Charles Bayless: Climate Change Denial Is Like 'Denying You've Got Cancer'


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
Former WVU Tech chief talks Cap and Trade, "Bayless said a recent analysis showed that every one of 928 recent scientific studies documented global warming, while 53 percent of articles in the "popular press" questioned its existence."

Charles Bayless: Climate Change Denial Is Like 'Denying You've Got Cancer And Hoping It Will Get Better'


As former CEO of two major power companies in West Virginia, Charles Bayless may not seem like the poster boy for climate change advocacy. Yet in the wake of Obama’s unprecedented Georgetown speech, Bayless is using his position as a major player in a coal-producing state to speak in favor of the president’s agenda.

"If you're a West Virginian and a coal company and you're denying climate change, it's sort of like denying you've got cancer and hoping it will get better,” the Public News Service quoted Bayless as saying. “It won't. And the longer you deny it, the worse the fall will be
Well it's pretty much acknowledged by everyone that climate change has happened for all time and is happening right now. The only question is whether humans have any impact on it.

Anyone who's left out there that thinks it's not real is a fool.

If the cult truly had science on their side, they wouldn't have to resort to fear-mongering.
It's a teachable moment Starchild.. You accuse the skeptics of being played by the energy companies.

YOU -- don't recognize when Big Energy tries to shove a piccolo up your ass..

Charles Bayless is the King of Carbon Credits. Stands to make a freaking fortune selling credits for his measly power system upgrades and free wind turbines.

Surprise you that his rhetoric is that furtive? File this under "The UnderMining of the Green Agenda".
Why denialists act like they do ... from "Recursive fury: Conspiracist ideation in the blogosphere in response to research on conspiracist ideation"
Stephan Lewandowsky, John Cook, Klaus Oberauer and Michael Hubble-Marriott
Given this broad agreement on the fundamentals of climate science, what cognitive mechanism would underlie people's dissent from the consensus? We suggest that if a person rejects an overwhelming scienti fic consensus, such as the one for climate science, then that person needs to deny that the consensus emerged as the result of researchers converging independently on the same evidence-based view. Rejection of the scientifi c consensus thus calls for an alternative explanation of the very existence of that consensus. The ideation of a secretive conspiracy among researchers can serve as such an explanation (Diethelm & McKee, 2009; McKee & Diethelm, 2010; Smith & Leiserowitz, 2012).

Moreover, the ideation of a conspiracy may also serve as a "fantasy theme" that permits groups to develop and share a symbolic reality. Such fantasy themes (e.g., the denier as "Galileo" who opposes a corrupt iron- fisted establishment) operate as bonding agents that build group cohesion by creating a shared social reality. Fantasy themes are known to play a major role in climate denial (McKewon, 2012b, 2012a).


This con finement of recursive hypotheses to a small "echo chamber" reflects the wider phenomenon of radical climate denial, whose ability to generate the appearance of a widely held opinion on the internet is disproportionate to the smaller number of people who actually hold those views (e.g., Leviston, Walker, & Morwinski, 2012). This discrepancy is greatest for the small group of people who deny that the climate is changing (around 6% of respondents; Leviston et al., 2012). Members of this small group believe that their denial is shared by roughly half the population.

He's right. Anyone who thinks the climate does not change is an idiot.


thankfully......Cap and Trade is officially dead. This bozo president is doing climate change stuff via executive fiat.......its a dog bone for the k00ks who supported him but has no teeth.
More and more the AGW Cult shows how totally batshit fucking Heaven's Gate Jim Jones Kool Aid insane they are
Being a warmerist is like being the Japanese sailor on Gilligan's Island, who didn't get the memo that the war was over 20 years ago. :lol:

Earth to moonbats: The Climate Is Always Changing, and has been for millions and millions of years.

Deal with it.
Why denialists act like they do ... from "Recursive fury: Conspiracist ideation in the blogosphere in response to research on conspiracist ideation"
Stephan Lewandowsky, John Cook, Klaus Oberauer and Michael Hubble-Marriott
Given this broad agreement on the fundamentals of climate science, what cognitive mechanism would underlie people's dissent from the consensus? We suggest that if a person rejects an overwhelming scienti fic consensus, such as the one for climate science, then that person needs to deny that the consensus emerged as the result of researchers converging independently on the same evidence-based view. Rejection of the scientifi c consensus thus calls for an alternative explanation of the very existence of that consensus. The ideation of a secretive conspiracy among researchers can serve as such an explanation (Diethelm & McKee, 2009; McKee & Diethelm, 2010; Smith & Leiserowitz, 2012).

Moreover, the ideation of a conspiracy may also serve as a "fantasy theme" that permits groups to develop and share a symbolic reality. Such fantasy themes (e.g., the denier as "Galileo" who opposes a corrupt iron- fisted establishment) operate as bonding agents that build group cohesion by creating a shared social reality. Fantasy themes are known to play a major role in climate denial (McKewon, 2012b, 2012a).


This con finement of recursive hypotheses to a small "echo chamber" reflects the wider phenomenon of radical climate denial, whose ability to generate the appearance of a widely held opinion on the internet is disproportionate to the smaller number of people who actually hold those views (e.g., Leviston, Walker, & Morwinski, 2012). This discrepancy is greatest for the small group of people who deny that the climate is changing (around 6% of respondents; Leviston et al., 2012). Members of this small group believe that their denial is shared by roughly half the population.

Oh, goody -- more self-important leftists who started their research with their conclusion and worked backwards. Climate "science" is usually done that way.

"This discrepancy is greatest for the small group of people who deny that the climate is changing (around 6% of respondents; Leviston et al., 2012). Members of this small group believe that their denial is shared by roughly half the population."

These idiots are intentionally conflating disbelief in climate change -- which is indeed a small percentage of the population -- with disbelief in MAN-MADE climate change. That will, of course, be a larger group.

This drivel is dismissed.
Show of hands.. Anyone here believe the climate is NOT changing??

WhereTF is that 6% anyway? You must think we're really really stupid Catman..

Or you really do live on an intellectual diet of catbox treats... Explains a lot...

Really need you to weigh in on the "Awww ... Shit" thread and tell us how many extremely RARE birds your cat drags home dead..
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More and more the AGW Cult shows how totally batshit fucking Heaven's Gate Jim Jones Kool Aid insane they are

Who an I supposed to believe: 97% of scientists who actually study this topic, or some guy on an internet forum who calls himself Crusader Frank and thinks science is the equivalent of a suicide cult?
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AGW "solutions" are like being told you need your head amputated if you've got prostate cancer.
No Communist country is buying into this Green BS.

What does that tell you?

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