Central African Republic and rebel groups sign peace deal


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Khartoum, 2-2 (SUNA)- Rival parties from Central African Republic (CAR) on Saturday reached agreement on the two serious bone of contention, power sharing and interim justice, thus paving the way for a final and comprehensive peace agreement in the landlocked state.

Ambassador Atta Al Manan Bakheet, head of the Sudanese team facilitating the talks under the auspice of the African Union, said the two sides, the government and 14 armed movements, have agreed to the proposals put forward by the African Union, on power sharing and on the interim justice.
Sudan News Agency - Single

A peace deal has been made between the Central African Republic government and 14 rebel groups after their first-ever direct dialogue aimed at ending years of conflict, the United Nations and the African Union announced on Saturday.

"This is a great day for Central African Republic and all its people," said the AU commissioner for peace and security, Smail Chergui.

The deal will "enable the Central African people to embark on a path of reconciliation, harmony and development," Chergui said, appealing to all citizens to support the agreement.

The agreement was signed at the end of a 10-day negotiation in Sudan's capital, Khartoum.

As the talks began, the Norwegian Refugee Council warned of a "catastrophe" if no agreement was reached, saying repeated cycles of violence in one of the world's poorest nations had "pushed people's resistance to breaking point."
Central African Republic and rebel groups sign peace deal | DW | 02.02.2019

Now, if they can just stick to this they might have a shot.

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