Census data shows Obamacare and welfare kept millions out of poverty

The Deficit Explained And Fiscal Conservatism Debunked (In Two Graphs)



Note that the last five times we’ve had budget surpluses (four of them were Clinton budgets), revenue was near 20% of GDP. So that is a good guideline for the minimum size of govt Americans actually want in the modern age. But the Clinton surpluses were squandered in the Bush years when revenue dropped to below 15% of GDP and spending soared to 25%.

looking at those charts I would say that it looks like Bush 1 actually got the economy moving in the right direction, then it took a few years of clintons errors to turn it back around. By the time clinton left office the surplus was already gone and the downward trend was fairly steep, however, Bush 2 was able to turn it back around and start heading back up, until clintons housing bubble finally burst, the real decline during the Bush 2 admin appears to have come about the same time that the democrats took over congress and the senate
I think we can look at the chart and extrapolate the data that clearly shows the republican leadership worked and the democrats continuously undo all good done.


Q When did the Bush Mortgage Bubble start?

A The general timeframe is it started late 2004.

From Bush’s President’s Working Group on Financial Markets October 2008

“The Presidents Working Group’s March policy statement acknowledged that turmoil in financial markets clearly was triggered by a dramatic weakening of underwriting standards for U.S. subprime mortgages, beginning in late 2004 and extending into 2007.”


Right-wingers Want To Erase How George Bush's "Homeowner Society" Helped Cause The Economic Collapse

2004 Republican Convention:

Another priority for a new term is to build an ownership society, because ownership brings security and dignity and independence.

Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all- time high.


Tonight we set a new goal: 7 million more affordable homes in the next 10 years, so more American families will be able to open the door and say, "Welcome to my home."

FACTS on Dubya's great recession | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Republican's Responsibility for the Market Meltdown

hrough the Republican Congress in 2003 and the Bush Administration's work through HUD and the FHA, the Bush Administration forced Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to, for the first time, make available riskier loan products to minority and low income buyers.

The Federal Housing Administration Mortgage Program.In 2002, the President issued America’s Homeownership Challenge to increase first-time minority homeowners by 5.5 million through 2010. The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) mortgage program is an important tool for reaching that goal. In 2006, 31 percent of those using FHA mortgages were minorities purchasing their first home. The 2008 Budget continues Administration efforts to modernize FHA by improving its ability to reach traditionally underserved homebuyers (aka those who do not normally qualify for loans), such as low- and moderate-income families, individuals with blemished credit, and families who have little savings for a down payment.

(From Bush Administration’s White House Press Release entitled, "Focusing on the Nation’s Priorities – Meeting America’s Housing Needs").

The Bush Administration through HUD, also required Fannie and Fredde to give a higher percentage of their loans to loan-income and minorities that otherwise would not qualify for the loans.

BUSH ADMINISTRATION ANNOUNCES NEW HUD "ZERO DOWN PAYMENT" MORTGAGE Initiative Aimed at Removing Major Barrier to Homeownership

LAS VEGAS - As part of President Bush's ongoing effort to help American families achieve the dream of homeownership, Federal Housing Commissioner John C. Weicher today announced that HUD is proposing to offer a "zero down payment" mortgage, the most significant initiative by the Federal Housing Administration in over a decade. This action would help remove the greatest barrier facing first-time homebuyers - the lack of funds for a down payment on a mortgage.

Speaking at the National Association of Home Builders' annual convention, Commissioner Weicher indicated that the proposal, part of HUD's Fiscal Year 2005 budget request, would eliminate the statutory requirement of a minimum three percent down payment for FHA-insured single-family mortgages for first-time homebuyers.

"Offering FHA mortgages with no down payment will unlock the door to homeownership for hundreds of thousands of American families, particularly minorities," said HUD's Acting Secretary Alphonso Jackson. "President Bush has pledged to create 5.5 million new minority homeowners this decade, and this historic initiative will help meet this goal."

Preliminary projections indicate that the new FHA mortgage product would generate about 150,000 homebuyers in the first year alone.

The Administration, through HUD, further forced Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to offer riskier 3, 5, and 7 year arm loan products to low income and minorities.


40,000 More Families Expected To Benefit From New Offerings

WASHINGTON – The Department of Housing and Urban Development is proposing to enhance homebuying opportunities by expanding its offerings of adjustable-rate mortgage (ARM) products on FHA-insured mortgages. Potential homebuyers would be able to choose mortgages with periods of three, five, seven or ten years, depending on their needs, during which time the interest rate would be fixed.

"By offering additional types of FHA-insured ARMs tailored to the financial conditions and desires of the borrowers, we are creating more homeownership opportunities," said HUD Secretary Mel Martinez today in a speech to America’s Community Bankers. "We estimate that as many as 40,000 families a year will choose these new adjustable-rate mortgages as their way of financing their home purchase."

(HUD Press Release).

Bush and the Republican Congress forced Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to make zero-down loans and adjustable rate 3, 5, and 7 year arms to the riskiest buyers. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were forced to effectively finance 103 percent of the mortgage (including closing costs).

The Administration often pointed to the huge increase in housing as one of its greatest successes.

[The Administration has] Helped Americans buy homes, expanding the homeownership rate to nearly 70 percent and the minority homeownership rate to over 51 percent nationwide. With approximately three million minorities owning a home for the first time, the Nation now has the highest minority homeownership rate in its history. Furthermore, the Administration is ahead of schedule in achieving the Presidential goal of adding 5.5 million new minority homeowners by 2010.


The Deficit Explained And Fiscal Conservatism Debunked (In Two Graphs)



Note that the last five times we’ve had budget surpluses (four of them were Clinton budgets), revenue was near 20% of GDP. So that is a good guideline for the minimum size of govt Americans actually want in the modern age. But the Clinton surpluses were squandered in the Bush years when revenue dropped to below 15% of GDP and spending soared to 25%.

looking at those charts I would say that it looks like Bush 1 actually got the economy moving in the right direction, then it took a few years of clintons errors to turn it back around. By the time clinton left office the surplus was already gone and the downward trend was fairly steep, however, Bush 2 was able to turn it back around and start heading back up, until clintons housing bubble finally burst, the real decline during the Bush 2 admin appears to have come about the same time that the democrats took over congress and the senate
I think we can look at the chart and extrapolate the data that clearly shows the republican leadership worked and the democrats continuously undo all good done.

The Deficit Explained And Fiscal Conservatism Debunked (In Two Graphs)



Note that the last five times we’ve had budget surpluses (four of them were Clinton budgets), revenue was near 20% of GDP. So that is a good guideline for the minimum size of govt Americans actually want in the modern age. But the Clinton surpluses were squandered in the Bush years when revenue dropped to below 15% of GDP and spending soared to 25%.

looking at those charts I would say that it looks like Bush 1 actually got the economy moving in the right direction, then it took a few years of clintons errors to turn it back around. By the time clinton left office the surplus was already gone and the downward trend was fairly steep, however, Bush 2 was able to turn it back around and start heading back up, until clintons housing bubble finally burst, the real decline during the Bush 2 admin appears to have come about the same time that the democrats took over congress and the senate
I think we can look at the chart and extrapolate the data that clearly shows the republican leadership worked and the democrats continuously undo all good done.

Nothing huh? lol
The Deficit Explained And Fiscal Conservatism Debunked (In Two Graphs)



Note that the last five times we’ve had budget surpluses (four of them were Clinton budgets), revenue was near 20% of GDP. So that is a good guideline for the minimum size of govt Americans actually want in the modern age. But the Clinton surpluses were squandered in the Bush years when revenue dropped to below 15% of GDP and spending soared to 25%.

looking at those charts I would say that it looks like Bush 1 actually got the economy moving in the right direction, then it took a few years of clintons errors to turn it back around. By the time clinton left office the surplus was already gone and the downward trend was fairly steep, however, Bush 2 was able to turn it back around and start heading back up, until clintons housing bubble finally burst, the real decline during the Bush 2 admin appears to have come about the same time that the democrats took over congress and the senate
I think we can look at the chart and extrapolate the data that clearly shows the republican leadership worked and the democrats continuously undo all good done.

Nothing huh? lol
What? you want to play Jepordy now?
little off topic but ok.
Answer was, Nothing Huh?
Question would be, What does Dad2Three have in his wallet that he actually earned by working.
The Deficit Explained And Fiscal Conservatism Debunked (In Two Graphs)



Note that the last five times we’ve had budget surpluses (four of them were Clinton budgets), revenue was near 20% of GDP. So that is a good guideline for the minimum size of govt Americans actually want in the modern age. But the Clinton surpluses were squandered in the Bush years when revenue dropped to below 15% of GDP and spending soared to 25%.

looking at those charts I would say that it looks like Bush 1 actually got the economy moving in the right direction, then it took a few years of clintons errors to turn it back around. By the time clinton left office the surplus was already gone and the downward trend was fairly steep, however, Bush 2 was able to turn it back around and start heading back up, until clintons housing bubble finally burst, the real decline during the Bush 2 admin appears to have come about the same time that the democrats took over congress and the senate
I think we can look at the chart and extrapolate the data that clearly shows the republican leadership worked and the democrats continuously undo all good done.

Nothing huh? lol
What? you want to play Jepordy now?
little off topic but ok.
Answer was, Nothing Huh?
Question would be, What does Dad2Three have in his wallet that he actually earned by working.

Demolishing the rights talking points IS fun Bubba
This is,the kind of obamaesque posts that are so ubiquitous. Obamas policies cause many more Americans to be in poverty, therefore Obama needs more money to spend on all the people he put in poverty. Create the problem and then take credit for alleviating it. The op is just spin by desperate liberals facing a tsunami of bad news.Obamacare’s Dirty Secret: 31 Million Still Can’t Afford Treatment..................
Report: 3 Million More Children in Poverty Under Obama

Just like the unemployment numbers, all smoke and mirrors by political plants in the bureaucracies tasked with making Obama look good at all costs.
This is,the kind of obamaesque posts that are so ubiquitous. Obamas policies cause many more Americans to be in poverty, therefore Obama needs more money to spend on all the people he put in poverty. Create the problem and then take credit for alleviating it. The op is just spin by desperate liberals facing a tsunami of bad news.Obamacare’s Dirty Secret: 31 Million Still Can’t Afford Treatment..................
Report: 3 Million More Children in Poverty Under Obama

Just like the unemployment numbers, all smoke and mirrors by political plants in the bureaucracies tasked with making Obama look good at all costs.

Yep, the failure of you right wing wack jobs to see the hole Dubya/GOP put US in AND the GOP' s working against Obama AND US for nearly 7 years, to make him a 1 termer still!
The pubbies must be horrified.
Census data shows Obamacare and welfare kept millions out of poverty
If there was any good news in the census data dump on Wednesday, it was that the US’s welfare safety net programs and Barack Obama’s signature healthcare legislation are doing exactly what they are supposed to.

The supplemental poverty measure data released by the US Census bureau showed that programs like food stamps, refundable tax credits and social security benefits helped keep millions of Americans out of poverty in 2014. Similarly, the data regarding health insurance coverage showed that last year the number of uninsured Americans dropped by 8.8 million.

“In 2014, the percentage of people without health insurance for the entire calendar year was 10.4%, or 33 million people, lower than the rate, 13.3%, and the number of uninsured, 41.8 million, in 2013,” Victoria Velkoff, chief of the social, economic and housing statistics division at the bureau, said on Wednesday. “The decrease in the uninsured rate was 2.9%, or 8.8 million people.”

Americans with full-time jobs were the least likely to be uninsured.

“This is dramatic proof that the Affordable Care Act is a stunning success,” said Ron Pollack, executive director of Families USA. “The historic decrease in the number of uninsured Americans is unmistakably attributable to the Affordable Care Act’s implementation.

“The numbers show that the greatest gains were among moderate-income families, communities of color and young people – the precise groups that most needed help in gaining health insurance. According to the report, households with incomes below $25,000 a year saw their rate of coverage increase by 4.3%, and households between $25,000 and $49,999 saw an increase of 5%. Hispanics, black people and Asians increased coverage rates by about 4%. And the rate of uninsured between ages 26 to 34 went down by 5.5%.”
This is an opinion piece plant story.....There is no way a loss of trillions of dollars in taxpayer revenue can be counted as a win...
BTW, with $6,000 deductibles and only 60% coverage( the bronze plan most selected) there really is not coverage.
The story is crap.
Taxpayers got fucked on this deal.....And those insured in the private market are not only seeing their own coverage reduced, but their costs rising. Medical facilities are CLOSING or cutting staff because of the drastically reduced reimbursements from insurance companies. Doctors are quitting the profession. Our family doctor of over 15 years left the profession over Obamacare.
ACA is a train wreck.
Middle Class Lost In Obama's 'Middle Class Economics'
Economy: After six-plus years of President Obama's big-spending, tax-raising policies, middle-class families have seen their incomes decline and more families have fallen into poverty, Census data show.

The Census Bureau's latest annual report on income and poverty in America shows that there was little to cheer about in 2014.

View attachment 50460

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Middle Class Lost In Obama's 'Middle Class Economics'
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Reagan tripled the national debt, obama was handed one of the worst disasters in decades. Jobs are being added rapidly.
Reagan?......Go play with yourself..
Ansd I suppose you think Jimmy Carter was the greatest POTUS we've ever had.
You libs are true believers. That's all.
Reagan.....Wow. Just wow..
If "Reagan" is your best defense as to Obamacare, you have a gigantic problem
Middle Class Lost In Obama's 'Middle Class Economics'
Economy: After six-plus years of President Obama's big-spending, tax-raising policies, middle-class families have seen their incomes decline and more families have fallen into poverty, Census data show.

The Census Bureau's latest annual report on income and poverty in America shows that there was little to cheer about in 2014.

View attachment 50460

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Middle Class Lost In Obama's 'Middle Class Economics'
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How would you raise wages?

Remember before bush high school grads could go find a ggod paying union job and raise a family. Those jobs are all but gone.

So how you gonna help high school grads get better pay?
Keep in mind this thread isn't about the poverty numbers, it's about obamacare/food stamps/etc keeping people out of poverty who would be in it without these programs.
Don't you have to be in poverty to benefit from Obamacare and food stamps?

How exactly is that keeping people out of poverty. If they were out... they would get dropped.
Watchdog finds widespread fraud at U.S. Census Bureau
Watchdog finds widespread fraud at U.S. Census Bureau
Why am I not surprised.
Here's the reason I don't trust any government agency to tell the truth id because many dept heads and of course the Cabinet members that oversee these depts serve at the pleasure of the President. So if there is any issues which may make the POTUS look bad, especially when the POTUS' policies are what is driving the news, it is buried or altered.
The Obama admin is fucking lying to us so we don't storm the White House lawn carrying pitchforks and swords.
Middle Class Lost In Obama's 'Middle Class Economics'
Economy: After six-plus years of President Obama's big-spending, tax-raising policies, middle-class families have seen their incomes decline and more families have fallen into poverty, Census data show.

The Census Bureau's latest annual report on income and poverty in America shows that there was little to cheer about in 2014.

View attachment 50460

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Middle Class Lost In Obama's 'Middle Class Economics'
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How would you raise wages?

Remember before bush high school grads could go find a ggod paying union job and raise a family. Those jobs are all but gone.

So how you gonna help high school grads get better pay?
By continuing their education or job training skills.
Oh, BTW, those wonderful union jobs you so lovingly like to mention? Only is a few areas of the country did those jobs ever exist.
At its peak, unions represented just one third of all US workers.
Unions did themselves in. Unions refused to adjust to the times. Unions made labor costs non competitive in many markets. So business did what it needed to do for self preservation.
The days of unions are over. Move on. Others have.
The pubbies must be horrified.
Census data shows Obamacare and welfare kept millions out of poverty
If there was any good news in the census data dump on Wednesday, it was that the US’s welfare safety net programs and Barack Obama’s signature healthcare legislation are doing exactly what they are supposed to.

The supplemental poverty measure data released by the US Census bureau showed that programs like food stamps, refundable tax credits and social security benefits helped keep millions of Americans out of poverty in 2014. Similarly, the data regarding health insurance coverage showed that last year the number of uninsured Americans dropped by 8.8 million.

“In 2014, the percentage of people without health insurance for the entire calendar year was 10.4%, or 33 million people, lower than the rate, 13.3%, and the number of uninsured, 41.8 million, in 2013,” Victoria Velkoff, chief of the social, economic and housing statistics division at the bureau, said on Wednesday. “The decrease in the uninsured rate was 2.9%, or 8.8 million people.”

Americans with full-time jobs were the least likely to be uninsured.

“This is dramatic proof that the Affordable Care Act is a stunning success,” said Ron Pollack, executive director of Families USA. “The historic decrease in the number of uninsured Americans is unmistakably attributable to the Affordable Care Act’s implementation.

“The numbers show that the greatest gains were among moderate-income families, communities of color and young people – the precise groups that most needed help in gaining health insurance. According to the report, households with incomes below $25,000 a year saw their rate of coverage increase by 4.3%, and households between $25,000 and $49,999 saw an increase of 5%. Hispanics, black people and Asians increased coverage rates by about 4%. And the rate of uninsured between ages 26 to 34 went down by 5.5%.”

Hardly. The poverty rate is up under Obama:

LOL. Funny how Obama was handed the recession and had to deal with uncompromising republicans.. The fact is, obamacare and welfare are keeping people out of poverty, unfortunately, people are still falling in. Maybe if we raised the minimum wage and other such things proven to help the poor.
None of which would do anything to get people out of poverty.
What does that is improving skills and gaining experience . Making one's self more valuable to their employer or adding skills to their resume is the best way toward higher earnings.
BTW, you are free to open a business and pay people whatever you deem appropriate.....Can't do that? Well then you have no say in the matter.
It's amazing what Obama can do by printing $38 billion per month. Print the money, give it away to people who don't want to work, drive interest rates to zero, drive investment away from Main Street to Wall Street, claim that the the economy is vastly improved by negating the unemployed from unemployment figures, then blame the resultant poor on the Republicans.

The fix is in. Dog wags tail.

End of fucking story.
What the fuck are you talking about?
"The supplemental poverty measure data released by the US Census bureau showed that programs like food stamps, refundable tax credits and social security benefits helped keep millions of Americans out of poverty in 2014. Similarly, the data regarding health insurance coverage showed that last year the number of uninsured Americans dropped by 8.8 million.

“In 2014, the percentage of people without health insurance for the entire calendar year was 10.4%, or 33 million people, lower than the rate, 13.3%, and the number of uninsured, 41.8 million, in 2013,” Victoria Velkoff, chief of the social, economic and housing statistics division at the bureau, said on Wednesday. “The decrease in the uninsured rate was 2.9%, or 8.8 million people.”

Americans with full-time jobs were the least likely to be uninsured.

“This is dramatic proof that the Affordable Care Act is a stunning success,” said Ron Pollack, executive director of Families USA. “The historic decrease in the number of uninsured Americans is unmistakably attributable to the Affordable Care Act’s implementation.

“The numbers show that the greatest gains were among moderate-income families, communities of color and young people – the precise groups that most needed help in gaining health insurance. According to the report, households with incomes below $25,000 a year saw their rate of coverage increase by 4.3%, and households between $25,000 and $49,999 saw an increase of 5%. Hispanics, black people and Asians increased coverage rates by about 4%. And the rate of uninsured between ages 26 to 34 went down by 5.5%.”"
Yeah, yeah, blame obama for employers deciding to be assholes..
It's all bullshit.
If those things are true, then why is it that the number of those collecting benefits and the number of those living in "poverty" continue to grow?....
These statistics are self serving. They are so because if there are fewer impoverished people, there would be fewer people dependent on government hand outs.
The pubbies must be horrified.
Census data shows Obamacare and welfare kept millions out of poverty
If there was any good news in the census data dump on Wednesday, it was that the US’s welfare safety net programs and Barack Obama’s signature healthcare legislation are doing exactly what they are supposed to.

The supplemental poverty measure data released by the US Census bureau showed that programs like food stamps, refundable tax credits and social security benefits helped keep millions of Americans out of poverty in 2014. Similarly, the data regarding health insurance coverage showed that last year the number of uninsured Americans dropped by 8.8 million.

“In 2014, the percentage of people without health insurance for the entire calendar year was 10.4%, or 33 million people, lower than the rate, 13.3%, and the number of uninsured, 41.8 million, in 2013,” Victoria Velkoff, chief of the social, economic and housing statistics division at the bureau, said on Wednesday. “The decrease in the uninsured rate was 2.9%, or 8.8 million people.”

Americans with full-time jobs were the least likely to be uninsured.

“This is dramatic proof that the Affordable Care Act is a stunning success,” said Ron Pollack, executive director of Families USA. “The historic decrease in the number of uninsured Americans is unmistakably attributable to the Affordable Care Act’s implementation.

“The numbers show that the greatest gains were among moderate-income families, communities of color and young people – the precise groups that most needed help in gaining health insurance. According to the report, households with incomes below $25,000 a year saw their rate of coverage increase by 4.3%, and households between $25,000 and $49,999 saw an increase of 5%. Hispanics, black people and Asians increased coverage rates by about 4%. And the rate of uninsured between ages 26 to 34 went down by 5.5%.”

Hardly. The poverty rate is up under Obama:

LOL. Funny how Obama was handed the recession and had to deal with uncompromising republicans.. The fact is, obamacare and welfare are keeping people out of poverty, unfortunately, people are still falling in. Maybe if we raised the minimum wage and other such things proven to help the poor.

The old "it would have been worse if not for our fearless Democrat leader" excuse.

The bottom line is that the claims you made are not supported by the Census Bureau statistics.

GOP burns down economy. Blames Obama.

Sums up your entire being. Living vicariously through cartoons.
Middle Class Lost In Obama's 'Middle Class Economics'
Economy: After six-plus years of President Obama's big-spending, tax-raising policies, middle-class families have seen their incomes decline and more families have fallen into poverty, Census data show.

The Census Bureau's latest annual report on income and poverty in America shows that there was little to cheer about in 2014.

View attachment 50460

Read More At Investor's Business Daily: Middle Class Lost In Obama's 'Middle Class Economics'
Follow us: @IBDinvestors on Twitter | InvestorsBusinessDaily on Facebook
How would you raise wages?

Remember before bush high school grads could go find a ggod paying union job and raise a family. Those jobs are all but gone.

So how you gonna help high school grads get better pay?
By continuing their education or job training skills.
Oh, BTW, those wonderful union jobs you so lovingly like to mention? Only is a few areas of the country did those jobs ever exist.
At its peak, unions represented just one third of all US workers.
Unions did themselves in. Unions refused to adjust to the times. Unions made labor costs non competitive in many markets. So business did what it needed to do for self preservation.
The days of unions are over. Move on. Others have.
So now the masses who don't like school are just SOL? That's what I thought.

Perhaps you never worked in a factory before. Those aren't the school types. So now you want the masses to go to college just to get a degree to do what? We're talking about the masses. I don't think Republicans get that.

The honest answer is you don't think the masses should do as well as they have.

This should be a warning to Honda and Toyota employees down south. They only pay you well so you don't unionize. Take away that threat and why should a Toyota worker who didn't go to college make more than minimum wage?

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