Cernovich sources White house coup underway Trump under house arrest

Is this the same source that said they put a kiddie lock on Trumps internet? lol.
What a terrible thing to do. He will not be able to peruse the porn pages for pussy to grab. That is just mean. LOL
No if you weren't so clueless you would know how to click a fkn link before ASS U M ING............
Actually they are trying to protect Trump from himself. It's like hiding sharp objects from a person who might accidently hurt themselves if they get ahold of it. It shows what the staff thinks of Trump.
Cernovich said it this way , because Trump is being made not to talk to certain ppl in the W.H. on purpose because the deep state assholes are feeding false bs, Trump is like on house arrest ppl can't come see him meaning his own staff who aren't fired etc. So they're keeping important shit away from him on purpose.

Crooked pos bastards man honest to God.

How much of a pussy is Trump? I mean he comes out and says "I'm in charge", but you are saying in reality he can't even stand up to a 70 year old guy WITH his secret service there to protect him? Jeez. Imagine how worthless he is in dealing with leaders of other nations and the military and world leaders? I mean he has press conferences, all he would need to do is say "John Kelly has been fired", and that's it. End of John Kelly having ANY influence in the White House. But instead he's what? Crying in a back room that he had his phone taken away and child lock put on his internet and then going to play a round of golf?

Cernovich said it this way , because Trump is being made not to talk to certain ppl in the W.H. on purpose because the deep state assholes are feeding false bs, Trump is like on house arrest ppl can't come see him meaning his own staff who aren't fired etc. So they're keeping important shit away from him on purpose.

Crooked pos bastards man honest to God.

How much of a pussy is Trump? I mean he comes out and says "I'm in charge", but you are saying in reality he can't even stand up to a 70 year old guy WITH his secret service there to protect him? Jeez. Imagine how worthless he is in dealing with leaders of other nations and the military and world leaders? I mean he has press conferences, all he would need to do is say "John Kelly has been fired", and that's it. End of John Kelly having ANY influence in the White House. But instead he's what? Crying in a back room that he had his phone taken away and child lock put on his internet and then going to play a round of golf?


You don't realize how dirty the inside feds are. the shadow gov.
How Globalists Like Condi Rice Lie about Patriots and the John Birch Society

In this video, The New American exposes how globalists such as Condoleeza Rice of the Bush administration use incredibly dishonest tactics to smear patriots in general and the John Birch Society in particular. After the violence in Charlottesville, Rice attacked JBS and sandwiched it between the KKK and Nazis--something she knows very well is absurd. In fact, JBS has always represented exactly the opposite: opposition to racism and anti-Semitism, prominent Jewish and black leaders and members, support for liberty, opposition to National Socialism and all forms of socialism, and more. On the other hand, Rice, who helped get America involved in the illegal and disastrous wars that led to the genocide of Christians in the Middle East, served under a president whose own family was literally involved in helping to finance the Nazi war machine. Rice is a member of the globalist swamp known as the Council on Foreign Relations, which the JBS has been very effective in exposing. That is why she uses dishonesty to smear the Birchers. But patriots should be encouraged: If there was any legitimate criticism of JBS, she would have used that instead of dishonesty. By contrast, the JBS uses only the truth and the facts.

Another DIRTY dark side
Ah yes, the Birchers. LOL

They have a similiar society in Montana, it is for saving wooden outhouses, the Birch John Society.
You don't realize how dirty the inside feds are. the shadow gov.

yup. that's it. The Shadow Government. Cobra Commander has come and we need GI Joe to take it back.

How retarded is our President to ACTUALLY PUT THAT SHADOW GOVERNMENT IN POWER!!!! I mean he fired people to get Kelly where he is.

If He's so worthless that he can't control his OWN cabinet, and so clueless that he fires his people to put his opposition in place as his right hand man, I'd take the supposed "shadow government" running things, because that's shit I'd call a 12 year old an idiot to do, and this guy is the president and that pathetic.

Kinda funny. The white house can't keep a blow job or a phone call in the oval office secret, but they've got that million man shadow government locked down tight. lol I mean "unnamed sources" abound of this shadow government, but not one real shred of proof? Come on...
Kind of like the grand conspiracy among all the scientists in the world to lie about global warming, and not a one of them squealing. LOL
This story is nothing but conjecture and spin.

It is normal Presidential process to have everyone go through the White house Cheif of Staff and not allow people other than family to directly call the President. The WH CoS is traditionally the gate keeper of the WH.

This is much ado about nothing, really.

If we see Trump reverse himself on immigration, H1-B visas, reforming Obamacare and cutting taxes for the Middle Class, then I would be concerned, but not this stuff.
Cernovich Sources: White House 'Coup' Underway, Trump 'Under House Arrest' - Breitbart

Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow spoke to journalist Mike Cernovich on Breitbart News Daily this morning discussing the Trump presidency, Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump’s influence, and the possibility of President Trump being held under “house arrest.”
The Trump hating Anti Americans will never get why this is being done, they will only fall for what MSM tells them here we go again. Trump haters are ACID gone wild Gawd help us with the lies these assholes are going to make up.
There are ARMIES of these pigs online generating mountains of false information. I have one following me around online and it's only purpose is to accuse me of being a nazi.

Because that's what Nazis do. They find a class that they need removed to facilitate their takeover, then they accuse them of nonsense to trick people into helping them.

Cernovich said it this way , because Trump is being made not to talk to certain ppl in the W.H. on purpose because the deep state assholes are feeding false bs, Trump is like on house arrest ppl can't come see him meaning his own staff who aren't fired etc. So they're keeping important shit away from him on purpose.

Crooked pos bastards man honest to God.

I don't believe it. That's being sent out to destroy morale.

That is probably some of it too " Morale"

I think the lefty goons think they're a lot more effective than they actually are. I've no doubt there are machinations afoot, and that they are embroiled in all this cloak and dagger bullshit and think they're being very successful.

What I don't believe is that Trump and his people are oblivious to it.

Trump's MO is that he plays good cop, the well meaning, slightly vapid buffoon...and he surrounds himself with barracudas who bypass all that political shit.

He goes along with the leftist fools, and they end up hanging themselves. Ultimately, cops and politicians, no matter how high they manage to climb, are just not that smart. Trump and his people are. They've paid their dues, they earned their chops, and nobody in the White House is *controlling* them.
Ya just gotta love Info Wars. The original, and still the best, purveyor of Fake News.

My favorite recent story was that the Fukushima nuclear reactor had fallen into the ocean.


Trump is not under house arrest.

Notice it says " UNDERWAY".............which means it hasn't happened yet.
And this was being Said " METAPHORICALLY" ..figure of speech lol.
Youve been posting these coup stories on a weekly basis. Its not ever going to happen. You have a strange knack for posting false information 100% of the time. Its amazing really. Even a broken watch is right twice per day, but youve never been right about anything ever.

Do you think maybe its time for you to grow up and stop going to to these stupid gossip/conspiracy websites?
There is a plan to murder Trump , the Trump haters will jump for joy........

the fact that he has ties to Israel and has spoken about being friends with them as every president since LBJ has,I dont believe that.He seems to be doing what all other puppet presidents do,put blame on all the other countries instead of trying to do something about the REAL criminals who always start wars with other countries and are donars to all the corrupt ciminal politicians in washington.Israel.

If Trump comes out and cuts off aide to Israel and trys to end the fed as JFK did,then and ONLY THEN,will I believe there is any chance of a plot by the CIA/MOSSAD to kill him as there was with JFK and with 9/11.
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