Chain Rection: The Impact of Race, Rights, and Taxes on American Politics

Even if it does, companies will keep DEI programs, because they're good business.

How is it good business to lower standards for Negroes? It is obvious to everyone that the Negroes do not perform as well as the whites and Orientals. That arouses the resentment of the whites and the Orientals. It also arouses disrespect by white and Oriental customers who are served by affirmative action beneficiaries.
How is it good business to lower standards for Negroes? It is obvious to everyone that the Negroes do not perform as well as the whites and Orientals. That arouses the resentment of the whites and the Orientals. It also arouses disrespect by white and Oriental customers who are served by affirmative action beneficiaries.

We've been over this.

I've worked with far more unqualified Boss's fuckbuddies, drinking buddies, and idiot relatives than I have "unqualified" minorities.

Connections are more important than qualifications. So is being able to chuck out $300 to hire a good resume writer.

AA doesn't compensate for qualification, it compensates for privilege.
We've been over this.

I've worked with far more unqualified Boss's fuckbuddies, drinking buddies, and idiot relatives than I have "unqualified" minorities.

Connections are more important than qualifications. So is being able to chuck out $300 to hire a good resume writer.

AA doesn't compensate for qualification, it compensates for privilege.
There is a average fifteen point IQ difference between blacks and white Gentiles, an average 21 point IQ between blacks and Orientals, and an average 30 point IQ difference between blacks and Jews. It is not possible to achieve equity without lowering standards for Negroes, and discriminating against white Gentiles, Orientals, and Jews.

Affirmative action does not create opportunities. It takes opportunities from those who deserve them and gives them to those who do not deserve them.
There is a average fifteen point IQ difference between blacks and white Gentiles,

Which has a lot more to do with environment and policy than genetics, dummy.

You can't have 400 years of systematic, institutionalized racism and fix that in a generation.

Affirmative action does not create opportunities. It takes opportunities from those who deserve them and gives them to those who do not deserve them.

Again, the biggest beneficiary of AA has been white women.

I've seen two diversity hires in my time who got jobs that I probably should have had due to education and experience.

One of them was a white woman who was promoted because another white woman who had been fired went crying to EEOC. She was grossly incompetent and fought with the Jew manager constantly (some of it was justified, that guy shouldn't have been in charge of a lemonade stand).

The other was a black woman, who was out of her league. But there was some politics if they moved me from contract to full time they'd have lost the contract position and reduced headcount.

I also got passed over a job in favor of a Chinese female once because the manager didn't want to bring a contractor on full time, This was more a case of them wanting someone who knew the Chinese supplier market. But, man, passing over a veteran in favor of a foreign national, that should be something I should have been pissed about.

But here's the thing. All three of those cases, I eventually went on to better jobs. Because, hey, WHITE PRIVILEGE.

The only true meritocracy I can say I ever worked for was the Army.
Which has a lot more to do with environment and policy than genetics, dummy.

You can't have 400 years of systematic, institutionalized racism and fix that in a generation.

Again, the biggest beneficiary of AA has been white women.

I've seen two diversity hires in my time who got jobs that I probably should have had due to education and experience.

One of them was a white woman who was promoted because another white woman who had been fired went crying to EEOC. She was grossly incompetent and fought with the Jew manager constantly (some of it was justified, that guy shouldn't have been in charge of a lemonade stand).

The other was a black woman, who was out of her league. But there was some politics if they moved me from contract to full time they'd have lost the contract position and reduced headcount.

I also got passed over a job in favor of a Chinese female once because the manager didn't want to bring a contractor on full time, This was more a case of them wanting someone who knew the Chinese supplier market. But, man, passing over a veteran in favor of a foreign national, that should be something I should have been pissed about.

But here's the thing. All three of those cases, I eventually went on to better jobs. Because, hey, WHITE PRIVILEGE.

The only true meritocracy I can say I ever worked for was the Army.
IQ is determined by genes. Genes are not determined by what happened four hundred years ago. If it was, Jews would not be as intelligent as they are. Ashkenazi Jews survived nearly two thousand years of persecution and the Holocaust, both of which you gloat about, and they are the most intelligent group of people on earth.
IQ is determined by genes. Genes are not determined by what happened four hundred years ago. If it was, Jews would not be as intelligent as they are. Ashkenazi Jews survived nearly two thousand years of persecution and the Holocaust, both of which you gloat about, and they are the most intelligent group of people on earth.

You remind me of one of those campus commies I used to see back in the 1980's, who would just repeat slogans when he couldn't make an argument.

Ironically, I went back to UIC about 10 years ago to meet a client. So much changed, but t here was still that little table with the Campus Commies chanting their slogans.

For smart people, they certainly do a lot of really stupid things.

Now, if you want to address my points about privilege or affirmative action, let me know.

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