CDC: Vaccinated at Higher Risk from Covid Than Unvaxxed

We already knew this. When is the public going to stop listening to the experts hand picked to lie them?
"The CDC quietly made the damning admission in an update on its guidance regarding newly emerging variants of Covid."

That's not what they said.
What else can I do? They find the truth every once in a while.
especially when the truth is so unavoidable and we all know it.

I knew the following was going to happen at some point. LIsten to this lying maniac politician place the blame for what they did to their own people ON the people they were browbeating into taking the poison jab.

Fake news (Slay) what the CDC really said is

BA.2.86 may be more capable of causing infection in people who have previously had COVID-19 or who have received COVID-19 vaccines.

So they are just saying that if you were previously infected with COVID or had the vaccination shot that there is a high probability that you can get the new variant.

But you know if you did not get the shot, you can still catch the new variant.

Treatment is still effective on the new variant.

So get the shot or don't get the shot. The vaccination is still recommended.
In Aug. last month there were 11 cases identified. 2 in the US. Since they are spread out internationally that is bad news on its ability to spread but it still a low number of case in 3 or 4 countries.

Conservative antivaxxer whack jobs lied again.
We already knew this. When is the public going to stop listening to the experts hand picked to lie them?
"The CDC quietly made the damning admission in an update on its guidance regarding newly emerging variants of Covid."

Meanwhile, your body continues to stockpile protein spikes in organs. Good luck, vax cultists!
Yet here you are posting a link from the CDC as credible.

Make up your fucking explosive mind.

No they're not. But you'll believe ANYTHING.

Choosing a source that says what they want to hear. A source that embellishes or twist it it from what is actually being said. Even the title is misleading.
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What did they say?
What the CDC actually said was the the newest variation could possibly infect you even if you've had the shots or already had covid. It did not say that those who had been vaccinated were more vulnerable than those who had not.
Conservative antivaxxer whack jobs lied again.
THe main point is that.....the CDC, Fauci, WHO and others NIAID, said that you take the vaxx youare protected BEFORE THEY HAD TO SAY, Take the vaxx and you will be less sick..and we see the lie in that also now don't we. Considering that they made lots of money on this before and after you can't trust everything they say. So. I believe them on the part that the vaxxed are more susceptible SINCE WE HAVE BEEN SEEING THAT FOR A LONG TIME...but the part where they try to make it a little less damning on themselves...'people who have had covid'... is in fact another lie. FAR LESS who have had covid get it again within a year plus...but those vaxxed... it can be just months or even just weeks. They lied to you. they are still lying to you and you are so naive that you are still protecting your murderers. STockholm syndrome much?
THe main point is that.....the CDC, Fauci, WHO and others NIAID, said that you take the vaxx youare protected BEFORE THEY HAD TO SAY, Take the vaxx and you will be less sick..and we see the lie in that also now don't we. Considering that they made lots of money on this before and after you can't trust everything they say. So. I believe them on the part that the vaxxed are more susceptible SINCE WE HAVE BEEN SEEING THAT FOR A LONG TIME...but the part where they try to make it a little less damning on themselves...'people who have had covid'... is in fact another lie. FAR LESS who have had covid get it again within a year plus...but those vaxxed... it can be just months or even just weeks. They lied to you. they are still lying to you and you are so naive that you are still protecting your murderers. STockholm syndrome much?
Take a deep breath, step back for a minute, and try again. That made no sense at all.
What the CDC actually said was the the newest variation could possibly infect you even if you've had the shots or already had covid. It did not say that those who had been vaccinated were more vulnerable than those who had not.
New shots, old shots, new strains, old strains=we get and transmit Covid
Do you Ever Think?
Take a deep breath, step back for a minute, and try again. That made no sense at all.
oh yes. you see...what they do is to put out separate studies. Now this one for instance says that if you have had a pervious infection, it is rare to get it again within a certain time period. They lie in one, put the truth in another and they believe they have covered their corrupt asses.

for someone who thinks his reasoning ability is exceptional, you sure miss a lot.
oh yes. you see...what they do is to put out separate studies. Now this one for instance says that if you have had a pervious infection, it is rare to get it again within a certain time period. They lie in one, put the truth in another and they believe they have covered their corrupt asses.

for someone who thinks his reasoning ability is exceptional, you sure miss a lot.
These people who did this to us are in trouble....obamao is sure keeping his head down right now.

too many people in this country have come to their senses and they want to see these genocidal maniacs pay.
These people who did this to us are in trouble....obamao is sure keeping his head down right now.

too many people in this country have come to their senses and they want to see these genocidal maniacs pay.
Fauci is the devil and his name is so close to Faustus not by accident
Are these perverts finally ready now to put the nail in the coffin of the vaccination hoax and all other attendant hoaxes thereof?
We already knew this. When is the public going to stop listening to the experts hand picked to lie them?
"The CDC quietly made the damning admission in an update on its guidance regarding newly emerging variants of Covid."

The Major Managed News Media(MMNM) & bureaucracies have become so politicized/polarized & HOAXED UP that I actually find myself after reading online news, coming to our USMB to get multiple viewpoints from our crew. Our USMB crew does an excellent job of dissecting MMNM links then examining those links under a microscope. Opinions & additional links from our crew aid us in separating the propaganda from fact so we can make informed decisions about the validity of MMNM news links. In conjunction with our excellent rank & file USMB crew we are blessed with the best free speech moderators in the industry. Our superb free speech moderators really helped in launching USMB to the top of the pack regarding M/B's.

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We already knew this. When is the public going to stop listening to the experts hand picked to lie them?
"The CDC quietly made the damning admission in an update on its guidance regarding newly emerging variants of Covid."

Are you sure it's not the flu?

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