Challenge to all posters

It has everything to do with leftist ideology and how the country is governed. It simply does not coinincide with American right wing ideology.
Keep making up shit while the gop,fks you over and democrats keep saving your Medicare and SS.
Sure, fascism, Kremlin, without even consideration that Trump was and is the biggest booster of Putin. Trump with a horrible v financial reputation here, now gets his working and laundered finances from RUSSIA. And that’s from Trumps son. Hilariously, you’ll throw in a few more miss placed labels

Whatever you Russians say.
Tube amp or FX processors ?
I may get a Boss gt 1000 like a gt100 I had before but never had a Marshall head so it's on my radar too. As for guitars another Ibanez or ESP (older vintage )
Check out the Laney Super Cub 12. 15W/1W tube amp that is super light and small and sounds big. If you are not looking for something to shake the walls. I have it and use it at home and at rehearsal. Easily hangs with a drumset on about 5 or 6 volume.

If you are looking for something VERY loud, 50W is more than enough. There is no point in getting even 50W in tube, if you can't ever turn it up loud enough to push the tubes. Might as well just stay with solid state. That would be my best advice for a tube amp shopper. Get an amp 50W or less that has switchable power soak down to lower wattage. You will probably NEVER push a 50W tube amp enough to get the sweet tone, unless you are at a larger venue. 100W tube amps are vanity purchases that are trotted out just for show by anyone not playing a large venue. And even at a larger venue, if they are not Metallica, the sound guy is going to tell them to turn down. Again, might as well just go solid state or amp modeler, at that point.

I use the H&K Grandmeister 40. Even at larger venues, I use it at 20W. And it is so versatile and useful. More on that another time...

FX: I have always been partial to Line6, because their modulation and delay are so great. HX Effects is the unit I currently use. I might even add a second one.

Ibanez: buy in the $700-$1000 range, swap out the pickups immediately for some Fishmans or SDs (their stock pickups are hot garbage). I don't own any currently, as none of what I play calls for such a guitar.

Check out a guitar model with the Fishman Fluence pickups, see what you think. Sustain for days.

Yes, I'm a gear head.
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Before you get too excited over Ukraine, Israel or other lands, the challenge to everybody is to watch this video. Who operates as a insurrectionist?
Why are sentences handed out in DC so harsh?
Who really has owned the insurrection? Black lives matter and Antifa as two examples.
What rational human puts into prison for 22 years a person who was many miles from DC on Jan 6? If you were a hundred miles from DC, how the hell can you do an insurrection?

Trump was close to 3 miles from the Capitol. Did he arm people and send those to the Capitol?
How can a person telling large groups of people to behave responsibly then get blamed for a so called insurrection.

So let's propose what a true insurrection looks like.
IT has tens of thousands of heavily armed men or women.
Those who call to keep a president are not insurrections. Those acts are part of our rights in the first amendments ever made to the constitution.
Did the Government of Trump take action to protect the Capitol?
We saw the capitol police peacefully walk into the capitol people later called insurrectionists. Why on earth would cops simply open doors and treat the crowd like visitors are treated?
Watch this video and if you agree you are on the path to keep America free. We are controlled today by authoritarians. They announce they are. They demand you end using natural gas in your home. They demand you stop owning the ICE cars and start buying EV cars that are far from being reasonable in price and have dangers your ICE car does not have. Cars can and do get into accidents. And in those would you be willing to simply get trapped in an inferno? We all know that the lithium battery is hazardous. What if your children are trapped and burned to death?
Those voting for Democrats do so at their own peril. Recall who laid out the path for freedom. Study the short books by Thomas Paine. Paine explained the problems that led to the war on the Government by George Washington. Do not make us have another major war inside this country. Know who is ruining your life and stop them from being elected. Trump does have a mouth on him. And nobody denies this. But the man operated to do tons of good for America yet you see none of that from Biden.

Sounds like satire to me!
LIAR. Neither party is saving SS & Medicare.
Well republicans aren’t that’s for fking sure. Only Bernie wants to expand Medicare and get rid of 20% private co pay. Repugnant's would drop it and SS tomorrow if they had the votes and you had your back turned.

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