Charlene Lamb of Benghazi fame back on the job!


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
All Hail Hillary! All Hail Obama!

She’s back on the job, as of today. Over at Townhall, I expand on Ed’s theme of Benghazi accountability — or the comprehensive lack thereof:​
Nearly a full year after the lethal raid, (a) none of the dozens of attackers have been apprehended or dealt with, (b) numerous high-risk diplomatic missions remain woefully unsafe, (c) long-standing questions remain unanswered, as very serious new ones arise, (d) two of the central players in the cover-up have been promoted by the president, and (e) even those few government officials nominally “punished” for this disgraceful meltdown have been reinstated. Zero accountability.​
Though these galling facts may shock the conscience of average Americans, the administration is unfazed. After all, Benghazi is a “phony scandal,” so what difference does it make?"​

Among the State Department officials reinstated today is? « The Greenroom
Secretary of State John Kerry has determined that the four State Department officials placed on administrative leave by Hillary Clinton after the terrorist attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi do not deserve any formal disciplinary action and has asked them to come back to work at the State Department starting Tuesday.
Last December, Clinton’s staff told four mid-level officials to clean out their desks and hand in their badges after the release of the report of its own internal investigation into the Benghazi attack, compiled by the Administrative Review Board led by former State Department official Tom Pickering and former Joint Chiefs Chairman Ret. Adm. Mike Mullen. Those four officials have been in legal and professional limbo, not fired but unable to return to their jobs, for eight months… until today.
Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Raymond Maxwell, the only official from the State Department’s Near Eastern Affairs bureau to lose his job over the Benghazi attack, told The Daily Beast Monday he received a memo from the State Department’s human resources department informing him his administrative leave status has been lifted and he should report for duty Tuesday morning."

Only four State Dept employees disciplined over Benghazi get jobs back « Hot Air


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