CBS News Spills Beans, Whitehouse Press Briefings are staged and rehearsed, Cover-up

It's worse than you imagined, folks. Not only is the media in bed with the Obama Administration, it's helping Obama cheat on the answers:

Reporter: WH Press Secretary Gets Questions from Reporters Before Press Briefing | The Weekly Standard

Hi, The Weekly Standard put up a article about how a AZ CBS reporter confessed that Jay Carney and key people in the DC Press meet before briefings and he gets the questions and gives them the answers. Its all a charade in the televised Briefings.

We suspected that, but now we know the details on how it is rigged. Nevada's biggest Obama fan Jon Ralston was even offended to find out how contrived it is.

Now for the cover-up. The video has been blacked out on YouTube. Both Carney and the reporter are denying what she said on air. The Weekly std article was written before the cover-up. It does have a lengthy video that includes the confession. Since then AUN-TV has put up the key 16 seconds in their article about how the Whitehouse in now in a panic about this. Under Fair Use it should not be blacked out. That is here Panic in Whitehouse Over Staged Press Briefings Being Revealed by CBS Reporter? Cover-up in Process? | AUN-TV

It has a funny video of Naked Gun where a building is blowing up and Leslie Neilson is saying "Nothing to see here folks" to illustrate how absurd the cover-up is. How will the Pretend Media handle this? They will try and ignore it.​

This isn't news. It's a complete distortion of the facts and reality. It's always been that way. Can't expect an answer from the podium if the guy has no idea what you're talking about, so of course he gets the questions first. Doesn't mean it's staged or rigged. Just means someone's trying to discredit the Press Secretary by making it appear to novices that something's rotten in Denmark.
If he gets the questions first, and the correspondents have the answers, it's staged, dummie. That's almost the very definition of staged.

staged, stag·ing, stag·es
1. To exhibit or present on or as if on a stage: stage a boxing match.
2. To produce or direct (a theatrical performance).
3. To arrange and carry out: stage an invasion.
4. Medicine To determine the extent or progression of (a cancer, for example).
Basically, yeah. iIt's pre-scripted theater. The nagging quesiton is, are the Q&A sessions also censored. If it's apparent that most questions get in through the submission process, it's not a long stretch to believe that they are also re-framed, changed or even denied from the session.
It's worse than you imagined, folks. Not only is the media in bed with the Obama Administration, it's helping Obama cheat on the answers:

Reporter: WH Press Secretary Gets Questions from Reporters Before Press Briefing | The Weekly Standard

Hi, The Weekly Standard put up a article about how a AZ CBS reporter confessed that Jay Carney and key people in the DC Press meet before briefings and he gets the questions and gives them the answers. Its all a charade in the televised Briefings.

We suspected that, but now we know the details on how it is rigged. Nevada's biggest Obama fan Jon Ralston was even offended to find out how contrived it is.

Now for the cover-up. The video has been blacked out on YouTube. Both Carney and the reporter are denying what she said on air. The Weekly std article was written before the cover-up. It does have a lengthy video that includes the confession. Since then AUN-TV has put up the key 16 seconds in their article about how the Whitehouse in now in a panic about this. Under Fair Use it should not be blacked out. That is here Panic in Whitehouse Over Staged Press Briefings Being Revealed by CBS Reporter? Cover-up in Process? | AUN-TV

It has a funny video of Naked Gun where a building is blowing up and Leslie Neilson is saying "Nothing to see here folks" to illustrate how absurd the cover-up is. How will the Pretend Media handle this? They will try and ignore it.​

This isn't news. It's a complete distortion of the facts and reality. It's always been that way. Can't expect an answer from the podium if the guy has no idea what you're talking about, so of course he gets the questions first. Doesn't mean it's staged or rigged. Just means someone's trying to discredit the Press Secretary by making it appear to novices that something's rotten in Denmark.

Nevertheless, the entire episode is hilarious: accusations, White House protests, retractions.
Right? If it's all just a misunderstanding, why the move to censor the original assertions? Why not show how transparent they are and rebuttal the accusaiton with facts about the process taken? The answer is of course, that those who scramble to hide things or bury them, have something to hide themselves.
Right? If it's all just a misunderstanding, why the move to censor the original assertions? Why not show how transparent they are and rebuttal the accusaiton with facts about the process taken? The answer is of course, that those who scramble to hide things or bury them, have something to hide themselves.
Yeah, the entire White House press corps is in on the conspiracy.

That's the ticket.
Right? If it's all just a misunderstanding, why the move to censor the original assertions? Why not show how transparent they are and rebuttal the accusaiton with facts about the process taken? The answer is of course, that those who scramble to hide things or bury them, have something to hide themselves.
Yeah, the entire White House press corps is in on the conspiracy.

That's the ticket.

Continuing your streak of nonsensical fact-free posts, I see.
Right? If it's all just a misunderstanding, why the move to censor the original assertions? Why not show how transparent they are and rebuttal the accusaiton with facts about the process taken? The answer is of course, that those who scramble to hide things or bury them, have something to hide themselves.
Yeah, the entire White House press corps is in on the conspiracy.

That's the ticket.

Continuing your streak of nonsensical fact-free posts, I see.
Irony man strikes again.
Right? If it's all just a misunderstanding, why the move to censor the original assertions? Why not show how transparent they are and rebuttal the accusaiton with facts about the process taken? The answer is of course, that those who scramble to hide things or bury them, have something to hide themselves.
Yeah, the entire White House press corps is in on the conspiracy.

That's the ticket.

Conspiring? Why would they need to do that? Just make it the rule and remove anyone who doesn't comply. You'll notice by the white house reaction to this reporters statements about Carney, that they clearly were caught with their pants down. Or they wouldn't move to scrub the story. They would rebuutal it head on and show that the reporter is wrong.

Thats not what happened.

Don your Obama knee pads and get your head back in the sand.
Right? If it's all just a misunderstanding, why the move to censor the original assertions? Why not show how transparent they are and rebuttal the accusaiton with facts about the process taken? The answer is of course, that those who scramble to hide things or bury them, have something to hide themselves.
Yeah, the entire White House press corps is in on the conspiracy.

That's the ticket.

Conspiring? Why would they need to do that? Just make it the rule and remove anyone who doesn't comply. You'll notice by the white house reaction to this reporters statements about Carney, that they clearly were caught with their pants down. Or they wouldn't move to scrub the story. They would rebuutal it head on and show that the reporter is wrong.

Thats not what happened.

Don your Obama knee pads and get your head back in the sand.
I know, huh?

If only there was a press out there that could report on such things,or you know tell everyone for the last 5 years all the WH press briefings they've been ordered to submit questions in advance -- but I guess Fox and these other news outlets

Print and Internet


Are all in on the Con-Spear-O-see to hide it.

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yep, about as brilliant as your logic of a "conspiracy". Just another loon that refuses to question authority and will lap up whatever vomit they cough into your bowl. So what's the story here, paperview? Are you saying that this obvisoouly niave to the press in regards to WH press conf. that she just made that up and then went ahead and spit it out?

Or was she deliberatley trying to ruin her own career?

Even in her back peddle she said she submitted her question to the white house. But I suppose thats just procedure, right?
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yep, about as brilliant as your logic of a "conspiracy". Just another loon that refuses to question authority and will lap up whatever vomit they cough into your bowl. So what's the story here, paperview? Are you saying that this obvisoouly niave to the press in regards to WH press conf. that she just made that up and then went ahead and spit it out?

Or was she deliberatley trying to ruin her own career?

Even in her back peddle she said she submitted her question to the white house. But I suppose thats just procedure, right?
Puzzle me this, champ:

You got this one chick saying that -- and admitting she screwed up,

while the long list of professionals I provided, quite a number of which are certainly no fans of the WH, in fact, many outright hostile -- who could have easily anytime said what she said if it were true --

but, they what? Why?

I mean, is it really that bad I have to explain this out to you?
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"It was a very busy day. We started here shortly after 8 o'clock with a coffee with press secretary Jay Carney inside his office in the West Wing," says the reporter.

"And this was the off-the-record so we were able to ask him all about some of the preparation that he does on a regular basis for talking to the press in his daily press briefings. He showed us a very long list of items that he has to be well versed on every single day.

"And then he also mentioned that a lot of times, unless it's something breaking, the questions that the reporters actually ask -- the correspondents -- they are provided to him in advance. So then he knows what he's going to be answering and sometimes those correspondents and reporters also have those answers printed in front of them, because of course it helps when they're producing their reports for later on. So that was very interesting."
Version 1 of Catherine's Statement.

"It seems much had been inferred about my observations following my White House visit yesterday. First, I did not take notes during our coffee with Jay Carney because it was off the record. But when I referenced the meeting in my live reports I did say that it was a great opportunity to talk about the challenges of his day and how he has to be so well-versed on many topics each day. In my live report I also wanted to share my impression of my experience in getting a question answered during the briefing. I was indeed asked to provide my question in advance. Because my question was largely of local interest, I chose to save it for my interview with the President instead. My mistake was to lump that experience with my coffee meeting reference, inadvertently giving Mr. Carney credit for that when in fact it did not come from him. I regret giving anyone the impression that it was from conversation I had with Mr. Carney. I do not attend those briefings regularly and cannot speak directly to the process for non-visiting journalists. None of my observations stemmed from my off-the-record meeting with Jay Carney."

version 2 of the statement clarification of 1.

"Last night during my live reports from the White House I attempted to describe the highlights of the day. I was speaking off the cuff and unscripted and in the process I made two major mistakes: I reported an off the record conversation and what I reported was not accurate. I took a conversation about the preparation for a press briefing and muddied it with my own experience of wanting to provide a question for the press briefing. I incorrectly applied the process to everyone. That was wrong and it was bad reporting. But it was not intentional and I would never purposely report inaccurate information. The White House never asked for my questions in advance and never instructed me what to ask. I chose to provide one of my questions in advance of the press briefing because I wanted to make sure it would have broad appeal. I did not attribute or report factually last night and for that I deeply apologize. I pride myself on truth and objectivity. I sincerely regret any harm I've caused and I hope that you will continue to place your trust in the hardworking journalists who make up CBS 5 News."

version 3 of the statement after version 2 flopped since she still admitted to being asked to provide the question in advance.

But go ahead and believe she was deliberately trying to destroy her own career. I mean, it makes perfect sense in liberal fantasyland.
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