Centrists unite! Let's embrace debt limit moderates McCarthy and Biden and let's reject extremist polarizers AOC and Bishop!

So, he was so weak and ineffective the Dems made him do it.

I can live with that.
If he was weak it was because his own administration was sabotaging him at almost every turn. Trump never got the support a sitting president deserves. You know that but you play stupid.
If he was weak it was because his own administration was sabotaging him at almost every turn. Trump never got the support a sitting president deserves. You know that but you play stupid.

You are nothing but one giant walking excuse machine.

All you can do is make excuses of things.

How boring.
What you mentally ill, ill-educated anti-government idiots don't get is we democrats that WANT MORE GOVERNMENT and MORE HELP for the poor, disabled and for infrastructure, science and education control 2 out of 3 elements that is needed to make a bill a reality. A reality NOT TO DESTROY The economy of the world for the next couple of years.

We will NOT ACCEPT ANYMORE CUTS. We will NOT ACCEPT A SINGLE FUCKING CENT IN REDUCTION over what was agreed too. You got more then you freaking deserve. fact.
Yeah, you will, Jessica-stormlover, and you can go sit in the corner with Kaz and Oddball etc if you can't work with the adults.
Why don’t you throw in Jews and George Soros while you’re at it? Do you need mental retardation therapy.
Conservatives get this shit all the time, even Jewish conservatives like Dennis Prager who gets called an antisemite all the time.

For the record, criticizing the DNC or people who control the DNC, like Soros, does not make you an antisemite fool.

Now run along and play in traffic or go rebuild your Georgia Guild Stones or something Mr. R C Christian conservative man you..
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Fellow centrists, let's take a moment to appreciate the importance of moderation in these politically divisive times.
Give this thread a positive reaction as a token of your appreciation for the rational politicians and your rejection of the extremists of both parties.
Debt limit deal now!
Jeff Spicoli said it best, ”You dick!!”

You’re a Centrist?? Center of what?

Progressives have to LIE about who and what they are

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