Charles Koch supporting NWO Democrats...


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
In a strange twist of events Charles Koch released a statement that he is now funding DEMOCRAT open borders and NWO goals...

How are they going to spin this one?

Koch and his organization are now PRO NWO and GLOBALIST CONTROL of the US...

Charles Koch’s Bipartisan Delusion

The Indians have an old saying "beware the man who speaks with forked tongue"
I have always been of the opinion that Koch was a globalist and he funded those who push that agenda. Now that Trump is pushing the Republic back to greatness and self sufficiency it comes as no surprise to me the Koch brothers abandon the Republican party and the push to self sufficiency.
Koch's donors list is dwindling fast with this revelation. His refusal to back Kevin Cramer in North Dakota makes it appear that he is backing the democrat while not openly donating to her..

I'm sure Heitkamp is reveling in the news that Koch is on her side...
The leader of a multi-billion dollar international business is a proponent of globalism? I'm shocked.
You'd think that Trump siding with The American People while eschewing the Rich and Powerful would encourage some dims to cheer him on.

But it doesn't.

Because dimocraps are scum.

All they know is hate.
You'd think that Trump siding with The American People while eschewing the Rich and Powerful would encourage some dims to cheer him on.

But it doesn't.

Because dimocraps are scum.

All they know is hate.

I voted for Bernie Sanders. I have Trump's back on a regular basis. If he actually shows signs that he means it when he talks about shutting down military bases around the world he might earn my vote next time.

And also, to the partisan Democrats...

I may just be some jackass anomaly, but the fact that Bernie people are finding reason to get behind Trump should scare the fuck out of you. You are going to lose again in 2020, and again it will be your fault.
I don't believe the Kochs have changed, it is republicans who have changed.
I voted for Bernie Sanders. I have Trump's back on a regular basis. If he actually shows signs that he means it when he talks about shutting down military bases around the world he might actually earn my vote next time.

I respect honesty and Bernie is honest most of the time.

I can talk to an honest socialist. I'd never vote for one because the system just doesn't work.

And since 95% of the self-proclaimed socialists in this Country haven't got a clue what socialism is, I don't give them a lot of my time.

We have people in here that actually think most of Europe is socialist. I mean, how do you talk to such stupidity??

But a dimocrap? If a dimocrap's hair was on fire I wouldn't piss in his face. They are THE lyingest pieces of shit to ever live.

socialists? Just be honest and I can talk to a socialist. Or even a communist.

But never to a dimocrap. They're dishonest, corrupt, power-hungry, pathological liars.

Look what they did to Bernie............
I voted for Bernie Sanders. I have Trump's back on a regular basis. If he actually shows signs that he means it when he talks about shutting down military bases around the world he might actually earn my vote next time.

I respect honesty and Bernie is honest most of the time.

I can talk to an honest socialist. I'd never vote for one because the system just doesn't work.

And since 95% of the self-proclaimed socialists in this Country haven't got a clue what socialism is, I don't give them a lot of my time.

We have people in here that actually think most of Europe is socialist. I mean, how do you talk to such stupidity??

But a dimocrap? If a dimocrap's hair was on fire I wouldn't piss in his face. They are THE lyingest pieces of shit to ever live.

socialists? Just be honest and I can talk to a socialist. Or even a communist.

But never to a dimocrap. They're dishonest, corrupt, power-hungry, pathological liars.

Look what they did to Bernie............

Bernie wants to emulate whatever you want to call what the Scandinavian countries are doing. If that's not socialism then Bernie is not a true socialist, because he doesn't want to do anything they're not doing.
I voted for Bernie Sanders. I have Trump's back on a regular basis. If he actually shows signs that he means it when he talks about shutting down military bases around the world he might actually earn my vote next time.

I respect honesty and Bernie is honest most of the time.

I can talk to an honest socialist. I'd never vote for one because the system just doesn't work.

And since 95% of the self-proclaimed socialists in this Country haven't got a clue what socialism is, I don't give them a lot of my time.

We have people in here that actually think most of Europe is socialist. I mean, how do you talk to such stupidity??

But a dimocrap? If a dimocrap's hair was on fire I wouldn't piss in his face. They are THE lyingest pieces of shit to ever live.

socialists? Just be honest and I can talk to a socialist. Or even a communist.

But never to a dimocrap. They're dishonest, corrupt, power-hungry, pathological liars.

Look what they did to Bernie............

Bernie wants to emulate whatever you want to call what the Scandinavian countries are doing. If that's not socialism then Bernie is not a true socialist, because he doesn't want to do anything they're not doing.
Nordic model - Wikipedia

The Nordic model (also called Nordic capitalism[1] or Nordic social democracy)[2][3] refers to the economic and social policies common to the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Sweden). This includes a comprehensive welfare state and collective bargaining at the national level with a high percentage of the workforce unionized, while being based on the economic foundations of free market capitalism.[4][5][6] The Nordic model began to earn attention after World War II.[7][8]

Although there are significant differences among the Nordic countries, they all share some common traits. These include support for a "universalist" welfare state aimed specifically at enhancing individual autonomy and promoting social mobility; a corporatist system involving a tripartite arrangement where representatives of labor and employers negotiate wages and labor market policy mediated by the government;[9] and a commitment to widespread private ownership, free markets and free trade.[10]

Each of the Nordic countries has its own economic and social models, sometimes with large differences from its neighbours.[11] According to sociologist Lane Kenworthy, in the context of the Nordic model "social democracy" refers to a set of policies for promoting economic security and opportunity within the framework of capitalism rather than a replacement for capitalism.[12]
I love that Trump told them he deosn't need their money. It is nice to have someone who isn't bought and paid for by the globalists.
I voted for Bernie Sanders. I have Trump's back on a regular basis. If he actually shows signs that he means it when he talks about shutting down military bases around the world he might actually earn my vote next time.

I respect honesty and Bernie is honest most of the time.

I can talk to an honest socialist. I'd never vote for one because the system just doesn't work.

And since 95% of the self-proclaimed socialists in this Country haven't got a clue what socialism is, I don't give them a lot of my time.

We have people in here that actually think most of Europe is socialist. I mean, how do you talk to such stupidity??

But a dimocrap? If a dimocrap's hair was on fire I wouldn't piss in his face. They are THE lyingest pieces of shit to ever live.

socialists? Just be honest and I can talk to a socialist. Or even a communist.

But never to a dimocrap. They're dishonest, corrupt, power-hungry, pathological liars.

Look what they did to Bernie............

Bernie wants to emulate whatever you want to call what the Scandinavian countries are doing. If that's not socialism then Bernie is not a true socialist, because he doesn't want to do anything they're not doing.
Nordic model - Wikipedia

The Nordic model (also called Nordic capitalism[1] or Nordic social democracy)[2][3] refers to the economic and social policies common to the Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Iceland, the Faroe Islands and Sweden). This includes a comprehensive welfare state and collective bargaining at the national level with a high percentage of the workforce unionized, while being based on the economic foundations of free market capitalism.[4][5][6] The Nordic model began to earn attention after World War II.[7][8]

Although there are significant differences among the Nordic countries, they all share some common traits. These include support for a "universalist" welfare state aimed specifically at enhancing individual autonomy and promoting social mobility; a corporatist system involving a tripartite arrangement where representatives of labor and employers negotiate wages and labor market policy mediated by the government;[9] and a commitment to widespread private ownership, free markets and free trade.[10]

Each of the Nordic countries has its own economic and social models, sometimes with large differences from its neighbours.[11] According to sociologist Lane Kenworthy, in the context of the Nordic model "social democracy" refers to a set of policies for promoting economic security and opportunity within the framework of capitalism rather than a replacement for capitalism.[12]

I just try to work around whatever labels people decide to use. It's easier that way. But yes, thank you for that. It's important to note that Bernie's vision is not to replace capitalism.
I love that Trump told them he deosn't need their money. It is nice to have someone who isn't bought and paid for by the globalists.
Yes what we need is more nationalists like Germany was before the world wars. Cause that was such a great time.
Bernie wants to emulate whatever you want to call what the Scandinavian countries are doing. If that's not socialism then Bernie is not a true socialist, because he doesn't want to do anything they're not doing.

Denmark has a King. So does Sweden. They're constitutional Monarchies.

The Scandi's are Welfare States and that's okay as long as you call them what they are. They are NOT socialist. Not even close. They have some socialist aspects but EVERY Country's economic system has what a 19 year-old College Sophomore would call socialist aspects.

But the Scandis are not socialists.

Venezuela is. Cuba is. Viet Nam is.

China is NOT. China is now State Directed Capitalism.

That's the thing, very few people have any understanding of what socialism is. It is NOT being a Welfare State.

A Primer for the budding socialist.....

Roger McKinney - Marx Understood Benefits Of Capitalism More Than Modern Socialists Do

Marx pretended to have discovered the secret forces of history that had led mankind from tribal economies through feudalism to capitalism and ultimately will usher in socialism. And he insisted that society must follow that sequence. They could not jump from feudalism to socialism because only capitalism could produce the wealth necessary for its socialist heirs to live in abundance. Trying to shorten the path would perpetuate poverty and misery. That’s why Marx was skeptical about the possibility of backward nations such as Russia succeeding with socialism.

Marx got everything else wrong
Free trade and the importation of cheap foreign labor is consistent with Koch's conservative agenda.

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