Chaffetz - We will refer Hillary to the FBI for perjury.

The FBI Director has already testified that Clinton did not lie under Oath to the Mismanaged Committee, over the matter in Libya! There were uncovered three C markings in three of thousands of emails, none of which had any "Classified" context markings. Even the Director unsure of just how the random C markings would be interpreted. It is th lowest level in the overblown, over-secret waste of better spent money. In Los Angeles Times reporting, see below. Clinton has repeated stuck to the story that Director Comey also reported!
"Critics pounced on the revelation as evidence that Clinton lied when she insisted she never sent or received emails marked classified."

"Comey told lawmakers Thursday that none of the emails had “headers” marking the emails as containing classified material. However, he said, the body of three emails contained markings — the letter C in parentheses — that indicated the information within that paragraph contained information that was confidential, the lowest level of classification."

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken Not Stirred!"
(Many not see what many see as Tweet with not see star on bags of money--of business as is usual, for some people!)
Ah you guys are just trying to get Lois Lerner's hopes up.

Oh Snap, we're still waiting for that prediction to come true, never mind.
Chaffetz shares the closed-mindedness of the do-nothing House of Representatives, under Boehner and McCarthy. The Los Angeles Times report of the FBI Director's Testimony supports what Secretary Clinton has been saying all along. The three little random "C" markings were as easily typos, since none of the emails were marked "Classified."

"Critics pounced on the revelation as evidence that Clinton lied when she insisted she never sent or received emails marked classified."

"Comey told lawmakers Thursday that none of the emails had “headers” marking the emails as containing classified material. However, he said, the body of three emails contained markings — the letter C in parentheses — that indicated the information within that paragraph contained information that was confidential, the lowest level of classification."

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes so little value the dollar, that millions are spent on bogus, partisan, Republican Committee hearings!)
Weren't there email chains that contained top secret Intel per Comey? This circus is about as full of misinformation as deflategate...
Seeing Hillarys own words under oath to Congress....and hearing Comey lay out the FACTS to the's unquestionable that she lied to Congress.

A police cadet out of the academy could draft the warrant for perjury based on what we know.

It's not even a "did she" situation on perjury.

James Comey....who I am sickened by right now....DID confirm, item by item, that what she said to Congress was a lie...lie...lie...lie after lie after lie.

Under Oath. To Congress. That's a felony.

Now....Crooked Hillary will escape. Again.
Chaffetz is a world class piece of shit. He's legend in his own NaziCon mind.

Never mind that HRC lied, under oath, to Congress. Pointing this out make somebody a POS?

What does lying under oath to Congress make HRC? A saint in your mind?
I want to thank the OP for being so objective, and holding both parties to the same standard.

I know he was outspoken in his condemnation of Colin Powell for using a private email server to conduct sensitive national security matters. And I'm proud of him for denouncing Karl Rove, who destroyed 22 million emails having to do both with the outing Valerie Plame and the Attorney General purge.

The OP isn't just a partisan hack who only cares about the law when it serves his politics.
I want to thank the OP for being so objective, and holding both parties to the same standard.

I know he was outspoken in his condemnation of Colin Powell for using a private email server to conduct sensitive national security matters. And I'm proud of him for denouncing Karl Rove, who destroyed 22 million emails having to do both with the outing Valerie Plame and the Attorney General purge.

The OP isn't just a partisan hack who only cares about the law when it serves his politics.

Powell didn't use a private server. He used a public domain server at AOL, Einstein!
It will be damning to the Republican Party's further disintegration to follow up with still more hearings. The FBI Director's testimony is that Secretary Clinton did not lie about the absence of the Mandatory, Lawfully, Required, headers on the documents. Only three of the could likely as easily been unnoted, even by an FBI Director, as just some random little typos. No FBI agent would likely even have been reprimanded for not noting the three little "C" marks in the tens of thousands of unmarked documents.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Make better sense to revisit documents taking away Lands of Many Nations!)
Both of her conflicting testimonies under oath are on plain as day transcript. The FBI knows the facts.

A junior detective at Local PD could conclude this perjury case within one workday....even before lunch time.

She lied under oath. Just depends to whom....Congress or the FBI.

She wasn't under oath in the FBI interview. However, if what she said to the FBI is not reconcilable to what she said to Gowdy's witchhunt committee ... she may have problems.

Nevertheless, politically speaking the GOP would probably be punished if they tried to evict an elected potus again.

Comey begs to differ with you.

Comey: Hillary’s FBI Testimony Wasn’t Under Oath Or Recorded, But It Would Still Be a Crime To Lie

Comey: Hillary's FBI Testimony Wasn't Under Oath Or Recorded, But It Would Still Be a Crime To Lie - Breitbart
I want to thank the OP for being so objective, and holding both parties to the same standard.

I know he was outspoken in his condemnation of Colin Powell for using a private email server to conduct sensitive national security matters. And I'm proud of him for denouncing Karl Rove, who destroyed 22 million emails having to do both with the outing Valerie Plame and the Attorney General purge.

The OP isn't just a partisan hack who only cares about the law when it serves his politics.

Powell didn't use a private server. He used a public domain server at AOL, Einstein!
True, Powell only used his personal email when he received official email on that addy. But his point still stands. There is a double standard .... of course the dems did investigate Plamegate. And Libby was sacrificed by the gop.
Both of her conflicting testimonies under oath are on plain as day transcript. The FBI knows the facts.

A junior detective at Local PD could conclude this perjury case within one workday....even before lunch time.

She lied under oath. Just depends to whom....Congress or the FBI.

She wasn't under oath in the FBI interview. However, if what she said to the FBI is not reconcilable to what she said to Gowdy's witchhunt committee ... she may have problems.

Nevertheless, politically speaking the GOP would probably be punished if they tried to evict an elected potus again.

Comey begs to differ with you.

Comey: Hillary’s FBI Testimony Wasn’t Under Oath Or Recorded, But It Would Still Be a Crime To Lie

Comey: Hillary's FBI Testimony Wasn't Under Oath Or Recorded, But It Would Still Be a Crime To Lie - Breitbart


Nevermind. I'm too tired to use smaller words.
Benghazi! Benghazi! Benghazi!
Perjury! Perjury! Perjury!

Refer the Hill-Beast Chaffetz. Perjury is a felony! It would be fitting justice for the Hill-Beast to have dodged a misdeameanor and get convicted of a felony!..........
Chaffetz is a world class piece of shit. He's legend in his own NaziCon mind.
Takes a world class piece of shit to call another a world class piece of shit...especially when the other is RIGHT!

Clinton and the Now Republican-Despised FBI Director are the people with the accurate evidence.

Already noted by both Secretary Clinton and the FBI Director, the Mandatory, Required "Classified" headings were on absolutely zero of the emails, as in nada--a Mexican concept--and zip.

Where there is corroboration, there is no evidence of any wrong-doing. The FBI in fact has testified that Clinton is Not Criminal in the matters alleged.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Millions corroborate gift of Great Spirit, "Seven Come Eleven," and with money!)
Good luck. Fact is hillary could shoot the pope on national TV and nothing would be done to her.

Chaffetz: We Will Refer Hillary Clinton to the FBI for Perjury

july 7 7 2016 Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), chair of the House Committee on Government Oversight and Reform, told FBI director James Comey during his testimony on Thursday morning that the committee would refer former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for investigation for perjury, given that she lied under oath before the House Select Committee on Benghazi in October.
“You’ll have one,” Chaffetz said, within “a few hours,” after Comey testified that the FBI would need a referral for Congress before investigating.

As Breitbart News detailed earlier this week, Clinton lied under oath to Congress in at least three ways: first, by stating that she had turned over “all my work related emails” from her private email server to the government; second, by insisting there was “nothing marked classified on my e-mails”; and third, by telling the committee that her attorneys “went through every single e-mail.” FBI director James Comey’s statement Tuesday suggested that none of those sworn statements were true.

That guy is such a faggot bitch.

He's so gay.
Typically, the gop overplays the hand. Of course, there's no real story beyond Hillary being an opaque and deceitful paranoid power freak. But, with Trump, the gop doesn't really have a choice. It's the hand they were dealt.

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