Charles Krauthammer has only weeks to live

Oh so because they apologized that makes it all better, when they were the ones who actually sent our troops to war? Meanwhile you don’t forgive a political pundit who gave his opinion and had no sway as to whether or not we were going to war at all. You’re a classic douche

I don't forgive him because he pushed to send those kids to war, and after it was TOTALLY CLEAR IT WAS A MISTAKE, he continued to treat it like it was a good idea.

Hey, the war was a mistake. We all make mistakes.. it's when we don't admit them that's bad.

On that note.

ou might want to do a little more research with his accident....sir. Actually, it WASN'T a vehicle accident, and actually, WAS at a pool. just sayin'

You are correct. It was a pool accident. My mistake.

See, that's what admitting a mistake looks like.

So why not more vitriol for them than CK?

I've been pretty critical of them as well.

I've even been critical of myself for believing Bush and initially sticking up for the war effort. Should have been less trusting.

Bush used a national tragedy to push a Zionists/NeoCon Agenda. Lots of young men came back in boxes and wheelchairs because of it.
I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.

I can't imagine waiting around for my systems to shut down, knowing I won't make it past baseball season. I don't think I'd want to know in advance; I might rather just have the lights turn off one day.

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