Charlatans Of The Arctic… Laughing Stock Ice-Free-Arctic Predictions …Fake Science At Its Best

The Phd's I work with agree with me
Nor they don't. Nobody who knows the definition of the word albedo would agree with you.
Says the retard who has got a clue.... Were supposed to believe you, because you say so...


Facts are not your friend..

We don't need stinking facts, just propaganda!

Not once has Indiana boy addressed Post ONE

It is too painful for him to realize that a number of warmists scientists made stupid no summer sea ice predictions, to the point that they suck at it. The public have lost interest after REPEATED prediction failures are being pointed out.

It has since stopped declining anymore, they go to lengths to LIE about it using charts that doesn't agree with them, that is how deep their delusions runs.
The Phd's I work with agree with me
Nor they don't. Nobody who knows the definition of the word albedo would agree with you.
Says the retard who has got a clue.... Were supposed to believe you, because you say so...


Facts are not your friend..
I don't care if you believe me, nor is my reasoning "because I say so". On the contrary, that is the foundation you uneducated slobs -- who have done no science, who have no education or experience in any of these fields, and yet who prance around claiming to have outsmarted the scientific community -- rest on.

Here's a fact for you: you deniers are actually a bunch of sheep. The fossil fuel industry funds a concerted effort in this country to sow doubt, purely out of the profit motive. And you fools, thinking you are being good little partisans, have slurped it up like it's your last meal.

That's a fact.

You run off at the mouth so well!
The Phd's I work with agree with me
Nor they don't. Nobody who knows the definition of the word albedo would agree with you.
Says the retard who has got a clue.... Were supposed to believe you, because you say so...


Facts are not your friend..
I don't care if you believe me, nor is my reasoning "because I say so". On the contrary, that is the foundation you uneducated slobs -- who have done no science, who have no education or experience in any of these fields, and yet who prance around claiming to have outsmarted the scientific community -- rest on.

Here's a fact for you: you deniers are actually a bunch of sheep. The fossil fuel industry funds a concerted effort in this country to sow doubt, purely out of the profit motive. And you fools, thinking you are being good little partisans, have slurped it up like it's your last meal.

That's a fact.

YOU admitted you don't have training in atmospheric physics. You admitted you do not understand it. You demonstrated your ignorance of it with clarity..

And you still want people to believe your pontifications... Do you realize just how stupid you look?
It is too painful for him to realize that a number of warmists scientists made stupid no summer sea ice predictions, to the point that they suck at it.
But that is irrelevant. When a tiny percentage of oncologists say they think cancer will be cured in 20 years, and that does not come to pass...only an idiot would think that undermines the mountains of scientific research in the field of oncology. These are the charlatan's appeals to emotion, peddle by a charlatan with no education or experience in any of these fields. You should be mocked.
It is too painful for him to realize that a number of warmists scientists made stupid no summer sea ice predictions, to the point that they suck at it.
But that is irrelevant. When a tiny percentage of oncologists say they think cancer will be cured in 20 years, and that does not come to pass...only an idiot would think that undermines the mountains of scientific research in the field of oncology. These are the charlatan's appeals to emotion, peddle by a charlatan with no education or experience in any of these fields. You should be mocked.

Some of them are the LEADERS in the field. Heard of PROFESSOR Wadhams and Professor Serreze who actually research the Arctic region and others you seem ignorant about. All these people made predictions of no summer ice by a certain year that were not even close.

From Wikipedia:

"Peter Wadhams ScD (born 14 May 1948), is professor of Ocean Physics, and Head of the Polar Ocean Physics Group in the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, University of Cambridge. He is best known for his work on sea ice.

He is the president of the International Association for the Physical Sciences of the Oceans Commission on Sea Ice and Coordinator for the International Programme for Antarctic Buoys.

Wadhams has been the leader of 40 polar field expeditions.[1]"


From Wikipedia

"Mark Clifford Serreze (born 1960) is an American geographer and the director of the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC), a project of the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences at the University of Colorado Boulder. He officially became the NSIDC's director in August 2009.[1] Serreze is primarily known for his expertise in the Arctic sea ice decline that has occurred over the last few decades due to global warming, a topic about which he has expressed serious concern.[2]"



"Dr. H. Jay Zwally is Chief Cryospheric Scientist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center and Project Scientist for the Ice Cloud and Land Elevation Satellite (ICESat). His recent research includes leading comprehensive analysis of the mass balance of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets and ice shelves, discovery of the melt-acceleration effect on the flow of the Greenland ice sheet, and comprehensive mapping of sea ice freeboard and thickness. At NASA since 1974, his early research included radiative modeling of microwave emission from firn, development of concepts for remote measurement of accumulation rates and surface melting, the first observation and interpretation of the Weddell Polynya, and systematic correction and compilation of satellite passive-microwave data sets that led to several sea ice atlases."


From Wikipedia

"Wiesław Masłowski is a research professor at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California since 2009. He obtained his MS from the University of Gdańsk in 1987,[1] and his PhD from the University of Alaska, Fairbanks in 1994, with a dissertation entitled Numerical modeling study of the circulation of the Greenland Sea."

Your desperation is vivid.
Some of them are the LEADERS in the field.
So what? Irrelevant for exactly the reasons I mentioned.

You are making a fool of yourself here.

I post hard evidence that warmist LEADERS of the field are making these stupid no summer ice predictions, you idiotically try to dismiss it. Skeptical researchers are not making these stupid predictions, just the warmists loons are.

You finally get it?
I post hard evidence that warmist LEADERS of the field are making these stupid no summer ice predictions
And again, that is not relevant. What matters is the body of science, taken as a whole. You are just using appeals to emotion....which, I admit, are effective on untrained minds like yours.
I post hard evidence that warmist LEADERS of the field are making these stupid no summer ice predictions
And again, that is not relevant. What matters is the body of science, taken as a whole. You are just using appeals to emotion....which, I admit, are effective on untrained minds like yours.
There you go again projecting your fact less based religion onto others...

Saul Alyinsky is that you?
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Arctic Sea Ice News and Analysis | Sea ice data updated daily with one-day lag




A very warm arctic, and an El Nino on the way.
It is too painful for him to realize that a number of warmists scientists made stupid no summer sea ice predictions, to the point that they suck at it.
But that is irrelevant. When a tiny percentage of oncologists say they think cancer will be cured in 20 years, and that does not come to pass...only an idiot would think that undermines the mountains of scientific research in the field of oncology. These are the charlatan's appeals to emotion, peddle by a charlatan with no education or experience in any of these fields. You should be mocked.

Holy think science needs 20 years to find a cure for cancer!! Because the scientists say it.....:laughing0301: live in your own reality bubble. A world where one thinks of they click their heels often enough, wonderful things will happen!! So few people in the world concur with your views but least you can be proud to call yourself a non-conformist!!:2up:

Notice that Old Rocks and Cricks completely avoid the posted article about PREDICTION failures?

Not only that they seem to miss the obvious that it is no longer dropping lower anymore. PIOMAS (the lowest quality) shows that it has been stable for around 9 years now by area and 11 years by volume.

The decline has STOPPED for years now.
You do realize that you are a liar.

I had actually expected PIJAMAS average thickness to be lower, because JAXA was relatively high at the end of June, while PIOMAS is still holding up somewhat. Remember, PIJAMAS is a crude average sea ice thickness measure, which you get by dividing PIOMAS volume with JAXA extent. So, if JAXA is relatively high, average thickness should go down.

You are truly blind and stupid since the CHART you posted here clearly shows that starting about 2009 it stopped going down anymore.
View attachment 207129

His own post calls him out as ........ lying..
My goodness, Ol' Silly Billy once again demonstrates what an ignoramus he is. From 1982 to 1986, you could draw the same red line. From 1992 to 2002, you could draw the same line. From 2008 to 2010, same line. However, the whole trend is downward. You, Silly Billy, are a liar. You are not an atmospheric physicist, in fact, you have very little scientific education, not even high school level. That is evident from your posts. So, burger flipper, continue to embarrass yourself with your nonsense, you are worth a laugh, now and then.
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Look at the difference between 21July and 28 July. That is just a weeks worth of melt.
Ah yes...Old crock lives on day to day weather changes... Again your trying to make a point about 15% ice coverage when core ice deposits globally are increasing... Your going to be soooooo disappointed...

Notice that Old Rocks and Cricks completely avoid the posted article about PREDICTION failures?

Not only that they seem to miss the obvious that it is no longer dropping lower anymore. PIOMAS (the lowest quality) shows that it has been stable for around 9 years now by area and 11 years by volume.

The decline has STOPPED for years now.
You do realize that you are a liar.

I had actually expected PIJAMAS average thickness to be lower, because JAXA was relatively high at the end of June, while PIOMAS is still holding up somewhat. Remember, PIJAMAS is a crude average sea ice thickness measure, which you get by dividing PIOMAS volume with JAXA extent. So, if JAXA is relatively high, average thickness should go down.

You are truly blind and stupid since the CHART you posted here clearly shows that starting about 2009 it stopped going down anymore.
View attachment 207129

His own post calls him out as ........ lying..
My goodness, Ol' Silly Billy once again demonstrates what an ignoramus he is. From 1982 to 1986, you could draw the same red line. From 1992 to 2002, you could draw the same line. From 2008 to 2010, same line. However, the whole trend is downward. You, Silly Billy, are a liar. You are not an atmospheric physicist, in fact, you have very little scientific education, not even high school level. That is evident from your posts. So, burger flipper, continue to embarrass yourself with your nonsense, you are worth a laugh, now and then.
Again your an idiot... Your incapable of even basic analysis... Fear-mongering and hype is all you got...

were gonna die beaker.gif
lets put Old Frauds pontifications in context... All within 2-std deviations... even today....


So.... Not an emergency and no reason to be upset.... Never mind the historical view that shows the arctic ice free 5 times during the Holocene alone before man and any purported influence..
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Look at the difference between 21July and 28 July. That is just a weeks worth of melt.

Still ignoring the posted article in your pathetic deflection attempt to steer away from the utter no summer ice prediction failures made by so called Sea Ice experts.

Meanwhile he also has been ignoring the evidence that the decline has stopped around 10 years ago.

Give it up fella, your dishonesty is too vivid to ignore here.

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