Census Estimates Show California, New York Losing House Seats to Demographic Change

The exodus from CA and NY will accelerate as the wealth flees and the tax burden is increasingly born by a smaller number of socialism victims.

What Socialism victims?
New York's the center of big business, without regulations over supply & demand.

LMAO that was real ignorance.

You dirty negs & dregs in the USA don't even know what Socialism is.

You post nonsense. I lived in NY and watched the exodus followed closely by the decline and vampire sucking of those left behind. :eusa_hand:
The exodus from CA and NY will accelerate as the wealth flees and the tax burden is increasingly born by a smaller number of socialism victims.

What Socialism victims?
New York's the center of big business, without regulations over supply & demand.

LMAO that was real ignorance.

You dirty negs & dregs in the USA don't even know what Socialism is.

You post nonsense. I lived in NY and watched the exodus followed closely by the decline and vampire sucking of those left behind. :eusa_hand:

It's NOT Socialism though, but more like Social Democracy, which is basically just Capitalism with a lot of safety nets & high taxes.
My NY's resolution is to tell the truth about haters like you. Your hypocrisy, arrogance and ignorance is divisive and your posts are otherwise worthless. Your anger is palpable and pathological and do no service to social interactions or honest debates. I don't know and I don't care who or what made you into the person you are, i.e. a danger to the culture and governance left to us by our forebearers.

That's a load of liberal projection right there. :cuckoo:

When you have nothing of substance to offer, you use a personal attack. Grow up, that's not something an average 3rd grader will do.
You echo trump, but the facts are much different than what trump says at his political rallies.

haha...Like Trump, I speak the candid truth.
Your party is pillared by the dregs, those part of the armpit of our nation. Filthy shitholes full of barely American foreign pieces of shit, weirdos, criminals and butt fucking faggots keep your party relevant. Are you proud to associate yourself with the aforementioned?

I really wonder why someone like you is allowed to continue to post hateful comments. It is not only pathological, it is an embarrassment to the all socially adapted Americans that people like you are allowed to exist on the Internet.

Haha...yeah, it all stems from that old pesky document you hate and that first amendment that really gets in your way. Sucks huh?

My NY's resolution is to tell the truth about haters like you. Your hypocrisy, arrogance and ignorance is divisive and your posts are otherwise worthless. Your anger is palpable and pathological and do no service to social interactions or honest debates. I don't know and I don't care who or what made you into the person you are, i.e. a danger to the culture and governance left to us by our forebearers.

"My NY's resolution is to tell the truth about haters like you."
hahaha...That's some funny shit. You people hate the truth, I just made you piss your little pink panties by telling you the truth, you even cried for someone to impede my first amendment right all because I exposed you to the truth.
What part of the following isn't the truth?
"Your party is pillared by the dregs, those part of the armpit of our nation. Filthy shitholes full of barely American foreign pieces of shit, weirdos, criminals and butt fucking faggots keep your party relevant."

You really are ignorant. I'm not Congress and I have no duty to respect your claim to say whatever you wish to emote!

You hate Democrats, liberals, progressives, assertive women, minorities of all color, intellectuals, atheists, agnostics, Muslims, and anyone who supports gun controls and equal rights for all citizens.
My NY's resolution is to tell the truth about haters like you. Your hypocrisy, arrogance and ignorance is divisive and your posts are otherwise worthless. Your anger is palpable and pathological and do no service to social interactions or honest debates. I don't know and I don't care who or what made you into the person you are, i.e. a danger to the culture and governance left to us by our forebearers.

That's a load of liberal projection right there. :cuckoo:

When you have nothing of substance to offer, you use a personal attack. Grow up, that's not something an average 3rd grader will do.

Stating the facts is not a personal attack snowflake. You let loose with an outburst of liberal hate, projecting it on another poster.
My NY's resolution is to tell the truth about haters like you. Your hypocrisy, arrogance and ignorance is divisive and your posts are otherwise worthless. Your anger is palpable and pathological and do no service to social interactions or honest debates. I don't know and I don't care who or what made you into the person you are, i.e. a danger to the culture and governance left to us by our forebearers.

That's a load of liberal projection right there. :cuckoo:

When you have nothing of substance to offer, you use a personal attack. Grow up, that's not something an average 3rd grader will do.

Stating the facts is not a personal attack snowflake. You let loose with an outburst of liberal hate, projecting it on another poster.

Criticism is not hate, bozo. And echoing trump is never to state facts, he's a prolific and pathological liar, just like you.
My NY's resolution is to tell the truth about haters like you. Your hypocrisy, arrogance and ignorance is divisive and your posts are otherwise worthless. Your anger is palpable and pathological and do no service to social interactions or honest debates. I don't know and I don't care who or what made you into the person you are, i.e. a danger to the culture and governance left to us by our forebearers.

That's a load of liberal projection right there. :cuckoo:

When you have nothing of substance to offer, you use a personal attack. Grow up, that's not something an average 3rd grader will do.

Stating the facts is not a personal attack snowflake. You let loose with an outburst of liberal hate, projecting it on another poster.

Criticism is not hate, bozo. And echoing trump is never to state facts, he's a prolific and pathological liar, just like you.

And there we have it, proof of your liberal projection. :eusa_clap: Keep talking and proving me right.
haha...Like Trump, I speak the candid truth.
Your party is pillared by the dregs, those part of the armpit of our nation. Filthy shitholes full of barely American foreign pieces of shit, weirdos, criminals and butt fucking faggots keep your party relevant. Are you proud to associate yourself with the aforementioned?

I really wonder why someone like you is allowed to continue to post hateful comments. It is not only pathological, it is an embarrassment to the all socially adapted Americans that people like you are allowed to exist on the Internet.

Haha...yeah, it all stems from that old pesky document you hate and that first amendment that really gets in your way. Sucks huh?

My NY's resolution is to tell the truth about haters like you. Your hypocrisy, arrogance and ignorance is divisive and your posts are otherwise worthless. Your anger is palpable and pathological and do no service to social interactions or honest debates. I don't know and I don't care who or what made you into the person you are, i.e. a danger to the culture and governance left to us by our forebearers.

"My NY's resolution is to tell the truth about haters like you."
hahaha...That's some funny shit. You people hate the truth, I just made you piss your little pink panties by telling you the truth, you even cried for someone to impede my first amendment right all because I exposed you to the truth.
What part of the following isn't the truth?
"Your party is pillared by the dregs, those part of the armpit of our nation. Filthy shitholes full of barely American foreign pieces of shit, weirdos, criminals and butt fucking faggots keep your party relevant."

You really are ignorant. I'm not Congress and I have no duty to respect your claim to say whatever you wish to emote!

You hate Democrats, liberals, progressives, assertive women, minorities of all color, intellectuals, atheists, agnostics, Muslims, and anyone who supports gun controls and equal rights for all citizens.

HATE doesn’t describe what I feel towards the Left...I’d like to see a 21st century Auschwitz for them and all wetbacks.
It's a good-news/bad-news sort of thing.

Good News: Census Estimates Show California, New York Losing House Seats to Demographic Change
Bad News: Liberalism is spreading​

Or bad-news/good-news, depending on one's view.
I doubt there is a single cause. Don't forget, those leaving Blue states for Red states are likely to vote Dem wherever they reside. Those new House seats may go to the Dems and, if there is enough emigrants, the State-wide offices, including the Senate, may turn Purple or even Blue.
They left the blue states because of the failed Dem policies, so they are probably going to vote GOP.
The sanctuary states will become third world hellholes and the middle class will flee to the red states.

The problem is, just because they move doesn't mean their politics change. If enough of them move to any one area, they could conceivably change the political dynamic.
Not sure they are moving to export their political stance. I'm thinking they are trying to escape state taxes that may not be able to get a deduction on Federal income taxes. Or is that overblown?

The problem is, just because they move doesn't mean their politics change. If enough of them move to any one area, they could conceivably change the political dynamic.
Not sure they are moving to export their political stance. I'm thinking they are trying to escape state taxes that may not be able to get a deduction on Federal income taxes. Or is that overblown?

I'm sure you're correct, taxes, jobs... those are the primary reasons for the exodus I'm sure. The export of their politics is merely a side effect.
Will the Scotus decision on partisan gerrymandering being OK hurt one party more than the other by a large margin because a second wave of internal capital flight will precede the enumeration and that does not seem to be good for the Ds. But it does not seem likely that these predictable last second losses will are being accounted for.
I doubt there is a single cause. Don't forget, those leaving Blue states for Red states are likely to vote Dem wherever they reside. Those new House seats may go to the Dems and, if there is enough emigrants, the State-wide offices, including the Senate, may turn Purple or even Blue.
They left the blue states because of the failed Dem policies, so they are probably going to vote GOP.
Maybe. I left a Blue state and moved to a Red state years ago. Thanks to me, VA is now a Blue state. (At least I did my tiny part to make that happen.)

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