Centrists unite! Let's embrace debt limit moderates McCarthy and Biden and let's reject extremist polarizers AOC and Bishop!

Those people arent true anarchists. They dont believe in NAP. They still want govt. They want censorship. They are fascists.
A true anarchist?

I'm not sure how you measure that, and I'm not sure you could give me a historical example of it ever working, much like the "true communist" or "true Marxist" can never seem to provide their system as working without horrific results.

Human beings are political animals, and as such, will form groups to subdue and subjugate other groups so long as they are able to secure power, either militarily or politically or both.

All that matters in the affairs of men is power.
A true anarchist?

I'm not sure you could give me a historical example of it ever working
How many true anarchist states have ever existed?
The answer is 0.
Govts will never relinquish their power.
How many true anarchist states have ever existed?
The answer is 0.
Govts will never relinquish their power.

The greatest irony here is, supposide antifascist groups like Antifa is one of the most fascistic groups I have ever seen in my life.
People say that more government is "progress" but that is obviously incorrect. Thats just another word statists have raped.
Big govt is the way civilization has been handled for thousands of years.
Freedom, liberty and individuality is TRUE progress. Dont let those cocksuckers gas light you.

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