Challenge to all posters

I want you to look at a list from the alleged Justice Department and tell me either it is easy to learn the nature of the crime or if the department has confused you using numbers to cite crimes. I simply do not believe a thousand humans vandalized the capitol. And the claim that there is 2.8 million dollars in costs, much of that probably wages paid to the cops, and anyway the point is they deliberately confused the report so it is next to impossible to know the nature of the alleged crime.

Read from the list.
I've seen the video.
Well let's be honest, any thinking person wishing to overthrow the government would probably be armed....durr
They are charging citizens for damage to the capitol property. In essence these are property damage issues more than genuine crimes. While punishment is warranted, not many years in prison. Show me any protest where damage is not done to property.
Zelinsky is a puppet dictator installed by NATO what's left of it and the
Ukrainian people hate him. There is no freedom of speech or religion and the Ukraine 400,000 young men died because of our leaders unwillingness to work with Russia.
Those are very reckless statements. Especially on a forum where we try to deal in facts.
Ukraine has too many destroyed cities that were ruined by the Russians, to simply think the Ukrainians are pals of Russia and hate their own country.
He’s in jail.

Because they or their retirement plan has to pay to subsidize private insurance for the remaining 20% .
That amount is GREATER THAN the fee Medicare recipients pay for fking 80% coverage.
I am not clear what you are talking about. Clearly it is not what I was talking about and you replied to me.
Nope, they weren’t. Organized Voter fraud has been prosecuted and has been by republicans…
You have no evidence, just bull shit.
So suddenly you admit there was voter fraud. Hmmmm very interesting.
Those are very reckless statements. Especially on a forum where we try to deal in facts.
Ukraine has too many destroyed cities that were ruined by the Russians, to simply think the Ukrainians are pals of Russia and hate their own country.
Obviously if you listen to Western media which is funneled from the Pentagon you're not going to know the fact that Russia was trying to stop a genocide in the Donbass region until you start doing a little homework don't worry about what I know or where I post it
Obviously if you listen to Western media which is funneled from the Pentagon you're not going to know the fact that Russia was trying to stop a genocide in the Donbass region until you start doing a little homework don't worry about what I know or where I post it
I see now. So Russia destroys cities, airports, schools and hospitals to stop genocide?
Sounds like the Dems are better organized. They are more believable with judges, better organized among themselves and definitely not despised as much among women. Don’t you think your arrests and indictments are about you ?
38 times the felonies in federal office and a string of indictments for your leader and front runner. You seem to share the criminality.
We have way to many liberal judges. The events of 2020 are proof of that.
The evidence is in, you’re foolish to think so. You run around promoting anti American stories because you deny our constitutionally endowed judicial system which has run its course and declared 60 times,Trump and you Humpers are full of shit.
If you have the evidence, your way too incompetent in presenting it. You can’t do it here. You can’t do it Court, YOU JUST CANT DO IT. But you can keep whining snowflake
No evidentiary hearings were given to Trump. Al Gore got one and was never arrested for challenging the election of 2000. Why is that?

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