CDC: Only 50,000 Died from Covid Only, Not 836,000

They were living with those issues until contracting covid.

They were surviving with those issue, but were they getting better or already declining?
Again, covid has not and can not ever kill a single person.
It is not possible.
While an immune system over reaction to covid can be lethal, we have immuno suppressants that can prevent that is all cases.
They were surviving with those issue, but were they getting better or already declining?
Again, covid has not and can not ever kill a single person.
It is not possible.
While an immune system over reaction to covid can be lethal, we have immuno suppressants that can prevent that is all cases.
Those “issues” are being over 65, overweight, diabetes, heart issues
With tens of millions of Americans dealing with those issues
Most could have expected to live a decade or more….until COVID
In that case the car wreck. Is that what we are talking about or people with diabetes who get covid and die? They would not have died (at this point) without the covid, right? So if so, it was the covid that killed them.
My friends brother fell off a cliff and died while mountain climbing. He had tested positive for COVID, and guess what....he was
placed in the COVID death column. true story.
I understand what you are saying, but the US does not have an actual accurate count as to COVID deaths.
It sure mucks up the facts.
its facts not arguments,,

is it better to mislead people??

Now that Brandon's decree has been shot down by the SCOTUS, I think we'll start seeing more facts and less propaganda.

We'll certainly see a lot less of the big pharma lobbyists pushing for more mandates, since they're now met with the realization that the feds can no longer legally provide them with a captive market by decree.

As has been said previously, and correctly so, fascism cannot function without both entities, government and corporation, functioning in synergy with each other to implement it. One relies on the other. They need each other in order to force fascism onto society. One faction of the two cannot do it alone.
My friends brother fell off a cliff and died while mountain climbing. He had tested positive for COVID, and guess what....he was
placed in the COVID death column. true story.
I understand what you are saying, but the US does not have an actual accurate count as to COVID deaths.
It sure mucks up the facts.
I call Bull Shit

You sure it was not your friends brothers neighbors cousin who fell off a cliff?
My friends brother fell off a cliff and died while mountain climbing. He had tested positive for COVID, and guess what....he was
placed in the COVID death column. true story.
I understand what you are saying, but the US does not have an actual accurate count as to COVID deaths.
It sure mucks up the facts.

It's all new and very overwhelming so I do not expect it to be 100% accurate but I have no idea what that says other than this has been all new and overwhelming.
836,000 dead says otherwise


First of all, it is likely half of those were flu deaths in reality, since they tests are now known to be defective and show positive for covid even if it is only just the flu instead.
Second is that if the deaths are from an immune system over reaction and not from covid itself, and you deliberately fail to apply immuno suppressants, then the cause of death is not really covid at all.
It is more like murder.
And deliberately inducing a chemical coma so you can intubate a ventilator down someone's throat, is deliberate murder.
It is well known that when the immune system starts to fill the lungs with fluid, ventilators can NOT work.
You can not pump air into liquid filled lungs.
If you keep trying however, you will cause the lungs to burst and hemorrhage, thus killing the patient.
The CORRECT treatment for liquid in the lungs, is to drain it by often rolling the conscious patient over, especially to face down positions.
Does it really matter the pushing of the numbers up or down, for the sole narrative of pushing a political agenda? Why cant we admit that mistakes were made by all. why cant we admit Americans are dyeing, we are stumbling around trying to justify different approaches for political reasons not medical ones. All focus should be on an Honest look at Everything from a medical view point.
Does it really matter the pushing of the numbers up or down, for the sole narrative of pushing a political agenda? Why cant we admit that mistakes were made by all. why cant we admit Americans are dyeing, we are stumbling around trying to justify different approaches for political reasons not medical ones. All focus should be on an Honest look at Everything from a medical view point.
They weren’t all mistakes. Much of the actions taken by the establishment were purposeful.
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Now that Brandon's decree has been shot down by the SCOTUS, I think we'll start seeing more facts and less propaganda.

The CDC and others lied to us before to make us think COVID was worse than it really was in an effort to get Trump out of office. What makes anyone think they won't lie like hell again to keep Biden in office? It's all propaganda, all the time.
The CDC and others lied to us before to make us think COVID was worse than it really was in an effort to get Trump out of office. What makes anyone think they won't lie like hell again to keep Biden in office? It's all propaganda, all the time.
Paranoid delusions. This is absolutely untrue. Rational people would laugh at this idea.
They were alive before they caught COVID, dead afterwards

Most would have lived a decade or more if not for COVID
Is Covid a flu or Bioweapon? What is the real history of Fauci? Why is the CDC inept and incompetent? And we will never believe the media and entertainers again.

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