CDC: Only 50,000 Died from Covid Only, Not 836,000

They were alive before they caught COVID, dead afterwards

Most would have lived a decade or more if not for COVID
Do I have to start calling you Dr Rightwinger now?......................Most of these people probably looked liked Ruth Ginsburg the day before she croaked out
They were alive before they caught COVID, dead afterwards

Most would have lived a decade or more if not for COVID

Covid did not and can not do anything to at all hasten death.
And the over reactions by the immune system that can cause death, are easily treated to prevent them from causing dealth.

For example, with malaria.
The parasite is nasty and can eventually cause things like bone erosion after decades.
But that is not what normally kills people who die soon after contracting malaria.
The main immune system response to an attacking parasite like malaria, is fever.
By increasing the body temperature, that kills off most invading parasites.
But since malaria came from Africa, fever does not work.
And when it does not work, instead of the immune system giving up on fever, it double down.
It keeps increasing the fever until the patient dies.
So then one of the single most important treatments for malaria, is quinine, to shut down the immune system from causing fevers.
Quinine, (and its synthetic equivalents, like HCQ), are well known immuno suppressants which obviously can save lives and prevent death, when faced with possible lethal over active immune responses.

Do I need to keep up with this explanation?
Facts not in evidence. Many died only after contracting covid. There is no discussing things with someone that does not believe that or simply decides to ignore it.

Yes that is a well known fact in evidence.
Covid can not leave the airways, so can not cause swollen hearts, fever, vomiting, filling the lungs with fluid, suffocation, or anything remotely dangerous.
Anyone who ever claims covid killed a single person, is just a liar.
The ONLY deaths come from immune system over reactions, all of which are easily and cheaply treatable with immuno suppressants.
Yes that is a well known fact in evidence.
Covid can not leave the airways, so can not cause swollen hearts, fever, vomiting, filling the lungs with fluid, suffocation, or anything remotely dangerous.
Anyone who ever claims covid killed a single person, is just a liar.
The ONLY deaths come from immune system over reactions, all of which are easily and cheaply treatable with immuno suppressants.

Thus sayeth Dr Rigby.
What does this chart say? Anyone?

If that happened it was an extremely small number and I'm not even saying it happened.

Since the covid test used for the first 1.5 years could not distinguish between covid and flu, it is likely most of the deaths were flu and did not have covid at all.
At least half the 800,000 deaths then attributed to covid were likely flu in reality.
Notice how last year they attributed ZERO deaths to flu?

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