Chancellor Scholz prepares large scale deportation of illegals and welfare scroungers

German Chancellor Scholz has told German magazine DER SPIEGEL, that Germany must now deport on a large scale.

It's impossible, Germany is done, as always the empty babbling of the best-chancellor-of-all-times.
This is going to be more and more common in a lot of countries. A good thing.

There are more as 10m illiterate 'refugees' from the last shitholes of the third world. They produce lot of children, how you can deport them? Who will do the job and how?If 'immigrants' grasp deportations aren't joke Germany will have revolts never seen before. Germans shall relax and 'enjoy' the show - continuously transformation of the country into a Caliphate. Too late to change anything
Nazi, shut up.

Once it is admitted that people have the right to kill unproductive fellow human beings, ... then murder of all of us as we grow old and become decrepit and thus unproductive, is released.
Bishop Clemens August Graf von Galen, August 3rd 1941
Get knifed.
He is only doing it because his lack of action has brought other party popularity strength that will lose him his position
Slave of Putin: If you like to avoid the destruction of your homecountry Russia and/or that all Russians will become slaves of the current leader and future tyrants of China then kill your leader Putin and his criminal gang - or better: bring them to the international court.
It is still Gobbledygook .
As Eric said , The individual words may be right but their order is wrong .
Stick to recipes .
No need to generalize. The German policy has attracted criminals from every country, not engineers. There is a Russian next door and he is very peaceful and leads a withdrawn life for example.

Litwin is right, Germans hate Russians and their hate is a thousand years long, I don't think after Ukraine is a rapprochement possible, at least not earlier as in two hundred years. All former wounds beginning from WWI are opened again, too much Russians have been murdered by Germans weapons now
Litwin is right, Germans hate Russians and their hate is a thousand years long, I don't think after Ukraine is a rapprochement possible, at least not earlier as in two hundred years. All former wounds beginning from WWI are opened again, too much Russians have been murdered by Germans weapons now
Two weeks ago, an Ukrainian asked me for a cigarette at the super market. I gave him the cigarette. Years ago when the refugee crisis started, a Syrian or "Syrian" begged at the super market. I gave him bread, meat balls, milk, juice and money. They call me Nazi.
He is only doing it because his lack of action has brought other party popularity strength that will lose him his position

It is still Gobbledygook .
As Eric said , The individual words may be right but their order is wrong .
Stick to recipes .

No idea what you speak about. Do you also not understand yourselve? I guess this answer is "yes", slave of Putin.
... Germans hate Russians ...

What a nonsense. Germans don't hate Russians. Russians don't hate Germans. This is only what brainwashed idiots think. But Russia is in a great danger to be wiped out - and this danger causes Putin and his criminal gang.
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If no refugee condescends to release you from your flawed do-gooderism, I might find the mercy. Gather your silver bullets and have an eye opened in the night.

Idiot - do suicide. Then your eyes and your darkness are in harmony with each other. Day and night.
German Minister of the Interior on vacation!


What a nonsense. Germans don't hate Russians. Russians don't hate Germans. This is only what brainwashed idiots think. But Russia is in a great danger to be wiped out - and this danger causes Putin and his criminal gang.
Amazing .
You get your first thing right for two months --- your first point .
But then you revert to stupidity in your final sentence .
Who are you? Are you actually Litwin , aka Nazi Winkle ?
Where is that clown Lauterbach?

Meanwhile, the cafes are full. What else is there to do?
Lauterbach´s time in public is over since the war in Ukraine escalated. But he didn´t flee the scene, as fas as I know. He is doing a big health reform, it will result in one third of our hospitals being closed or converted into specialized ones. Many patients will turn into outpatients, as well.

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