Centrists unite! Let's embrace debt limit moderates McCarthy and Biden and let's reject extremist polarizers AOC and Bishop!

Fellow centrists, let's take a moment to appreciate the importance of moderation in these politically divisive times.
Give this thread a positive reaction as a token of your appreciation for the rational politicians and your rejection of the extremists of both parties.
Debt limit deal now!
Centrist? You are an extremist unless you agree to spending hundreds of trillions of dollars every second of every day.

In fact, it sounds like Meritless Garland needs to send his goons to your house and lock you up with the rest of the radical loons who think they can protest the all-knowing and righteous Federal government on January 6th.
I want increases in funding for infastructure, science and education. I think food stamps and ssi should be doubled for disabled and elderly people. But at the end of the day I support this bill as it maintains the basics and ends the threat of economic destruction. Anyone that would vote against this bill is a terrorist and a traitor to this country just as the January 6th thugs were.
I want increases in funding for infastructure, science and education. I think food stamps and ssi should be doubled for disabled and elderly people. But at the end of the day I support this bill as it maintains the basics and ends the threat of economic destruction. Anyone that would vote against this bill is a terrorist and a traitor to this country just as the January 6th thugs were.
In other words, you want even higher inflation

Guess what, most people are suffering miserably right now, especially the poor.

Listen very carefully, SPENDING INCREASES INFLATION!!!
Yeah, thats why they just sit back and enjoy the fence post up their ass.
It is ironic how people cling to what is destroying them.

Extremists do things like the Gulag Archipelago and vigilante death squads and the Taliban. .
Extremists on the left do things like that. Right "extremists" just want to be left alone and not taxed for nefarious things like other peoples wars or some piece of shits drug habit. And then we have anarchists.
Extremism on the right doesnt even exist.

If you want less spending, which most of us, then do it during the budget process not in during the bill paying process.

That's fine, except for when the majority party passes spending bills through the Senate without minority support. It would be different if the majority party held a supermajority of at least 60 votes, cuz that was the will of the people. But when they passed shit with a 51-50 reconciliation vote then I think the debt ceiling comes into play with some reason.
You have no evidence that they see nothing wrong with what this government does. This is not a vote for whether the government does everything right or wrong.
It's a vote pour gasoline on the dumpster fire of the growth of The State.

You would do best to lose that Reagan avatar....You're not fooling anyone anymore.
If you want less spending, which most of us, then do it during the budget process not in during the bill paying process.

If someone went to their bank and told them "we are not going to pay our mortgage until the wife and I can agree on a budget"....how well would that go over?
Swallowing the 100% lie mainstream narrative of the fake "default", huh?

You really are truly the shittiest "libertarian" I have ever encountered.

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