Charlatans Of The Arctic… Laughing Stock Ice-Free-Arctic Predictions …Fake Science At Its Best


Notice that Old Rocks and Cricks completely avoid the posted article about PREDICTION failures?

Not only that they seem to miss the obvious that it is no longer dropping lower anymore. PIOMAS (the lowest quality) shows that it has been stable for around 9 years now by area and 11 years by volume.

The decline has STOPPED for years now.
You do realize that you are a liar.

I had actually expected PIJAMAS average thickness to be lower, because JAXA was relatively high at the end of June, while PIOMAS is still holding up somewhat. Remember, PIJAMAS is a crude average sea ice thickness measure, which you get by dividing PIOMAS volume with JAXA extent. So, if JAXA is relatively high, average thickness should go down.

You are truly blind and stupid since the CHART you posted here clearly shows that starting about 2009 it stopped going down anymore.
Old Rocks continues to ignore the well documented prediction sea ice failures shown in post 1.

He has also ignored a number of science papers showing that present sea ice levels are well above average for the Holocene period.

Gee I wonder why...….
Old Rocks continues to ignore the well documented prediction sea ice failures shown in post 1.

He has also ignored a number of science papers showing that present sea ice levels are well above average for the Holocene period.

Gee I wonder why...….

He doesnt ignore it my friend....these people are masters of deceit. They post up their fake/misleading graphs and hope it sticks with viewers who tend to be easily duped. That's why I haven't spent a moment in here debating science stuff with these phonies....uninterested in any information that doesn't conform with the narrative. I focus on the only thing that matters in the big picture: who's not winning!!!:2up::backpedal:
Over at -post 16 I mention Sebastian getting clobbered, he replied with this whine:

"I'd really like to have your level of imagination … wow! You are really seeing the world with different eyes than the rest of us, aren’t you?

If you want to know about real failed predictions you need not look further than the person who writes the most articles on this blog

If you think Kenneth’s quotes have any merrit I challenge you to become a little bit more skeptical of what he writes. You are a skeptic, right? So why not apply that “skill” towards what “your side” is posting? You’d be surprised what you’ll find …"

He still continues to ignore many science papers Mr. Richards posted in his replies to Sebastian who never debates it. This is what you can expect of Sebastian is to be dull and dishonest.

Notice that Old Rocks and Cricks completely avoid the posted article about PREDICTION failures?

Not only that they seem to miss the obvious that it is no longer dropping lower anymore. PIOMAS (the lowest quality) shows that it has been stable for around 9 years now by area and 11 years by volume.

The decline has STOPPED for years now.

The data show that statement to be false. And I have made no predictions here. I simply show you the data and ask you to draw your own conclusions. As to your comment that ice volume is stable, the same could have been said in 1987. How much predictive value did that have?
Predictions regarding summer Arctic ice have yet to prove accurate.

This was the news in 2007:

"Their latest modelling studies indicate northern polar waters could be ice-free in summers within just 5-6 years." (Arctic summers ice-free 'by 2013')
BBC NEWS | Science/Nature | Arctic summers ice-free 'by 2013'

also in 2007:

"This week, after reviewing his own new data, NASA climate scientist Jay Zwally said: "At this rate, the Arctic Ocean could be nearly ice-free at the end of summer by 2012, much faster than previous predictions."
Arctic Sea Ice Gone in Summer Within Five Years?

By 2011 this was the new and improved Arctic ice forecast:

"Scientists who predicted a few years ago that Arctic summers could be ice-free by 2013 now say summer sea ice will probably be gone in this decade."
"Now they are working with a new computer model - compiled partly in response to those criticisms - that produces a "best guess" date of 2016."
New warning on Arctic ice melt

In 2016 this is what is being reported:

"‘Next year or the year after, the Arctic will be free of ice’"
‘Next year or the year after, the Arctic will be free of ice’

And in 2017 the prediction for summer Arctic ice is pushed back to 2040:

"The Arctic as it is known today is almost certainly gone"
"On current trends, the Arctic will be ice-free in summer by 2040"

The Arctic as it is known today is almost certainly gone

To recap the predictions:
  • In 2007 it is reported that summer Arctic ice will disappear by 2012/2013
  • In 2011 it is reported that summer Arctic ice will disappear by 2016
  • In 2016 it is reported that summer Arctic ice will disappear by 2017/2018
  • And in 2017 predictions that summers will be free of Arctic ice are pushed back to 2040
Either the models being used aren't worth a shit or ...... sadly there isn't another explanation.

What does this say to you dimwit?


Note that the zero value on the vertical axis is NOT an anomaly value, but ZERO ICE.

What do these say to you skidmark? Or can you still not read a graph and only post them because you like the colors?


Climate scientist predictions are ghey....based upon computer models which frequently are wildly inaccurate. Most people have taken notice....but not the k00ks.
Climate scientist predictions are ghey....based upon computer models which frequently are wildly inaccurate. Most people have taken notice....but not the k00ks.

The blind warmist morons can't even read their OWN charts they posted, that clearly shows the decline stopped around a decade ago. Heck if they put a ruler up on the computer screen for year 2010 to now it will be tipping upward a little from the start point 2010 to now, that means decline has stopped in late 2009.

Notice that Old Rocks and Cricks completely avoid the posted article about PREDICTION failures?

Not only that they seem to miss the obvious that it is no longer dropping lower anymore. PIOMAS (the lowest quality) shows that it has been stable for around 9 years now by area and 11 years by volume.

The decline has STOPPED for years now.
You do realize that you are a liar.

I had actually expected PIJAMAS average thickness to be lower, because JAXA was relatively high at the end of June, while PIOMAS is still holding up somewhat. Remember, PIJAMAS is a crude average sea ice thickness measure, which you get by dividing PIOMAS volume with JAXA extent. So, if JAXA is relatively high, average thickness should go down.

You are truly blind and stupid since the CHART you posted here clearly shows that starting about 2009 it stopped going down anymore.

His own post calls him out as ........ lying..
Whats the matter crick...need someone to help you out with the graphs I posted? Surely there is an adult around you somewhere who can point out that the arctic ice at present is higher than it has been for most of the past 10,000 years, and that your little snapshot of a graph, designed specifically to fool idiots into thinking that what we have seen in the arctic is somehow unprecedented or unusual is typical of the bullshit that constantly flows from climate science.
Of course, the predictions of an ice free arctic this year or next are the outliers of the models and are not scientific consensus, so this thread is meaningless pap and emotional drivel.

What is consensus is the accelerated loss of sea ice in the Arctic, which is coming along precisely as predicted. May 2018 ice cover was the second lowest in the satellite record. Also, the ice we do observe is getting younger, as expected in a rapidly warming world.

And this alarms scientists as loss of the sea ice will decrease the earths albedo, which itself will contribute futher to the rapid warming.
And this alarms scientists as loss of the sea ice will decrease the earths albedo, which itself will contribute futher to the rapid warming.
One problem moron... As ice and snow increase the albedo reduces which is what is happening now...
And this alarms scientists as loss of the sea ice will decrease the earths albedo, which itself will contribute futher to the rapid warming.
One problem moron... As ice and snow increase the albedo reduces which is what is happening now...
Of course, that is backwards and wrong. Sea ice is decreasing, as is land ice. And this process decreases the albedo of Earth, causing less solar raditaion to be reflected back into space.
And this alarms scientists as loss of the sea ice will decrease the earths albedo, which itself will contribute futher to the rapid warming.
One problem moron... As ice and snow increase the albedo reduces which is what is happening now...
Of course, that is backwards and wrong. Sea ice is decreasing, as is land ice. And this process decreases the albedo of Earth, causing less solar raditaion to be reflected back into space.
Were not even outside 2 std deviations... its still within the realm of Natural Variation... Gawd you fearmongering fools are so funny.. You don't even have a inkling of how stupid you really are..
Were not even outside 2 std deviations... its still within the realm of Natural Variation...
Wow, you better get this very important information to the people who taught you that right away! They don't seem to agree with you.

The Phd's I work with agree with me... You need to get a new Meme.. That lie is old and tired and mainstream scientists are abandoning it. Most now look at 15% ice coverage as a non-issue and only alarmists over rate its effect and importance.
The Phd's I work with agree with me
Nor they don't. Nobody who knows the definition of the word albedo would agree with you.
Says the retard who has got a clue.... Were supposed to believe you, because you say so...


Facts are not your friend..
I don't care if you believe me, nor is my reasoning "because I say so". On the contrary, that is the foundation you uneducated slobs -- who have done no science, who have no education or experience in any of these fields, and yet who prance around claiming to have outsmarted the scientific community -- rest on.

Here's a fact for you: you deniers are actually a bunch of sheep. The fossil fuel industry funds a concerted effort in this country to sow doubt, purely out of the profit motive. And you fools, thinking you are being good little partisans, have slurped it up like it's your last meal.

That's a fact.

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