Centrists unite! Let's embrace debt limit moderates McCarthy and Biden and let's reject extremist polarizers AOC and Bishop!

You are lying little turdlet, sunshine. Trump never send over a clean bill he would support.

That does not matter send he will be hammered into the turf like a tent peg by the courts and next year's election.
What does the phrase "clean bill" even mean in the absence of a budget limit standoff?


Bottom line: You're blowing shit out your ass.
Uhm. What? What doesn’t own the enough?
What you mentally ill, ill-educated anti-government idiots don't get is we democrats that WANT MORE GOVERNMENT and MORE HELP for the poor, disabled and for infrastructure, science and education control 2 out of 3 elements that is needed to make a bill a reality. A reality NOT TO DESTROY The economy of the world for the next couple of years.

We will NOT ACCEPT ANYMORE CUTS. We will NOT ACCEPT A SINGLE FUCKING CENT IN REDUCTION over what was agreed too. You got more then you freaking deserve. fact.

We get that you are an immature fucking retard.
Fellow centrists, let's take a moment to appreciate the importance of moderation in these politically divisive times.
Give this thread a positive reaction as a token of your appreciation for the rational politicians and your rejection of the extremists of both parties.
Debt limit deal now!
Give credit to McCarthy for getting a deal to get enough votes from his fractured party.
The Democrat extremists were smaller in numbers.
The crazies lost and common sense won out.
Extremists on the left do things like that. Right "extremists" just want to be left alone and not taxed for nefarious things like other peoples wars or some piece of shits drug habit. And then we have anarchists.
Extremism on the right doesnt even exist.

I would agree except for the anarchist bit

Anarchy leads to despotic Leftism, which is why they all seem to lean Left.

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