CDC Warns Of New Variant Of An Old Disease


Uppity Senior Citizen
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 20, 2009
Critical information about Gonorrhea Lectim.

The Center for Disease Control has issued a warning about a new virulent strain of this old disease! The disease is called Gonorrhea Lectim. It's pronounced "Gonna re-elect 'em," and is capable of crippling our current population.

The disease is contracted through dangerous and high risk behavior involving putting your cranium up your rectum. Many victims contracted it in 2020 when they elected Joe Biden and Liberal Progressives into power and are now starting to realize how destructive this sickness is.

It's sad because Gonorrhea Lectim is easily cured with a new drug just coming on the market called Votemout. It's pronounced "Vote-em-out." It can be picked up at your local pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. You take the first dose now. The second dose should be taken just before the 2022 elections, otherwise, it could eventually wipe out all life as we presently know it in the USA.
Please pass this important message on to all those bright folk you really care about.
Except your post isn't satire. It's ultimately an alt-right rant.
This is satire.
You're funny.

Pick one or all.


sat•ire săt′īr″

  • n.

    A literary work in which human foolishness or vice is attacked through irony, derision, or wit.

satire - Dictionary Definition
Satire is a way of making fun of people by using silly or exaggerated language. Politicians are easy targets for satire, especially when they're acting self-righteous or hypocritical.


a way of criticizing people or ideas in a humorous way, especially in order to make a political point, or a piece of writing that uses this style:

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