Ceasefire UN US negotiated

Palestinians could stop acting like barbarians, that would be a good start to a new century.
Israeli jewsl need to stop acting like brutal savages, that would be a good start to a new century.

But that will never happen because the zionists are so full of hate and lust for goyim blood. .. :doubt:
Jews will be highly reluctant to share Palestine with Arabs, and they always have their Samson Option at hand.

The idiots that brought a Jewish state to Palestine may have planted the seed of humanity's very own mass extinction.

'Jew know what I mean?
Palestinians must be freed from Hamas; that "vote" was not free. Hamas holds all in its grip of terror.
Actually, the vote was overseen by the U.N. and declared to be legitimate and fair.

But the U.S. and Israel didn't like the winner and labeled Hamas a terrorist group.

And that's when the Zionists started their illegal blockade of Gaza. .. :doubt:

Why did Hamas declare that there would be no more elections?
Gazans brought this upon themselves by choosing to be Gazans instead of Israeli citizens. Coulda stayed in Israel and enjoyed a great life, but they chose instead to resist Israel and live under terrorist rule. Now that they see what that bore, they're whining oh woe is us! Fuck 'em. No such thing as an innocent Gazan civilian, they're all pro-terrorist. Sooner they're all dead sooner we can move on to West Bank and Golan Heights. To these two this is your 6am wake-up calls fellas. Choose a side quick. Wanna avoid Gaza's fate tell IDF where the bad guys are or suffer the same fate as well.

Then Israel is no better than they; Hamas cares not about the innocents, that is certain. But humans must.

Israel routinely sends warning messages to the neighborhoods they are going to strike in order to avoid civilian casualties, and even fires warning shots. They have even been known to cancel a strike when people do not leave. The US doesn't even have a policy that is close to this when they fire a strike, of we did we wouldn't have racked up such a massive amount of collateral damage in our targeted drone strikes.

In other words, Israel is less like Hamas than the US.
Heroic Jews have killed ninety civilians in Gaza in the last two hours. (7:00AM, 8/1/14)
Over 1400 known dead since Israel began its latest assault.
Hundreds more still buried beneath entire neighborhoods turned to rubble.
Jews are making Nazis look benign.

When you knowingly hide a terrorist group in your midst you take a huge gamble with your life and your neighbors.
UN Chief Blames Hamas for Breaking Cease-Fire

Associated Press

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon blamed Hamas on Friday for violating the cease-fire in Gaza and demanded the immediate and unconditional release of an Israeli soldier reportedly captured after it started.

The U.N. chief urged both sides "to show maximum restraint and return to the agreed 72-hour humanitarian cease-fire that tragically lasted such a brief period of time," U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric said.

Ban urged "those with influence over the parties to do everything to convince them to observe the humanitarian cease-fire," he said.

"The secretary-general condemns in the strongest terms the reported violation by Hamas of the mutually agreed humanitarian ceasefire which commenced this morning," Dujarric said. "He is shocked and profoundly disappointed by these developments."

Ban noted that the U.N. has no independent means to verify exactly what happened Friday morning, Dujarric said, but according to the latest reports, two IsraeIi soldiers were killed and one taken captive after the cease-fire came into effect.

"This would constitute a grave violation of the cease-fire, and one that is likely to have very serious consequences for the people of Gaza, Israel and beyond," Dujarric said. "Such moves call into question the credibility of Hamas' assurances to the United Nations."

Israel and Hamas accused each other of breaking the cease-fire, which had been announced by the United States and the United Nations and took effect at 8:00 a.m. local time on Friday. The fighting broke out less than two hours later, and the apparent capture of the Israeli soldier could lead to a major escalation of the 25-day-old conflict.

Dujarric also said Ban is also concerned at the resumption of Israeli attacks on Gaza that killed over 70 Palestinians Friday morning.

Arab nations have requested "an informal meeting" of the 193-member U.N. General Assembly to discuss "the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Gaza," according to a letter sent to Assembly President John Ashe.

U.N. political chief Jeffrey Feltman also told reporters that Ban is "profoundly disappointed" that the assurances from Hamas were not kept.

According to the Israeli army, an hour after Friday's cease-fire started, gunmen emerged from one or more Gaza tunnels and opened fire at Israeli soldier. During the ensuing mayhem, an Israeli army lieutenant was apparently captured, while another two soldiers were killed.

Feltman said he "is convinced" that Hamas knew Israel could carry out defensive operations such as tunnel destruction during the cease-fire.

"Perhaps some will deny that now, but, yes, it was very clear in the diplomacy being done yesterday ... that the Israelis were going to continue to try to do destruction of tunnels," he said. "So I don't think — rightly or wrongly — it should have been any surprise to anyone that Israelis were going to continue their tunnel operation given their own public statements."

The joint U.N.-US statement announcing Friday's cease-fire said all parties would send delegations to Cairo for negotiations aimed at reaching a lasting truce.

Feltman said the Egyptian government was hosting the talks and had issued invitations, so a decision is up to them. He said he has "a hard time envisioning how these talks would work right now" since they were predicated on a cease-fire.

UN Chief Blames Hamas for Breaking Cease-Fire - ABC News
Heroic Jews have killed ninety civilians in Gaza in the last two hours. (7:00AM, 8/1/14)
Over 1400 known dead since Israel began its latest assault.
Hundreds more still buried beneath entire neighborhoods turned to rubble.
Jews are making Nazis look benign.

When you knowingly hide a terrorist group in your midst you take a huge gamble with your life and your neighbors.
Jews are the terrorist group in Gaza.

Illegal occupation.
UN Chief Blames Hamas for Breaking Cease-Fire

Associated Press

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon blamed Hamas on Friday for violating the cease-fire in Gaza and demanded the immediate and unconditional release of an Israeli soldier reportedly captured after it started.

The U.N. chief urged both sides "to show maximum restraint and return to the agreed 72-hour humanitarian cease-fire that tragically lasted such a brief period of time," U.N. spokesman Stephane Dujarric said.

Ban urged "those with influence over the parties to do everything to convince them to observe the humanitarian cease-fire," he said.

"The secretary-general condemns in the strongest terms the reported violation by Hamas of the mutually agreed humanitarian ceasefire which commenced this morning," Dujarric said. "He is shocked and profoundly disappointed by these developments."

Ban noted that the U.N. has no independent means to verify exactly what happened Friday morning, Dujarric said, but according to the latest reports, two IsraeIi soldiers were killed and one taken captive after the cease-fire came into effect.

"This would constitute a grave violation of the cease-fire, and one that is likely to have very serious consequences for the people of Gaza, Israel and beyond," Dujarric said. "Such moves call into question the credibility of Hamas' assurances to the United Nations."

Israel and Hamas accused each other of breaking the cease-fire, which had been announced by the United States and the United Nations and took effect at 8:00 a.m. local time on Friday. The fighting broke out less than two hours later, and the apparent capture of the Israeli soldier could lead to a major escalation of the 25-day-old conflict.

Dujarric also said Ban is also concerned at the resumption of Israeli attacks on Gaza that killed over 70 Palestinians Friday morning.

Arab nations have requested "an informal meeting" of the 193-member U.N. General Assembly to discuss "the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Gaza," according to a letter sent to Assembly President John Ashe.

U.N. political chief Jeffrey Feltman also told reporters that Ban is "profoundly disappointed" that the assurances from Hamas were not kept.

According to the Israeli army, an hour after Friday's cease-fire started, gunmen emerged from one or more Gaza tunnels and opened fire at Israeli soldier. During the ensuing mayhem, an Israeli army lieutenant was apparently captured, while another two soldiers were killed.

Feltman said he "is convinced" that Hamas knew Israel could carry out defensive operations such as tunnel destruction during the cease-fire.

"Perhaps some will deny that now, but, yes, it was very clear in the diplomacy being done yesterday ... that the Israelis were going to continue to try to do destruction of tunnels," he said. "So I don't think — rightly or wrongly — it should have been any surprise to anyone that Israelis were going to continue their tunnel operation given their own public statements."

The joint U.N.-US statement announcing Friday's cease-fire said all parties would send delegations to Cairo for negotiations aimed at reaching a lasting truce.

Feltman said the Egyptian government was hosting the talks and had issued invitations, so a decision is up to them. He said he has "a hard time envisioning how these talks would work right now" since they were predicated on a cease-fire.

UN Chief Blames Hamas for Breaking Cease-Fire - ABC News
Your link:

"Feltman said he 'is convinced' that Hamas knew Israel could carry out defensive operations such as tunnel destruction during the cease-fire.

"'Perhaps some will deny that now, but, yes, it was very clear in the diplomacy being done yesterday ... that the Israelis were going to continue to try to do destruction of tunnels,' he said. 'So I don't think — rightly or wrongly — it should have been any surprise to anyone that Israelis were going to continue their tunnel operation given their own public statements.'"

Jews thought they could continue blowing up Gaza during a cease-fire?
Who's surprised about that?
End the illegal occupation of Palestine.
Problem solved.

90 minutes, gotta give Kerry credit for the shortest ceasefire in history.

He also gets credit for being the catalyst for kicking the whole thing off, too. Every time some dufus goes over there and babbles about 'peace talks' and 'two state solutions' BS and hands out hundreds of millions of dollars to these vermin, these gangsters escalate the violence and terrorism almost right afterwards, if not during, these 'peace talks'. How many bricks need to fall on these idiots' heads before they get it? These scum make money off of murder and terrorism; it's what they do for a living. Quit feeding them.
Israel has to destroy those tunnels. Especially the ones that end up IN Israel.
Israel has to destroy those tunnels. Especially the ones that end up IN Israel.
Israel can destroy the need for tunnels and rockets by ending its illegal occupation of Palestine, including its collective punishment of Gaza.

If Jews persist in stealing all the land and water of Palestine, the rockets and tunnels will only get bigger.

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