Censor Despicable Deplorable Misleading Pres. Donald

Americans should see and hear more about Rrump's losses in court and misdeeds of him and his kids and less of his propaganda. Federal courts ruled against him on multiple cases in the last few days and questions about Ivanka receiving copyrights in China go ignored or barely covered while Trump lies and misinformation continue to get maximum coverage.
losses in court? I would expect any judge I appointed as president to act accordingly as I wouldif I was a former president
So dude ut's no great victory for a partisan judge to rule against a president.
President Donald Trump has destroyed the credibility of the Presidency with his unending hateful misleading erratic rants. The time has come and is actually past due, to censor his lying and misinforming the American public and censor his deplorable despicable speeches. The media should edit out any portions of his rants that are purposefully misleading the public with his lies. Let his brainwashed followers find and listen to his lies and propaganda bullcrap on their own. America should not be forced to navigate through his garbage of lies and misinformation on a daily basis.
Left Wingers fear free freedom of speech because they fear reality.
They are brainwashed by our MSM 24/7.
They still believe in Russian Collusion.
Now they are being brainwashed into believing Ukrainian Collusion.
lol Right wingers don't have to fear freedom of speech because they have been so brainwashed by Trump's mouthpieces (probably funded by the Russians) that they believe every piece of news they don't like is a lie, every decision made against the President is a conspiracy/coup and every American citizen who criticizes his behavior is a Communist.

Show us where the left believed a single negative thing printed against Obama was the truth, a single disagreement with Obama wasn't based on pure racism, or a single decision made against Obama wasn't part of a vast right-wing conspiracy.
Americans should see and hear more about Rrump's losses in court and misdeeds of him and his kids and less of his propaganda. Federal courts ruled against him on multiple cases in the last few days and questions about Ivanka receiving copyrights in China go ignored or barely covered while Trump lies and misinformation continue to get maximum coverage.

I'm gonna take a wild stab in the dark that you're not actually American, and so find our Free Speech really disturbing.

I don't care. Mind your own business and we'll mind ours.
You don't even know what free speech means. Censoring by a privately owned company is free speech.

You don't even live here, so why are you OBSESSED with Trump? And why should we care what you think?
If you didn't care, you wouldn't be arguing with him, would you?
I don't believe I caught that part where Sue said they didn't care. Why are you making irrelevant shit up?
Americans should see and hear more about Rrump's losses in court and misdeeds of him and his kids and less of his propaganda. Federal courts ruled against him on multiple cases in the last few days and questions about Ivanka receiving copyrights in China go ignored or barely covered while Trump lies and misinformation continue to get maximum coverage.

I'm gonna take a wild stab in the dark that you're not actually American, and so find our Free Speech really disturbing.

I don't care. Mind your own business and we'll mind ours.

Why do you object to OUR free speech?

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President Donald Trump has destroyed the credibility of the Presidency with his unending hateful misleading erratic rants. The time has come and is actually past due, to censor his lying and misinforming the American public and censor his deplorable despicable speeches. The media should edit out any portions of his rants that are purposefully misleading the public with his lies. Let his brainwashed followers find and listen to his lies and propaganda bullcrap on their own. America should not be forced to navigate through his garbage of lies and misinformation on a daily basis.


Fuck the 1st Amendment....

When it suites you.

Go fuck yourself.
Americans should see and hear more about Rrump's losses in court and misdeeds of him and his kids and less of his propaganda. Federal courts ruled against him on multiple cases in the last few days and questions about Ivanka receiving copyrights in China go ignored or barely covered while Trump lies and misinformation continue to get maximum coverage.

I'm gonna take a wild stab in the dark that you're not actually American, and so find our Free Speech really disturbing.

I don't care. Mind your own business and we'll mind ours.
You don't even know what free speech means. Censoring by a privately owned company is free speech.

You don't even live here, so why are you OBSESSED with Trump? And why should we care what you think?
If you didn't care, you wouldn't be arguing with him, would you?

I'm telling him I don't care because deluded Europeans live under the delusion that all Americans are waiting with bated breath to find out what they think about all things American.

I do not care what they think. That is my message to all Europeans. Don't call us, we'll call you.

Americans should see and hear more about Rrump's losses in court and misdeeds of him and his kids and less of his propaganda. Federal courts ruled against him on multiple cases in the last few days and questions about Ivanka receiving copyrights in China go ignored or barely covered while Trump lies and misinformation continue to get maximum coverage.

I'm gonna take a wild stab in the dark that you're not actually American, and so find our Free Speech really disturbing.

I don't care. Mind your own business and we'll mind ours.

Why do you object to OUR free speech?

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Are you an American? If so, I don't. I do object to Campy's idea the the media stifle our US president. I find that pretty extreme but hey, YMMV
Americans should see and hear more about Rrump's losses in court and misdeeds of him and his kids and less of his propaganda. Federal courts ruled against him on multiple cases in the last few days and questions about Ivanka receiving copyrights in China go ignored or barely covered while Trump lies and misinformation continue to get maximum coverage.

I'm gonna take a wild stab in the dark that you're not actually American, and so find our Free Speech really disturbing.

I don't care. Mind your own business and we'll mind ours.

Why do you object to OUR free speech?

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Are you an American? If so, I don't. I do object to Campy's idea the the media stifle our US president. I find that pretty extreme but hey, YMMV

I am an American.
I find it quite hypocritical for the right to whine about Obama for eight years then get their panties in a wad if someone speaks out about trump.

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USMB is a privately owned entity. They can moderate and control speech allowed or disallowed on their site. They are allowed to censor speech on their site because they pay for and own the venue. They are the ones with free speech protection and ones exerting free speech. Folks who disagree with their free speech have the option of leaving and using other messageboards.
USMB is a privately owned entity. They can moderate and control speech allowed or disallowed on their site. They are allowed to censor speech on their site because they pay for and own the venue. They are the ones with free speech protection and ones exerting free speech. Folks who disagree with their free speech have the option of leaving and using other messageboards.

Doubtful they applied for a license from the Federal Government.
USMB is a privately owned entity. They can moderate and control speech allowed or disallowed on their site. They are allowed to censor speech on their site because they pay for and own the venue. They are the ones with free speech protection and ones exerting free speech. Folks who disagree with their free speech have the option of leaving and using other messageboards.

Doubtful they applied for a license from the Federal Government.
Freedom would not be freedom if you had to apply to the government for it.
President Donald Trump has destroyed the credibility of the Presidency with his unending hateful misleading erratic rants. The time has come and is actually past due, to censor his lying and misinforming the American public and censor his deplorable despicable speeches. The media should edit out any portions of his rants that are purposefully misleading the public with his lies. Let his brainwashed followers find and listen to his lies and propaganda bullcrap on their own. America should not be forced to navigate through his garbage of lies and misinformation on a daily basis.

America should not be forced to navigate through his garbage of lies and misinformation on a daily basis.

View attachment 284288

America shouldn't have to suffer listening to idiots like you tell other Americans what they should and shouldn't listen to.

Nor should they have to suffer listening to your bullshit.

Shut up and drop dead, idiot. Not necessarily in that order.
Ironic, this guy is arguing about free speech by telling someone to shut up.
President Donald Trump has destroyed the credibility of the Presidency with his unending hateful misleading erratic rants. The time has come and is actually past due, to censor his lying and misinforming the American public and censor his deplorable despicable speeches. The media should edit out any portions of his rants that are purposefully misleading the public with his lies. Let his brainwashed followers find and listen to his lies and propaganda bullcrap on their own. America should not be forced to navigate through his garbage of lies and misinformation on a daily basis.
Left Wingers fear free freedom of speech because they fear reality.
They are brainwashed by our MSM 24/7.
They still believe in Russian Collusion.
Now they are being brainwashed into believing Ukrainian Collusion.
lol Right wingers don't have to fear freedom of speech because they have been so brainwashed by Trump's mouthpieces (probably funded by the Russians) that they believe every piece of news they don't like is a lie, every decision made against the President is a conspiracy/coup and every American citizen who criticizes his behavior is a Communist.

Show us where the left believed a single negative thing printed against Obama was the truth, a single disagreement with Obama wasn't based on pure racism, or a single decision made against Obama wasn't part of a vast right-wing conspiracy.
I wouldn't know. I didn't read here during the Obama years. I do know that the vast right-wing "conspiracy" to block every decision by Obama was no secret. The Republicans in Congress were proud of it. And if some people here got called out on being racist when they put up those disgusting pics of Michele and Barack, calling them monkeys and worse, well, those posters deserved it.
America should not be forced to navigate through his garbage of lies and misinformation on a daily basis.

View attachment 284288

America shouldn't have to suffer listening to idiots like you tell other Americans what they should and shouldn't listen to.

Nor should they have to suffer listening to your bullshit.

Shut up and drop dead, idiot. Not necessarily in that order.
Ironic, this guy is arguing about free speech by telling someone to shut up.

Ironic that you're such a partisan idiot that you missed the fact the person I was responding to was trying to silence me first. That is the tragedy of the Left. They are all for free speech so long as they are the only one's free to speak. This entire thread and the whole "impeachment" effort by the democrats is all to shut up someone (Trump) simply because he loudly and fervently disagrees with and works to expose THEM.

But three years and all you've done is make Trump talk more loudly and plainly. Just wait until his 8th year!
I do know that the vast right-wing "conspiracy" to block every decision by Obama was no secret.

They didn't block much. And even at that he still ended up being the most damaging president in US history. If that is a vast rightwing conspiracy, it is a damned poor one.
America should not be forced to navigate through his garbage of lies and misinformation on a daily basis.

View attachment 284288

America shouldn't have to suffer listening to idiots like you tell other Americans what they should and shouldn't listen to.

Nor should they have to suffer listening to your bullshit.

Shut up and drop dead, idiot. Not necessarily in that order.
Ironic, this guy is arguing about free speech by telling someone to shut up.

Ironic that you're such a partisan idiot that you missed the fact the person I was responding to was trying to silence me first. That is the tragedy of the Left. They are all for free speech so long as they are the only one's free to speak. This entire thread and the whole "impeachment" effort by the democrats is all to shut up someone (Trump) simply because he loudly and fervently disagrees with and works to expose THEM.

But three years and all you've done is make Trump talk more loudly and plainly. Just wait until his 8th year!
Free speech allows for all the things you are whining about.

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