Chalk another one up for keith Olberman

Olbermann seems like he was doing a comedy spoof of the crazies pushing the fake story about "Russian hackers." But indeed he seems crazier than ever himself which might be related to his medical problems. He also might be upset his ex Katy Tur, the daughter of transvestites and MSNBC fake news reporter, failed in her job to influence the election in favor of Crooked Hillary.
I miss Keith on MSNBC...his rants were always good for a laugh. If you didn't know who he was or his long history of tilting at conservative'd swear that it was a parody that was taking place and not a serious monologue. The man must have an average audience of about 20 these the mighty have fallen!
I miss Keith on MSNBC...his rants were always good for a laugh. If you didn't know who he was or his long history of tilting at conservative'd swear that it was a parody that was taking place and not a serious monologue. The man must have an average audience of about 20 these the mighty have fallen!

I loved it when counter trolled him so hard, he brought his actual diploma on his show. She owned him so hard
I love it

Keith: we are no longer a sovereign nation

This from a guy who wants no border.

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