Ceasefire UN US negotiated

Gazans brought this upon themselves by choosing to be Gazans instead of Israeli citizens. Coulda stayed in Israel and enjoyed a great life, but they chose instead to resist Israel and live under terrorist rule. Now that they see what that bore, they're whining oh woe is us! Fuck 'em. No such thing as an innocent Gazan civilian, they're all pro-terrorist. Sooner they're all dead sooner we can move on to West Bank and Golan Heights. To these two this is your 6am wake-up calls fellas. Choose a side quick. Wanna avoid Gaza's fate tell IDF where the bad guys are or suffer the same fate as well.
Where did you get the idea that Gazans could have stayed on the homes and farms when Israel came into existence in 1948? Jews drove 200,000 Arabs into Gaza even after the Armistice was signed. Jews have been occupying Palestine since 1948, and that is why Arab resistance is legitimate under international law. End the occupation to end the resistance.

Palestine lies to the west & north of Israel, under the Balfour Declaration. Blame the British, history backs ISRAEL.
(checks watch) wow 90 whole minutes before Hamas breaks the ceasefire and kidnaps a soldier.

Cease-fire collapses: Israel says Hamas militants captured soldier; Gaza says IDF killed 35, injured 200 in air strikes - NY Daily News

"The Israel military says 2nd Lt. Hadar Goldin, 23, was captured by Hamas militants and dragged into a tunnel about 90 minutes after the ceasefire began."
Why do you automatically accept the Jewish version of who broke the ceasefire?
It's at least as likely Hamas snatched the Jews just before the ceasefire took effect, and Israel threw another of its high tech hissy fits.

"The Jews", there are others that live in Israel.....perhaps your anti-Israel stance is tied to anti-Jewish bigotry. And I care about the children of the Gaza strip being sacrificed by militant power hungry monsters.
Apparently you're a faith-based bigot who believes Jews are entitled to all the land between the River and the sea regardless of what international law has to say about illegal colonies. Jews and their illegal occupation of Palestine are the problem.
Gazans brought this upon themselves by choosing to be Gazans instead of Israeli citizens. Coulda stayed in Israel and enjoyed a great life, but they chose instead to resist Israel and live under terrorist rule. Now that they see what that bore, they're whining oh woe is us! Fuck 'em. No such thing as an innocent Gazan civilian, they're all pro-terrorist. Sooner they're all dead sooner we can move on to West Bank and Golan Heights. To these two this is your 6am wake-up calls fellas. Choose a side quick. Wanna avoid Gaza's fate tell IDF where the bad guys are or suffer the same fate as well.
Where did you get the idea that Gazans could have stayed on the homes and farms when Israel came into existence in 1948? Jews drove 200,000 Arabs into Gaza even after the Armistice was signed. Jews have been occupying Palestine since 1948, and that is why Arab resistance is legitimate under international law. End the occupation to end the resistance.

Palestine lies to the west & north of Israel, under the Balfour Declaration. Blame the British, history backs ISRAEL.
Palestine lies where it always has, between the River and the sea.

"His Majesty's government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.[1]"

Balfour Declaration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Yup and this must be the tenth jew hating thread started by the jew hater Hitler GP
I'm sure they remembered the other wars they got into with Isreal.

They all, every one, got their asses handed to em by the Isreali's.
I'm sure they remembered the other wars they got into with Isreal.

They all, every one, got their asses handed to em by the Isreali's.

CNN reports the Arab nations do NOT want Hamas in their lands either.
I don't blame em. The only idiots who wanted Hamas are the dimwit Palestinians.

They are now paying the price for voting Hamas in to run Palestine. Hope they like all those civilian deaths because there will be many more.
Yup and this must be the tenth jew hating thread started by the jew hater Hitler GP
"It may well be the case that sometimes Israel is forced into an impossible choice between ignoring rocket attacks and bombing a civilian structure, in which it is at least defensible for Israel to privilege its self-defense and bomb the building. But in a larger view it is very difficult to imagine that a Palestinian threat that has killed seven Israeli civilians is dire enough to justify attacks that have killed 815 Palestinian civilians."

Of course, Israel could lift its illegal occupation of Palestine, but that would probably agitate kosher ass-licks, like you:eusa_clap:

Why 70% of the people killed in Israel-Gaza violence are innocent Palestinian civilians - Vox
Palestinians could stop acting like barbarians, that would be a good start to a new century.
Palestinians could stop acting like barbarians, that would be a good start to a new century.
Israeli jewsl need to stop acting like brutal savages, that would be a good start to a new century.

But that will never happen because the zionists are so full of hate and lust for goyim blood. .. :doubt:

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