CBO Schools Tea Party Freshman In Basic Economics

... over 9000 earmarks--political goodies -- and FAVORS.
Now wait a minute, haven't the Teabaggers flip-flopped on earmarks after Moochele Bachmann was an earmarker, and now earmarks are "the will of the people"??? What day of the week is it?

May 16, 2011
RUSH: I have never been one to base my entire view of a politician on whether or not they supported earmarks, 'cause it's not that much money. I understand the moral aspect and I understand that earmarks open up the opportunity for blackmail and this kind of thing. I understand all the arguments about them. You know, McCain hardly a purist, made earmarks the centerpiece of a failed presidential campaign. It just ain't that big a deal! It certainly is not enough to disqualify somebody from being pure. James Inhofe of Oklahoma, one of the leading conservatives in the Senate, insists that earmarks are actually a more responsive way to reach the voters -- respond to the voters, the will of the people -- than leaving such decisions to unelected bureaucrats. He wants to spend the money.

He says (paraphrased): "Look, this earmark money is going to be spent. I'd rather the elected representatives of the people do it than some faceless bureaucrat at some agency or some president."

Well yes the Tea Party in this country is trying to stop earmarks--or the buy your vote policy of the Federal Government. That's how Obamacare got passed--buying votes off from politicians--that had no intentions of voting for it without a pay-off.

There was the cornhusker deal--the Louisiana purchase--the gator aid deal--the union deal, etc. etc. etc. All made BEHIND closed doors.

And that is what had Americans outraged over this bill.

$Ram it down.jpg

And they did too--and plan on doing it again in 2012.-LOL
... over 9000 earmarks--political goodies -- and FAVORS.
Now wait a minute, haven't the Teabaggers flip-flopped on earmarks after Moochele Bachmann was an earmarker, and now earmarks are "the will of the people"??? What day of the week is it?

May 16, 2011
RUSH: I have never been one to base my entire view of a politician on whether or not they supported earmarks, 'cause it's not that much money. I understand the moral aspect and I understand that earmarks open up the opportunity for blackmail and this kind of thing. I understand all the arguments about them. You know, McCain hardly a purist, made earmarks the centerpiece of a failed presidential campaign. It just ain't that big a deal! It certainly is not enough to disqualify somebody from being pure. James Inhofe of Oklahoma, one of the leading conservatives in the Senate, insists that earmarks are actually a more responsive way to reach the voters -- respond to the voters, the will of the people -- than leaving such decisions to unelected bureaucrats. He wants to spend the money.

He says (paraphrased): "Look, this earmark money is going to be spent. I'd rather the elected representatives of the people do it than some faceless bureaucrat at some agency or some president."

Well yes the Tea Party in this country is trying to stop earmarks--or the buy your vote policy of the Federal Government.
Except when a Teabagger like Moochele Bachmann earmarks $3.7 million for buying Minnnesota votes, then "it just ain't that big a deal," "it's not much money!"
Argument to Authority. :D

Keynesian economics has failed, both in the 1930s,

No it worked.

It worked splendidly when it was finally done in the early 40s.

This STUMULUS (much like FDR's early try in hte late 30s) is another excellent example of the failure of half measures.

Bullshit... It's called 100% fail, you don't get to fail and claim it was half assed then do it for 12 years until you decide now he gets credit!

I have said it many times, if you thought FDR was great good news, you get to live through his policies... We not get to see what a never ending Recession/Depression is like. Oh joy.
Argument to Authority. :D

Keynesian economics has failed, both in the 1930s, and now. Obama spent a trillion dollars in keynesian spending - did it pull us out of the recession? Uhhhh nooooooooooo........
and now we appear headed back into a double dip.

Leftwingers continue to piss on peoples legs, and tell them it's raining. :lmao:

So you can't accept the reality that Tea Party economics would fail? Partisan hackery=mental illness.

Riiiiiiiight - everyone who isn't a foaming-at-the-mouth leftwing extremist is "crazy". :lmao:
Its a religion to these foolish people.

The right created this monster by telling stupid people they were smart and pounding talking points into their heads.

They will be just this redicules for decades to come.

Can the site owner create a "mental masturbation" section for posts like the above? :rolleyes:
People talk about economics as though economics was a PHYSICAL SCIENCE with laws that are as irrefuteable as gravity.

Our modern capitalistic Economic systems are manmade and subject to changes in policy which change the way the economy works.

Never forget that.

Yaaaaa - we've seen too much of leftwingers' attempts at "changing" the way it works:

Government creation of cheap money by the fed in the 1920s, plus government tariffs crashed the economy and created the Great Depression. Leftwing keynesian economics kept the Great Depression going longer than it would have. Leftwing meddling in the housing market almost crashed the world financial system in 2008. Right now, feckless keynesian economics is wasting trainloads of money, creating vast new debt, and keeping the Great Recession going.
this whole lie of the government doesnt create jobs is just insane.

How can anything be more blatently wrong?

You have NOT ONE fucking clue. Someone should hold a gun to your head, give you an economics 101 book, and force you to read starting on page one, and give you a final exam. You don't get to leave till you get at least a C- on the test. :rofl:
Someone needs to school the CBO in the fact that Keynesian economics is pure crap. It's been proven to be Voo-Doo over and over again. Empirical evidence has dashed all it's fundamental premises to pieces.

Good luck proving that specious premise, kid.

Talking to lefties is like walking into an insane asylum - RIGHT NOW, TODAY, they have merely to read the news to see that it's failed RIGHT NOW in real time. To hold their beliefs requires a total, SCARY disconnect from manifest present day reality.
Argument to Authority. :D

No it worked.

It worked splendidly when it was finally done in the early 40s.

This STUMULUS (much like FDR's early try in hte late 30s) is another excellent example of the failure of half measures.

Bullshit... It's called 100% fail, you don't get to fail and claim it was half assed then do it for 12 years until you decide now he gets credit!

You know I read that sentence many times trying to figure out what it is saying.

I'm sure you know what your point is, but I don't.

I have said it many times, if you thought FDR was great good news, you get to live through his policies... We not get to see what a never ending Recession/Depression is like. Oh joy.

Well clearly you and I disagree about this issue.

Beyond that you really haven't made your case you simply restated your position.

When the USA borrowed massive sums of money to put people to work building war materials, employment went up, and the depression was over.

That is my point.

If you have an alternate POV, you're going to explain the logic of it to me.

Just telling me I am wrong doesn't really prove your point.
the CBO kind of got us into this mess in the first place. any type of "budget" office that can justify a budget deficit as great as the US is not credible.
You can't teach people who hate education.

That's a gross mischaracterization. It appears in your case "you can't teach people who never studied it for themselves."

You live on talking points, that's it.
When the USA borrowed massive sums of money to put people to work building war materials, employment went up, and the depression was over.

That's a hoary old staple of leftwing revisionist history - it's been stomped on so many times, you rarely hear it any more. :D

The US recovered because of foreign manufacturing orders by the european belligerents leading up to WWII in the late 1930s, and to a lesser extent orders for scrap metal and petroleum from the japanese to help fuel their war machine, and all paid in hard currency. This stimulus was external in origin to the american economic system. An internal so-called stimulus must be financed either by printing money, raising debt, or raising taxes, all of which have a depressing effect on the economy.

Roosevelt's own treasury secretary, Henry Morgenthau, famously summarized nicely the 1930s failure of keynesianism:

We have tried spending money. We are spending more money than we have ever spent before and it does not work. And I have just no interest, and if I am wrong . . . somebody else can have my job. I want to see this country prosperous. I want to see people get a job, I want to see people get enough to eat. We have never made good on our promises. . . . I say after eight years of this administration we have just as much unemployment as when we started . . . . And an enormous debt to boot!

Hmmmmmmmmmm - I'm getting an attack of deja vu now.............

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