Chalk Up Another Kill For The Red Baron


Sep 23, 2010

If Snoopy is the Red Baron he just shot down Rand Paul:

Rand Paul’s Obamacare Hypocrisy
He claims he’ll repeal it if elected President, yet blocked an inquiry into its worst abuse.
By David Catron – 5.11.15

Rand Paul s Obamacare Hypocrisy The American Spectator
I cannot get serious about the media’s presidential favorites. Every time I read a headline, or stumble into one of them on TV, I feel like Snoopy in a dogfight. They are that silly to me.

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are more than enough to laugh at. Establishment Republicans are not much better.

Mitt Romney never suited up. Since he dropped out, the Red Baron is shooting them down faster than they can get off the runway.

Oddly enough, Jeb Bush is wrong about amnesty for illegal aliens and Common Core, while he gets in trouble for being right about Iraq.

To be fair, Democrats and the media think Bush is right about amnesty and Common Core, and wrong about Iraq. I assume Baby Bush thinks he will pick up more Democrats than the number of conservatives he already lost. That makes him easy pickings for the Red Baron.


The Baron shot up Rubio petty good over his part in the Gang of Eight not to mention being embraced by the Council on Foreign Relations. That should make him easy for the Baron to finish him off for this one:

Rubio, $450,000 in debt, was on billionaire's payroll

Rubio 450 000 in debt was on billionaire s payroll

Finally, Chris Christie is trying get off the ground. The Baron suggested that Christie stay in the hanger. No gentleman of the air wants to shoot down a manned dirigible.
Shucks I thought they'd discovered that some previously unknown airplane was found to have been shot down by the actual Red Baron. Instead I got a bunch of nonsense. Alas.

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