Challenge to all posters

Made up shit is often denied and ignored. Deal with it.
You can't possibly believe the election was not stolen. I think you are being dishonest. If you are really that dumb I can't help you. And if you read the links that is all fact.
Having voted for Jill Stein in 2016 I was just as surprised as anyone to see how great of a president he became

I didn't care if he spent his entire time sitting on the White House patio drinking Scotch and playing Bridge, as long as it kept Hillary out. It was indeed a surprise when he actually did a few pro-American things, something we haven't seen Obama and Biden do.
You can't possibly believe the election was not stolen. I think you are being dishonest. If you are really that dumb I can't help you. And if you read the links that is all fact.

If cheating happened it doesn’t matter. Honestly I think Pennsylvania has been cheating for decades but I have never lived in Pennsylvania so it isn’t my problem so there is no need for me to have an opinion. Just because someone doesn’t act retarded about the election being stolen doesn’t mean they don’t believe cheating happened.

All 50 states have 50 separate elections.

If Pennsylvania cheated then only Pennsylvania can address the issue. If Mississippi cheated then only Mississippi can address the issue. States elect presidents not people. The interesting thing is that Trump is not mentally retarded. He knows all of this. He just knows his supporters are mentally retarded. So he pretends he is. He is honestly not.

If the election was stolen then it was stolen fair and square. In order to address this issue the United States Constitution would have to be amended. That could happen but it won’t happen before the 2024 election. If the election was stolen in 2016 and/or 2020 then it will be stolen again in 2024. Make sense? Please stop being stupid as a box of marbles. I’d appreciate it.

Yes. Cheating probably happened but it isn’t a National discussion. These problems must be addressed individually at the state level.

If you want to have a valid discussion about a specific state that cheated then we can talk about that. When you talk about two or more states cheating in the same conversation then you are pure dumb. Don’t approach it that way. I mean, you can. It just shows me that you are dumber than dirt.
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You can't possibly believe the election was not stolen. I think you are being dishonest. If you are really that dumb I can't help you. And if you read the links that is all fact.
The evidence is in, you’re foolish to think so. You run around promoting anti American stories because you deny our constitutionally endowed judicial system which has run its course and declared 60 times,Trump and you Humpers are full of shit.
If you have the evidence, your way too incompetent in presenting it. You can’t do it here. You can’t do it Court, YOU JUST CANT DO IT. But you can keep whining snowflake
The interesting thing is that Trump is not mentally retarded. He knows all of this. He just knows his supporters are mentally retarded.

Mentally retarded? Funny stuff. 1/2 of Democrats are just plain stupid, which is why they are largely unsuccessful. Another 1/4 are intelligent but severely brainwashed by academia and the MSM. The remaining 1/4 are ignorant children that get their “news” from TikTok while living off their parent’s dime. That pretty much sums up the constituency of Democratic Party.
Most Democrats don’t have the attention span to watch that entire video, much less understand the utter hypocrisy on full display.
Big difference. Trump actually did try to organize fake electors. Crowds of trump supporters actually did ORGANIZE an attack on the capital and try to delay and stop the electoral process. But keep making fake arguments, .
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