CCP Nuclear Sub spotted in Taiwan Strait

What do you propose we do?
In Ukraine? Nothing beyond supplying them with high-end weapons. Putin probably isn't too keen on starting a war that could turn into a 21st century version of Afghanistan. For Taiwan, I think we make it clear that we will not yield Asia up without a fight. The PLAN isn't anywhere near being a blue water navy, yet. I'd hope that Xi is too risk averse to chance having most of his shiny new Navy sent to the bottom of the Taiwan straits. OTOH, if we positioned a carrier group close enough to do them damage, those hypersonic weapons could send a few thousand sailors to the bottom and THAT might well trigger a nuclear exchange.

It's the uncertainty and the chance for Xi to miscalculate Biden (or his puppet master's) response. One thing is sure. If Xi decides to go for it, he won't be able to back down. FTM, neither could little Vladimir Vladimirovich.
Dangerous times ahead. Our enemies from Iran to the Norks, to Xi, and Putin are going to be seriously tempted to take advantage of America while we are in such obvious disarray and chaos.
Do you applaud and approve the 700,000+ Americans who have died of Covid?
Nah, the Left is good on that score. That's all on Trump's tab as far as they're concerned. Since he'll most likely run again, the higher that number, the better they'll like it. It'll be like an immaculate conception. Joe won't be responsible for any of the deaths. They'll just keep blaming the Bad Orange Man and the media and their sycophants will applaud and drool.
Weird... everyone seems to know what we should do about Taiwan.

But it seems nobody can actually say it. Weird.

China is ramping up its military action regarding Taiwan. Joe Biden remains gleefully oblivious to the potential for this to escalate into a conflict and possible world war.

China has been ramping up things for some time now: Hong Kong, South China Sea, African mineral resources…but no one did anything. The concern comes a wee bit late.
China has been ramping up things for some time now: Hong Kong, South China Sea, African mineral resources…but no one did anything. The concern comes a wee bit late.

It's almost as if these types of activities have been tried successfully by other countries in history. "Hey, maybe this time it will be different!".

The West never learns.
Things are heating up....may be not next week or months ....but sometime soon, who knows...

"Collin Koh, a maritime security analyst with the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in Singapore, said the PLA submarine transit "could be construed, rightly or wrongly, as China sending deterrence signals to the US over Taiwan", adding that it would have been closely monitored by the US military."
I already said they need to be nuked. MacArthur was fired for wanting to nuke China. Patton was fired and killed for wanting to invade Russia. What a shame that we missed those chances for a peaceful world.
So fuck it, let's end the world. Or something.

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