library."

No Magnum P.I. house for Obama
So 10 to 16 million covered in ACA and another 5 to 9 million newly added to Medicare with a continuing flattening inflation curve of health care costs are all a scam? :lol:
But the Democrats care soooooooooo much.

Obama's not buying, but look who is.

Instead, it is a close friend of Obama's who is buying the $8.7 million house.

Reports the Associated Press:

"An attorney for Marty Nesbitt said Thursday that his client bought the property. Seth Madorsky says Nesbitt didn't have any partners or co-investors in the deal.

"The 3-acre property is in Waimanalo, next to the town of Kailua where the Obama family has spent the winter holidays in recent years ...

"Nesbitt is a Chicago businessman who served as treasurer for Obama's first presidential run. He is currently the chairman of the Barack Obama Foundation, which will build the president's future library."

No Magnum P.I. house for Obama


100 people shot in Chicago in one week.

Statistically, 65 of them have no issues...unless they die.

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