Celebs Who Lean To The Right

Often racists don't recognize their own racism.

You've already been called out on your less than solid standards of criticism application, whore. I guess this is another instance where a self-righteous whore doesn't realize that taking money for sucking dick really is prostitution.

Such class. :thup:

Such crass :thup:

Thats right, whore.. a joke on both the nature of your forum input AND the pronunciation of the sound an L makes. Now kiss my ring, bitch.
:lol: Why didn't you call out Xsite for his comments? Is it because he's on your side of the spectrum?

Because he knows I'm part Asian and therefore it was obviously a joke. Now you know.

And what side of the spectrum am I on? Here are 3 issues for you to consider:

1. The Iraq War ....
Against the invasion to begin with?
.... 2. The financial bail-outs ....
Against for the most part, but saw a need for it?
.... 3. Gay rights

That's pretty good! However, I wanted Dogbert to answer. Where did that little canine run off to? You've got me pegged on #1 and #3, and possibly #2. :clap2: I was against the financial bail-outs and still am, but am still open to the idea that the government has their 'hooks' so tightly into the private sector that they might have been necessary to restore some order to the markets. It's just a sad situation all around.
You've already been called out on your less than solid standards of criticism application, whore. I guess this is another instance where a self-righteous whore doesn't realize that taking money for sucking dick really is prostitution.

Such class. :thup:

Such crass :thup:

Thats right, whore.. a joke on both the nature of your forum input AND the pronunciation of the sound an L makes. Now kiss my ring, bitch.
You're a bit angry, eh?

I just love it when you show your stuff, so let's see more. You're pretty easy.
Because he knows I'm part Asian and therefore it was obviously a joke. Now you know.

And what side of the spectrum am I on? Here are 3 issues for you to consider:

1. The Iraq War ....
Against the invasion to begin with?
.... 2. The financial bail-outs ....
Against for the most part, but saw a need for it?
.... 3. Gay rights

That's pretty good! However, I wanted Dogbert to answer. Where did that little canine run off to? You've got me pegged on #1 and #3, and possibly #2. :clap2: I was against the financial bail-outs and still am, but am still open to the idea that the government has their 'hooks' so tightly into the private sector that they might have been necessary to restore some order to the markets. It's just a sad situation all around.
I'm still conflicted on No. 2 as well. And, I just haven't enough knowledge in money matters to make a good analysis on it. Yes, it is bad all around.
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Such class. :thup:

Such crass :thup:

Thats right, whore.. a joke on both the nature of your forum input AND the pronunciation of the sound an L makes. Now kiss my ring, bitch.
You're a bit angry, eh?

I just love it when you show your stuff, so let's see more. You're pretty easy.

HA! who would get angry about some self-righteous net hooker crying racist? Not I, trick, not I.

You don't even know which of us is holding the leash in this dogshow, do you tramp?


Such crass :thup:

Thats right, whore.. a joke on both the nature of your forum input AND the pronunciation of the sound an L makes. Now kiss my ring, bitch.
You're a bit angry, eh?

I just love it when you show your stuff, so let's see more. You're pretty easy.

HA! who would get angry about some self-righteous net hooker crying racist? Not I, trick, not I.

You don't even know which of us is holding the leash in this dogshow, do you tramp?


You reek of class. :thup:

So easy, so predictable. McTorquing...I'm lovin' it!
You're a bit angry, eh?

I just love it when you show your stuff, so let's see more. You're pretty easy.

HA! who would get angry about some self-righteous net hooker crying racist? Not I, trick, not I.

You don't even know which of us is holding the leash in this dogshow, do you tramp?


You reek of class. :thup:

So easy, so predictable. McTorquing...I'm lovin' it!

NOW you are just repeating yourself, crackwhore. Tell me more about which of us is predictable and easy.

HA! who would get angry about some self-righteous net hooker crying racist? Not I, trick, not I.

You don't even know which of us is holding the leash in this dogshow, do you tramp?


You reek of class. :thup:

So easy, so predictable. McTorquing...I'm lovin' it!

NOW you are just repeating yourself, crackwhore. Tell me more about which of us is predictable and easy.

I've bored of your classlessness. It was fun while it lasted, though.
You reek of class. :thup:

So easy, so predictable. McTorquing...I'm lovin' it!

NOW you are just repeating yourself, crackwhore. Tell me more about which of us is predictable and easy.

I've bored of your classlessness. It was fun while it lasted, though.

Well, I guess it's a good thing you thought it necessary to post as much.



back to the street, bitch! Is Shogun gonna have to smack a bitch?
NOW you are just repeating yourself, crackwhore. Tell me more about which of us is predictable and easy.

I've bored of your classlessness. It was fun while it lasted, though.

Well, I guess it's a good thing you thought it necessary to post as much.



back to the street, bitch! Is Shogun gonna have to smack a bitch?

Not many rules around here, but there is for threatening violence.
and you KNOW that I'm not kidding? Get over yourself, whore.

No class dickhead.

Feel free to block my posts, pussy. Ask a mod if you need directions on how to filter my posts from your virginal eyes.


I can handle and deal with the best. I just don't cross the line with a woman until they cross it themselves. Clearly no one has ever taught you how to be a man. Like I said, your a classless prick that someone needs to teach you a hard lesson in manhood.
No class dickhead.

Feel free to block my posts, pussy. Ask a mod if you need directions on how to filter my posts from your virginal eyes.


I can handle and deal with the best. I just don't cross the line with a woman until they cross it themselves. Clearly no one has ever taught you how to be a man. Like I said, your a classless prick that someone needs to teach you a hard lesson in manhood.

Clearly you can't handle and deal with the best. Indeed, letting some antiquated social mores keep you from treating women as equal when you can treat them like dainty, fragile little porcelain dolls might do wonders for your 1950s mentality but it makes me laugh at the trail of blood leading to your bleeding pussy in this thread. So, again, you can either deal with my posts or you can block them. Your choice, champ.


ps, I truly wish you could "teach me a hard lesson", lil guy. Unfortunately for you we'd find you crawling away like a pulpy worm after you discovered why it's easier to be a tough guy on the internet than in real life.

Gary Sinise


Gary Sinise on stage with the Lt. Dan Band at the Chicago Air and Water Festival 2008

I saw a lot of has-beens and never-were's on there, and, although it pains me whenever I think about it, I knew Clint Eastwood was a conservative (fiscally not socially), but not Bruce Willis!!! NOOOOO! He's my 2nd favorite movie star after Clint! Die Hard is the best action flick ever made, and Twelve Monkeys is great, too. Man that's disappointing. That bitch ex-wife of his married Ashton Kutcher. Really?! Ashton Kutcher! C'mon! I hate that guy. Bruce is an American icon for Christ Sake! Moonlighting was awesome! What other balding man do women consider as sexy as Bruce (and don't say Sean Connery cause he's been bald for a long time, same with Patrick Stewart, ladies!)?

Bruce is NOT sexy.

Sexy balding man?


As 007? Eh. But my God he aged well.


I watched that movie. A LOT. That last scene on horseback? Whoa :eek: :lol:

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