Change in outgoing heat

Old Rocks

Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2008
Portland, Ore.

Human Fingerprint #2
Less heat is escaping
out to space
Satellites measure infrared radiation as it escapes
out to space, clearly observing the greenhouse
effect. A comparison between satellite data from
1970 to 1996 found that even less energy is
escaping to space at the wavelengths that
greenhouse gases absorb energy. Researchers
described this result as
This has since been confirmed by subsequent
measurements from several different satellites.
“direct experimental
evidence for a significant increase in the Earth’s
greenhouse effect” 4
Change in outgoing radiation spectrum from 1970 to 1996 due
to increasing greenhouse gases. Negative values mean less
outgoing heat.4
And 2010 will still end up as one of the three warmest years on record. You want to argue the science with irrevelant data. Perhaps you should consider what the decrease in outgoing heat at those particular wavelengths means. And the fact that while we are having a cold winter in some areas of this continent, other parts of the globe are much warmer than normal at the same time.
And 2010 will still end up as one of the three warmest years on record. You want to argue the science with irrevelant data. Perhaps you should consider what the decrease in outgoing heat at those particular wavelengths means. And the fact that while we are having a cold winter in some areas of this continent, other parts of the globe are much warmer than normal at the same time.

Venus has a huge green house effect and yes earth does to, but What I'm talking about is the trapping of more heat with less heat going to space.

So this should prove that global warming is real...You can whine about the temperature data, but this shows it. The question is, is the rate of decrease of heat going to space still doing the same or speed up the last few years.
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And 2010 will still end up as one of the three warmest years on record. You want to argue the science with irrevelant data. Perhaps you should consider what the decrease in outgoing heat at those particular wavelengths means. And the fact that while we are having a cold winter in some areas of this continent, other parts of the globe are much warmer than normal at the same time.

Yup...........its called weather s0n..........been happening my whole life.

And nobody cares about 1/2 a degree in 100 years.............

And even if you were right..........who cares?? Tell me..........even if you were right, what does it matter at this stage of the game?
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And 2010 will still end up as one of the three warmest years on record. You want to argue the science with irrevelant data. Perhaps you should consider what the decrease in outgoing heat at those particular wavelengths means. And the fact that while we are having a cold winter in some areas of this continent, other parts of the globe are much warmer than normal at the same time.

Yup...........its called weather s0n..........been happening my whole life.

And nobody cares about 1/2 a degree in 100 years.............

And even if you were right..........who cares?? Tell me..........even if you were right, what does it matter at this stage of the game?

My friend, The difference between today and the base of the little ice age is less then 2c. The bottom of the last major ice age was around 8-9c colder then today globally. .5c change in 100 years is a good amount. :cool:
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And 2010 will still end up as one of the three warmest years on record. You want to argue the science with irrevelant data. Perhaps you should consider what the decrease in outgoing heat at those particular wavelengths means. And the fact that while we are having a cold winter in some areas of this continent, other parts of the globe are much warmer than normal at the same time.

Yup...........its called weather s0n..........been happening my whole life.

And nobody cares about 1/2 a degree in 100 years.............

And even if you were right..........who cares?? Tell me..........even if you were right, what does it matter at this stage of the game?

Places where nobody lives, and there is no man mande C02 to speak of.
And 2010 will still end up as one of the three warmest years on record. You want to argue the science with irrevelant data. Perhaps you should consider what the decrease in outgoing heat at those particular wavelengths means. And the fact that while we are having a cold winter in some areas of this continent, other parts of the globe are much warmer than normal at the same time.

Yup...........its called weather s0n..........been happening my whole life.

And nobody cares about 1/2 a degree in 100 years.............

And even if you were right..........who cares?? Tell me..........even if you were right, what does it matter at this stage of the game?

My friend, The difference between today and the base of the little ice age is less then 2c. The bottom of the last major ice age was around 8-9c colder then today globally. .5c change in 100 years is a good amount. :cool:

Well........thats awesome news. All this talk of the earth entering another ice age is not exactly encouraging. Id say we need a bump of a degree or two more over the next 100 years. December here in New York this year has been ridiculously cold..........we could use a little global warming. point up there is that despite the chest thumping of the global warming crusaders and all their "science", nobody takes it seriously. If they did, we'd be marching towards carbon credits and destruction of the coal industry and mega-increases in electric rates. Were not........its on nobody's radar and given the recent election results, wont be for a long, long time. The crusaders havent quite figured that out yet..........:D:lmao::funnyface::rofl:

Members will notice that the global warming crusaders NEVER respond to posts on this reality. NEVER!!!
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And 2010 will still end up as one of the three warmest years on record. You want to argue the science with irrevelant data. Perhaps you should consider what the decrease in outgoing heat at those particular wavelengths means. And the fact that while we are having a cold winter in some areas of this continent, other parts of the globe are much warmer than normal at the same time.

Yup...........its called weather s0n..........been happening my whole life.

And nobody cares about 1/2 a degree in 100 years.............

And even if you were right..........who cares?? Tell me..........even if you were right, what does it matter at this stage of the game?

Places where nobody lives, and there is no man mande C02 to speak of.

What the hell does that sentence mean?
These litttle ones are too stupid to grasp the science in full.

they see snow and know its cold.

That is a far as their brains will reach.

Its why they are so easily fooled into accepting the failed ideas of the republican party OVER and OVER and OVER again as if they worked.
These litttle ones are too stupid to grasp the science in full.

they see snow and know its cold.

That is a far as their brains will reach.

Its why they are so easily fooled into accepting the failed ideas of the republican party OVER and OVER and OVER again as if they worked.
TM, Quick! Send all yer' money to Gubamint! They're gonna' save us! Just like they saved the banks!

They sky is falling! :uhoh3:

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