Chair of the Federal Election Commission Makes Announcement

We all know Trump won, and by a big margin. Anybody running around claiming different definitely knows they're lying lowlifes. Ignore those trolls. If they support criminal fraud at the polls, put them on your ignore list from now on.

You are the lowlife. Trump lost. There was little or no fraud. Just because you don't like the results does not make it fraud.

Trump lost? I don't see an EC vote total of 270 for either candidate.

these lowlifes don't even know what they're talking about, just repeating crap they're told to. The issues before the courts aren't about fraud, not yet, they're about the legitimacy of the ballots and if they're valid or not at this point. Another reason to ignore these morons and degenerates.
And it don't take this long to count unless you are trying to hide somethig
And how do you know that? Are you a counting expert, perhaps an expert on elections? What possible from of reference do you personally have to make that absolute statement.

Is it because of all the states that did it right?

The red states are bit behind on the new math strategies being hammer down in Common Core.
Red state counting experts have only had experience counting since they were two years old, and haven't updated to new Progressive strategies.


Red states don't know how to count. They are too uneducated to figfure it out.

Oh? The Red States are done counting, dipshit. It's only the blue States that are trying to commit election fraud that can't seem to count.
It this case, it really is explosive. The top boss of all the election officials, Trey Trainor, confirms that in his professional opinion, this election is “illegitimate.”
Fraud announcement from FEC

Trey Trainor who serves as chairman for the Federal Election Commission is personally convinced that, from what he’s seen in Pennsylvania, and reports he’s been getting from elsewhere in the country, this election is illegitimate.

You don't really know much about the FEC, do you? He only speaks for them when they have a finding. They do not even have a quorum and have had one lately, so they definitely have investigated NOTHING. Composed by law of 3 Democrat and 3 Republicans in quorum. As far as I know, they have only functioned if you can call it that for 2 months (april and may, I think) of the last two years. Their only legal mandate is campaign finance reform. They are not what you think. Without a quorum, they are not really anything at all. That dude is speaking solely for himself. You should read more.

But I assume he's QUALIFIED and knowledgeable in election processes and probably better at this than WE are.. Right?
Never assume. It will often make an Ass of U & Me
being scheduled, not sure what that has to do with what I posted though. care to explain for me?
Posters were claiming there were fraudulent votes. Glad that we can agree these are unproven allegations with no factual proof.
being scheduled, not sure what that has to do with what I posted though. care to explain for me?
Posters were claiming there were fraudulent votes. Glad that we can agree these are unproven allegations with no factual proof.
whistle blowers have contacted representatives and are ready to go to court and give their findings. It's all I said. not sure what any of my post stated trials yet. And I noticed you avoided the cardboard in the windows of the building votes were being counted in. Cause you know that's not suspicious at all right?
being scheduled, not sure what that has to do with what I posted though. care to explain for me?
Posters were claiming there were fraudulent votes. Glad that we can agree these are unproven allegations with no factual proof.
unproven isn't accurate at all. there is no way to provide factual evidence once the envelope is separated from the ballot. None. what one can offer is the procedure to procure the ballot as legal. And in that, oh, you know, keeping republicans from monitoring the process is one way to eliminate it, placing cardboard over windows. cause you know that's legal. Keep going, I'm happy to point out the flaws of mail in ballots. Did you know that monitoring was the only way for the mail in ballots to be counted as legal? legislation?
As votes continue to be counted in four states and the nation awaits the results in the 2020 presidential election, a top election official commended poll workers this election cycle.​
“State and local officials and poll workers throughout the country really stepped up. And there have been very few complaints about how this election was run,” Ellen Weintraub, a three-time chair of the Federal Election Commission, told CNN Saturday morning. “Very few substantiated complaints, let me put it that way. There is no evidence of any kind of voter fraud. There is no evidence of illegal votes being cast. In fact, and you don’t have to take my word for it, because people throughout the country, nonpartisan election experts, have come out and handled this election and how it was run.”​


If you watch the video, all he does is recount the discredited conspiracy theories put forward - and thrown out of court - by the Trump campaign.

He says when viewing a video of a poll worker assessing a ballot, "If he's just marking in the ballot as votes, it's fraud." Well, d'uh! Of course it is! But then he says that election workers also "cure" the ballots, which is what he also can be doing. IOW, he offers nothing tangible, just speculation.

His comment about the election as "illegitimate" is in regards to Republicans in PA not being allowed close enough to the ballots, which has already been remedied.

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