CBS: You were basically handed the nomination. No primary process. No votes. That's not how our system was intended to work.

Quite a few Democrat delegates wanted a Convention primary to decide, the Party bosses said it's Kamala, or we'll replace you too.

I haven't heard that before. Where did you hear that and how would that work?
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CBS went there. Harris must really be hemorrhaging voters. She lost more after this disaster interview. IM2


CBS looked at their internals, and their own hind end, and said, nah, this empty suit ain't worth it.


This means two things:

1. At this point, Kamala is on her way to a sure loss AND

2. The MSM knows it, and has decided with a month left in the election to abandon ship and attempt to save themselves.
Isn't the president & vice president a package deal? If they voted for Biden as president, Harris was a part of the deal.

Grade school kids understand that it something happens to the President and he cannot continue to serve then the VP steps in. Why is this so difficult to understand?
Nothing happened to Biden, he just sucked that badly the DNC forced him out. Try again.
Aren't the candidates supposed to take part in debates during the primaries...isn't that "part of the system" too? Seems to me the blob forgot that detail. I'm sure the press won't remind him either.

Trump keeps skipping the Republican debates ... - ABC News​

ABC News - Breaking News, Latest News and Videos › Politics › story

Nov 8, 2023 — Trump will skip the Republican debate in Miami and instead hold separate campaign rally in Hialeah, Florida, as he continues to lead in ...

As five 2024 Republican hopefuls take the debate stage in Miami to make their case to voters on Wednesday night, for the third time this year, the primary front-runner -- former President Donald Trump -- will once again be absent.

"I like to debate. I probably am here because of debates. I don't mind it at all," he told Fox News' Bret Baier in an interview this summer. "But when you're 40 points up .... Why would I let these people take shots at me?"
No, they waited until after a disastrous debate.

that showed the country what they had known for months.

anyone with a brain saw the decline long before the primaries started.

CBS went there. Harris must really be hemorrhaging voters. She lost more after this disaster interview. IM2

That is Kamala Harris.
A DEI hire. And a person who got a state atty job because she was the girlfriend of a governor. And then got elected as Senator, but in whacked out California.
And then was chosen as VP because she is female and not white.

There is no there - there
If what you say is true, why aren’t democratic voters outraged?

I’ve never ever seen one person who voted or Biden in the primaries express anger over Kamala getting the nomination

Explain that.
I know why: they are so indoctrinated against Trump that they were relieved that Biden was kicked out and replaced with someone they thought had a better chance.

Dems I’ve spoken to admit that Harris is a ridiculous joke, but they are going to vote for her anyway to keep Trump out. One Dem even said that she knows Harris’ policy wishes are a disaster, but that she’s hoping Congress will block her. And she’s STILL going to vote for her!
I know why: they are so indoctrinated against Trump that they were relieved that Biden was kicked out and replaced with someone they thought had a better chance.
Getting the candidate you think has the best chance of winning the election is literally the entire point of the nomination.

So you can quit your little fake outrage about primary voters being disenfranchised. No one was buying it in the first place.
Isn't the president & vice president a package deal? If they voted for Biden as president, Harris was a part of the deal.

Grade school kids understand that it something happens to the President and he cannot continue to serve then the VP steps in. Why is this so difficult to understand?
Nothing happened to the President.

Cart before the horse?
Getting the candidate you think has the best chance of winning the election is literally the entire point of the nomination.

So you can quit your little fake outrage about primary voters being disenfranchised. No one was buying it in the first place.
The general public makes that choice, not the political elite?

That did not happen.
Why are you unable to recognize Trump’s decline? Now you’re stuck! :biggrin:

no more than I was stuck in '16, when I didn't vote for him, or '20, when I didn't vote for him, or this last weekend, when I mailed in my absentee ballot, without voting for him.

The last presidential candidate I voted for was McCain, because I figured he could work across the aisle.

with a choice between chocolate and vanilla, I buy Neapolitan, and eat strawberry.

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