Census Estimates Show California, New York Losing House Seats to Demographic Change

If you missed a day of work in Stalin's extreme Socialist nation, you'd end up in a GULAG most likely.

Stalin also deported the most people in all of history.

Stalin made Abortion illegal, Criminalized LGBTQ,

How little you people know about Socialism is astounding.
How little we care what you think is even more astounding.

Socialism is the means to control production & distribution by the society.

That's the ONLY definition.

High taxes might be prevalent among Social Democracies, but they don't tend to control production or distribution much if at all.

Social Democracies famous in the Norse countries like Sweden, Denmark, and Norway are actually just Capitalist economies with strong safety nets.

Dude, we totally get it...you really, really, really, really need free shit....haha...don’t worry, lots of grown adults need to be spoon fed by other grown adults...we call you pet humans.

You're very simple to say the very least.
then again ALL Individualists are basically very simple.
LOL, what bumper sticker did you steal that nonsense from? you think collectivists are more sophisticated than individualists?

The highest groups & lowest groups in America tend to both be kind of more Collectivist.

Higher end groups include.

Jews, Hindus, Chinese, Japanese, Lebanese, Pakistanis, Iranians, Italians, Greeks, Russians, Lithuanians, Poles, Irish Catholics, Koreans, Filipinos, Serbs, Croats, Ukrainians, Czechs, Slovaks etc.

Lower end groups which are Collectivists include.

Blacks, Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Jamaicans, Haitians, Ecuadorians, Brazilians, Albanians, Peruvians, El Salvadorians, Honduras, Trinidad & Tobagans, Belize, Guyanese, Dominicans etc.

Still, I'd say even the Lower end groups on the Collectivist side, are at least more culturally in tuned.

Basically ONLY Individualists like Brits, Germans, Norse, French, Dutch, etc. are so silly to throw away their culture.
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Leave it to simple Individualists (Repugnantcvnts) to pick on kids, the elderly, the disabled & the VETS.

Haha...I love it when you professional beggars hide behind Vets, the elderly, the disabled and children....you shameless, lowdown pukes.
No one on “social services” in this nation is suffering....they smoke weed, have flat screen TV’s, eat carne asada and drive Cadillacs. Find your pride and just get a real job bud.

My parents have about 2 million dollars in net worth that they would pass down to me.
And I also have about 80 thousand dollars saved up at age 33.
I'm also going to college as a Mental health worker, and maybe on to Arts Therapy after that.

Considering my inheritance, and probable career path.

Tax cuts would benefit me.

Still, I don't mind paying more taxes, to help those in need.

I DO have a problem paying taxes to Illegal Immigrants hired by Capitalists.

I did however, NOT forget about how property tax impacts the lower middle class.

I think property taxes should be on a sliding scale based on income.

Haha...typical LefTarded begging fool....”I’m super successful and totally rich...I’m just asking for a friend and I’m noble as fuck...if you arm me with your checkbook I will save the world.”
Look dude, give all you want to the treasury...but fuck off and stay away from my checking account.

The first Leftists were Capitalists for the Republic in France,
The first Right Wingers were Monarchists for Catholic Theocracy in France.

You ignorant Brits have botched every political definition known to man.

You don't understand politics, because you're not bright enough to.
Socialism is the means to control production & distribution by the society.

That's the ONLY definition.

High taxes might be prevalent among Social Democracies, but they don't tend to control production or distribution much if at all.

Social Democracies famous in the Norse countries like Sweden, Denmark, and Norway are actually just Capitalist economies with strong safety nets.

Dude, we totally get it...you really, really, really, really need free shit....haha...don’t worry, lots of grown adults need to be spoon fed by other grown adults...we call you pet humans.

You're very simple to say the very least.
then again ALL Individualists are basically very simple.
LOL, what bumper sticker did you steal that nonsense from? you think collectivists are more sophisticated than individualists?

A.) Supporting social programs has little to do with actual definitions of Socialism.

B.) Supporting social programs doesn't necessarily mean you take them, I happen to care about the less fortunate, the kids, the elderly etc.

C.) Money put into social programs are spent back into the economy, anyways.
When you give the less fortunate person money, or support they spend it.

That's more than can be said about Bezos who will never spend his fortune, and has knocked out 1 million retail jobs.
Apparently the fact that "social programs" in the United States end up spending north of 80% of their resources on people that are NOT poor or otherwise handicapped has escaped your attention.

"Social Programs" is just code language for systemic theft and vote buying by the ruling class under the guise of "helping" others, at least Bezo's provides more value to society than he extracts from it.

Grow the fuck up.

The ONLY thing worse than Communism is Libertarianism.

Most of our taxes / paycheck go to Kids Schooling, The elderly's retirement, the Disabled, and the Government / Military paychecks pensions.

Leave it to simple Individualists (Repugnantcvnts) to pick on kids, the elderly, the disabled & the VETS.

Individualism serves no purpose, and should be flushed down the toilet.

Individualism equates to "Me, Mine & Now" as if there's no society in need.
Individualism equates to judge people as individuals, be it Illegal Immigrants, Islamic refugees, Blacks, LGBTQ.

Individualists are detached from emotional reason, and logical reason.

Individualists are outliers of Human civilization.

Collectivism is a strength, to work together as a culture, build up society.

Individualism Libertarianism is meekness & weakness.

Bezos has knocked out as many as 1 million retail jobs.

How is that a productive member of society?

Uh-huh, I see you're pretty much the same as the rest of the useful idiots around here; not shy about slinging around opinions based on nothing more than slogans, propaganda and emotion.:rolleyes:

On the bright side, ignorance is bliss so you should be ecstatic.

"All rational action is in the first place individual action. Only the individual thinks. Only the individual reasons. Only the individual acts." -- Ludwig Von Mises, Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis

Isn't it something, that every single growth champion has been by a mixed hybrid Socialist system?

#1 in economic growth period in the 21st century history Socialist China.
#1 in economic growth in 20th century history Socialist Japan.
#1 in economic growth in 20th century Europe Franco's Fascist Socialist Spain.
#1 in economic growth in 20th century USA history, FDR's Fascism lite , Socialism.
You don't understand politics, because you're not bright enough to.

Haha...yep, all the self funded folks not begging to be spoon fed by others are “not bright”...While begging lowlife degenerates are the “bright” ones among us....haha
Makes perfect sense in that backward twisted world of LibTardia.

Wow, and just a couple weeks ago there was a thread 500 replies long telling us how Cali was going to gain 23 seats!


I think that was more about the seats they "gain" due to having a high population of illegal immigrants.

Does anyone think that illegals will even participate in the Census?

If we call a household number in any of the southwestern states or even the liberal megalopolis in the east, they may pick up the phone, and answer. Then when we identify we are from the US Army, they feign not speaking English (if they do) and hang up! They don't want the federal government to know they exist. Our Spanish speaking reps have no better luck.

However, there are some that are so dumb as to admit to us they cannot join the Army because they are illegals. Those are few and far between.

Keep in mind a couple of things:

States will definitely “turn purple” as the party of free shit filth and foreigners continues to recruit wetbacks and glamorize butt fucking, chicks with dicks and degeneracy.
You don't understand politics, because you're not bright enough to.

Haha...yep, all the self funded folks not begging to be spoon fed by others are “not bright”...While begging lowlife degenerates are the “bright” ones among us....haha
Makes perfect sense in that backward twisted world of LibTardia.

You don't even understand what Socialism is.

Social programs aren't really Socialism.
Although they can be included in Socialism, or Capitalism too.

The money that props people up is spent back into society, anyways.

Welfare recipients who can work, should work.

But, welfare is spent back into the economy, increasing consumerism.

BTW, most on welfare are children.

Keep in mind a couple of things:

States will definitely “turn purple” as the party of free shit filth and foreigners continues to recruit wetbacks and glamorize butt fucking, chicks with dicks and degeneracy.

Democrats & Republicans are BOTH Individualists by definition.

Wow, and just a couple weeks ago there was a thread 500 replies long telling us how Cali was going to gain 23 seats!


I think that was more about the seats they "gain" due to having a high population of illegal immigrants.

Does anyone think that illegals will even participate in the Census?

If we call a household number in any of the southwestern states or even the liberal megalopolis in the east, they may pick up the phone, and answer. Then when we identify we are from the US Army, they feign not speaking English (if they do) and hang up! They don't want the federal government to know they exist. Our Spanish speaking reps have no better luck.

However, there are some that are so dumb as to admit to us they cannot join the Army because they are illegals. Those are few and far between.

They have more children & those children born here are automatic citizens.
Socialism is the means to control production & distribution by the society.

That's the ONLY definition.

High taxes might be prevalent among Social Democracies, but they don't tend to control production or distribution much if at all.

Social Democracies famous in the Norse countries like Sweden, Denmark, and Norway are actually just Capitalist economies with strong safety nets.

Dude, we totally get it...you really, really, really, really need free shit....haha...don’t worry, lots of grown adults need to be spoon fed by other grown adults...we call you pet humans.

You're very simple to say the very least.
then again ALL Individualists are basically very simple.
LOL, what bumper sticker did you steal that nonsense from? you think collectivists are more sophisticated than individualists?

A.) Supporting social programs has little to do with actual definitions of Socialism.

B.) Supporting social programs doesn't necessarily mean you take them, I happen to care about the less fortunate, the kids, the elderly etc.

C.) Money put into social programs are spent back into the economy, anyways.
When you give the less fortunate person money, or support they spend it.

That's more than can be said about Bezos who will never spend his fortune, and has knocked out 1 million retail jobs.
Apparently the fact that "social programs" in the United States end up spending north of 80% of their resources on people that are NOT poor or otherwise handicapped has escaped your attention.

"Social Programs" is just code language for systemic theft and vote buying by the ruling class under the guise of "helping" others, at least Bezo's provides more value to society than he extracts from it.

Grow the fuck up.

The ONLY thing worse than Communism is Libertarianism.

Most of our taxes / paycheck go to Kids Schooling, The elderly's retirement, the Disabled, and the Government / Military paychecks pensions.

Leave it to simple Individualists (Repugnantcvnts) to pick on kids, the elderly, the disabled & the VETS.

Individualism serves no purpose, and should be flushed down the toilet.

Individualism equates to "Me, Mine & Now" as if there's no society in need.
Individualism equates to judge people as individuals, be it Illegal Immigrants, Islamic refugees, Blacks, LGBTQ.

Individualists are detached from emotional reason, and logical reason.

Individualists are outliers of Human civilization.

Collectivism is a strength, to work together as a culture, build up society.

Individualism Libertarianism is meekness & weakness.

Bezos has knocked out as many as 1 million retail jobs.

How is that a productive member of society?

"All rational action is in the first place individual action. Only the individual thinks. Only the individual reasons. Only the individual acts." -- Ludwig Von Mises, Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis

It sounds like the fellow Austrian (Libertarian) Economist of Von Mises, known as Von Hayek had some criticism of the free market too.

Von Hayek thought that low interest rates, bolstered credit too readily, where the over-investment lead to boom & bust cycles.

Sound familiar?
Sounds like W. Bush & the 2008 economic recession.
You don't understand politics, because you're not bright enough to.

Haha...yep, all the self funded folks not begging to be spoon fed by others are “not bright”...While begging lowlife degenerates are the “bright” ones among us....haha
Makes perfect sense in that backward twisted world of LibTardia.

You don't even understand what Socialism is.

Social programs aren't really Socialism.
Although they can be included in Socialism, or Capitalism too.

The money that props people up is spent back into society, anyways.

Welfare recipients who can work, should work.

But, welfare is spent back into the economy, increasing consumerism.

BTW, most on welfare are children.

Haha...haven’t you noticed...a common denominator among all you beggars is “you don’t know what socialism is”....How long can you pretend that only beggars, those seeking to justify their begging are the only folks who seem to understand the meaning of socialism?
You don't understand politics, because you're not bright enough to.

Haha...yep, all the self funded folks not begging to be spoon fed by others are “not bright”...While begging lowlife degenerates are the “bright” ones among us....haha
Makes perfect sense in that backward twisted world of LibTardia.

You don't even understand what Socialism is.

Social programs aren't really Socialism.
Although they can be included in Socialism, or Capitalism too.

The money that props people up is spent back into society, anyways.

Welfare recipients who can work, should work.

But, welfare is spent back into the economy, increasing consumerism.

BTW, most on welfare are children.

Haha...haven’t you noticed...a common denominator among all you beggars is “you don’t know what socialism is”....How long can you pretend that only beggars, those seeking to justify their begging are the only folks who seem to understand the meaning of socialism?

Libertarian Individualism is trash.

Libertarian Individualism is incredibly weak & meek.
It's easily infiltrated by foreigners, due to lax border security, lax military, treat everybody as individuals.

Furthermore, any enemy country can destroy a Libertarian country, through weaponizing Collectivist invader immigrants,
or by opening up shop & shoving Collectivism down everyones throats like AHEM our media, Facebook, Google and Hollywood do.

That's because Collectivism is inherently stronger.

Libertarian Individualism leads to us vs them class warfare, due to lack of support on healthcare, and those with disabilities, or unemployment, leads to homeless starving on the streets, or people without

Libertarian Individualism doesn't care about obesity, from processed foods, or sugary foods.

Libertarian Individualism empowers monopolies, which behave like Communists, cutting corners, creating junky products, raising costs of living.

Libertarian Individualists don't respect parkland, so less to do.

Libertarian Individualists are for environmental deregulation, leading to severe pollution, dumping, and going back to lakes & river ways on fire from pollution.

Libertarian Individualists would let the mentally ill & mentally retards roam around the street, without help, guidance, medications, or anything.

Libertarian Individualists in their pure form support Abortion, Prostitution, Drug dealers & Drug abuse, Pornography, Gangster rap, sex change operations, Trannies, Hollywood smut films.

Libertarian Individualists would let the society fall apart due to automation on the horizon, where jobs will go under in huge rates, and consumerism will collapse the economy.

Libertarian Individualists would have crumbling infrastructure, and huge traffic backups due to a toll on every single street.

Collectivism equates to working together for goals.

Collectivism is group mentality to get things done, whether it is building up your society, or basically supporting culture, and values.

Collectivism leads to problem solving, and central planning.

Libertarianism / Individualism is basically about "Me, Mine & Now"

The Libertarian / Individualist says "Fck you I got mine"

Individualists must be incredibly ignorant, stupid & lack empathy in huge amounts, if they can't grasp the society around them.

Keep in mind a couple of things:

States will definitely “turn purple” as the party of free shit filth and foreigners continues to recruit wetbacks and glamorize butt fucking, chicks with dicks and degeneracy.

You echo trump, but the facts are much different than what trump says at his political rallies.
No big deal, CA loses 2-seats, NY loses 1-seat, Texas gains 2-seats, and FL and AZ each gain a seat. The 2020 reapportionment will be the smallest in a long time. CA would still have 53 seats, down from 55, and TX would have 38 seats up from 36. Not earth shattering.
I think that California and New York shouldn't be allowed to vote at all.
then take away their citizenship.....

Keep in mind a couple of things:

States will definitely “turn purple” as the party of free shit filth and foreigners continues to recruit wetbacks and glamorize butt fucking, chicks with dicks and degeneracy.

You echo trump, but the facts are much different than what trump says at his political rallies.

haha...Like Trump, I speak the candid truth.
Your party is pillared by the dregs, those part of the armpit of our nation. Filthy shitholes full of barely American foreign pieces of shit, weirdos, criminals and butt fucking faggots keep your party relevant. Are you proud to associate yourself with the aforementioned?
Leave it to simple Individualists (Repugnantcvnts) to pick on kids, the elderly, the disabled & the VETS.

Haha...I love it when you professional beggars hide behind Vets, the elderly, the disabled and children....you shameless, lowdown pukes.
No one on “social services” in this nation is suffering....they smoke weed, have flat screen TV’s, eat carne asada and drive Cadillacs. Find your pride and just get a real job bud.
eating carne asada means means you have money?...
BTW, most on welfare are children.

Think per capita....Most on welfare are brown and black folks and foreigners like you. Weird huh?

I'm NOT a foreigner, I was born in the United States.

My Polish Americans have a poverty rate of 6 - 7%.

Well below the average of White America, Asian America, Black America, Latino America etc.
yea but it takes 5 of your people to screw in a light bulb....one to hold the bulb while the others turn the ladder....

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