Charles Krauthammer is always wrong (Photo Op Edition)


Jun 25, 2011
Krauthammer: Solyndra Most Expensive Photo Op In American History

Krauthammer calls Solyndra the most expensive photo op in American History. I know American history is rather long, but I'm sure we can find a recent example of a more expensive photo op.

Obama's $500 million photo op:


Bush's $800 billion photo op:


We, the American people, need to hold our pundits accountable for their failures.
Is it the smell of horse shit around the Louisville area that makes people post such stupid shit?
I'm not going to trade insults with people who reflexively defend Charles Krauthammer.

Charles is a pundit who not only played cheerleader to the disaster that was the Iraq War, but continues to be invited onto Fox News to give commentary. Where he brings out what he thinks are brilliant zingers, but that are ridiculous upon a moment's reflection.
... he brings out what he thinks are brilliant zingers, but that are ridiculous upon a moment's reflection.

I've had a moment to reflect on your attempt to zing and I think you're right. While I am no fan of the Iraq war, at least it was a Constitutional undertaking by the President. Loans to buddies at Solyndra? No so much.

You should heed your own advice. Ridiculous indeed.
Lemme fix your thread title for you......

Charles Krouthammer is usually right and I can't stand it.

There ya go, carry on.
... he brings out what he thinks are brilliant zingers, but that are ridiculous upon a moment's reflection.

I've had a moment to reflect on your attempt to zing and I think you're right. While I am no fan of the Iraq war, at least it was a Constitutional undertaking by the President. Loans to buddies at Solyndra? No so much.

You should heed your own advice. Ridiculous indeed.

Oh, good. A thoughtful and almost relevant reply. Of course, I don't agree, but at least you don't dwell on gross irrelevancies (and inaccuracies) about the environment where I live.

You're right that the Iraq War was Constitutional. It was also a disaster and a money pit. But we are talking about what is the most expensive photo op in American history. Clearly that would be "Mission Accomplished" on a battle fleet carrier. Also, perhaps the bloodiest photo op, but definitely more bloody than Solyndra.

(See what I did at the end there? I added an extraneous detail, referring to how many lives were lost in the Iraq War; even though Krauthammer didn't call Obama's photo op the bloodiest. But he certainly didn't call it the most unconstitutional photo op, either)

Thanks for playing. :razz:
... he brings out what he thinks are brilliant zingers, but that are ridiculous upon a moment's reflection.

I've had a moment to reflect on your attempt to zing and I think you're right. While I am no fan of the Iraq war, at least it was a Constitutional undertaking by the President. Loans to buddies at Solyndra? No so much.

You should heed your own advice. Ridiculous indeed.

Oh, good. A thoughtful and almost relevant reply. Of course, I don't agree, but at least you don't dwell on gross irrelevancies (and inaccuracies) about the environment where I live.

You're right that the Iraq War was Constitutional. It was also a disaster and a money pit. But we are talking about what is the most expensive photo op in American history. Clearly that would be "Mission Accomplished" on a battle fleet carrier. Also, perhaps the bloodiest photo op, but definitely more bloody than Solyndra.

(See what I did at the end there? I added an extraneous detail, referring to how many lives were lost in the Iraq War; even though Krauthammer didn't call Obama's photo op the bloodiest. But he certainly didn't call it the most unconstitutional photo op, either)

Thanks for playing. :razz:

Oh gosh, my fault. I didn't understand that this was about, how did you say it, the most expensive photo op in American history. Sorry about that, I didn't realize that was the game you were playing. Now that I know, here's a picture of the President signing Obamacare....looks like I win.

i've had a moment to reflect on your attempt to zing and i think you're right. While i am no fan of the iraq war, at least it was a constitutional undertaking by the president. Loans to buddies at solyndra? No so much.

You should heed your own advice. Ridiculous indeed.

oh, good. A thoughtful and almost relevant reply. Of course, i don't agree, but at least you don't dwell on gross irrelevancies (and inaccuracies) about the environment where i live.

You're right that the iraq war was constitutional. It was also a disaster and a money pit. But we are talking about what is the most expensive photo op in american history. Clearly that would be "mission accomplished" on a battle fleet carrier. Also, perhaps the bloodiest photo op, but definitely more bloody than solyndra.

(see what i did at the end there? I added an extraneous detail, referring to how many lives were lost in the iraq war; even though krauthammer didn't call obama's photo op the bloodiest. But he certainly didn't call it the most unconstitutional photo op, either)

thanks for playing. :razz:

oh gosh, my fault. I didn't understand that this was about, how did you say it, the most expensive photo op in american history. Sorry about that, i didn't realize that was the game you were playing. Now that i know, here's a picture of the president signing obamacare....looks like i win.


$Obama reuters halo.jpg
oh, good. A thoughtful and almost relevant reply. Of course, i don't agree, but at least you don't dwell on gross irrelevancies (and inaccuracies) about the environment where i live.

You're right that the iraq war was constitutional. It was also a disaster and a money pit. But we are talking about what is the most expensive photo op in american history. Clearly that would be "mission accomplished" on a battle fleet carrier. Also, perhaps the bloodiest photo op, but definitely more bloody than solyndra.

(see what i did at the end there? I added an extraneous detail, referring to how many lives were lost in the iraq war; even though krauthammer didn't call obama's photo op the bloodiest. But he certainly didn't call it the most unconstitutional photo op, either)

thanks for playing. :razz:

oh gosh, my fault. I didn't understand that this was about, how did you say it, the most expensive photo op in american history. Sorry about that, i didn't realize that was the game you were playing. Now that i know, here's a picture of the president signing obamacare....looks like i win.


View attachment 15302

Yea, okay, you win...
I've had a moment to reflect on your attempt to zing and I think you're right. While I am no fan of the Iraq war, at least it was a Constitutional undertaking by the President. Loans to buddies at Solyndra? No so much.

You should heed your own advice. Ridiculous indeed.

Oh, good. A thoughtful and almost relevant reply. Of course, I don't agree, but at least you don't dwell on gross irrelevancies (and inaccuracies) about the environment where I live.

You're right that the Iraq War was Constitutional. It was also a disaster and a money pit. But we are talking about what is the most expensive photo op in American history. Clearly that would be "Mission Accomplished" on a battle fleet carrier. Also, perhaps the bloodiest photo op, but definitely more bloody than Solyndra.

(See what I did at the end there? I added an extraneous detail, referring to how many lives were lost in the Iraq War; even though Krauthammer didn't call Obama's photo op the bloodiest. But he certainly didn't call it the most unconstitutional photo op, either)

Thanks for playing. :razz:

Oh gosh, my fault. I didn't understand that this was about, how did you say it, the most expensive photo op in American history. Sorry about that, I didn't realize that was the game you were playing. Now that I know, here's a picture of the President signing Obamacare....looks like I win.


I think comparing Obamacare to Mission Accomplished is crazy. But I gotta admit, from a certain perspective, you've got a point.

And if you think Obamacare is the most expensive photo op, then you'll also agree that Krauthammer is wrong. (As always)

Oh, good. A thoughtful and almost relevant reply. Of course, I don't agree, but at least you don't dwell on gross irrelevancies (and inaccuracies) about the environment where I live.

You're right that the Iraq War was Constitutional. It was also a disaster and a money pit. But we are talking about what is the most expensive photo op in American history. Clearly that would be "Mission Accomplished" on a battle fleet carrier. Also, perhaps the bloodiest photo op, but definitely more bloody than Solyndra.

(See what I did at the end there? I added an extraneous detail, referring to how many lives were lost in the Iraq War; even though Krauthammer didn't call Obama's photo op the bloodiest. But he certainly didn't call it the most unconstitutional photo op, either)

Thanks for playing. :razz:

Oh gosh, my fault. I didn't understand that this was about, how did you say it, the most expensive photo op in American history. Sorry about that, I didn't realize that was the game you were playing. Now that I know, here's a picture of the President signing Obamacare....looks like I win.


I think comparing Obamacare to Mission Accomplished is crazy. But I gotta admit, from a certain perspective, you've got a point.

And if you think Obamacare is the most expensive photo op, then you'll also agree that Krauthammer is wrong. (As always)


Krauthammer is a true Conservative. I'm a Libertarian. Therefore, I believe he is sometimes wrong, sometimes right.
Krauthammer: Solyndra Most Expensive Photo Op In American History

Krauthammer calls Solyndra the most expensive photo op in American History. I know American history is rather long, but I'm sure we can find a recent example of a more expensive photo op.

Obama's $500 million photo op:


Bush's $800 billion photo op:


We, the American people, need to hold our pundits accountable for their failures.

That banner was flying because the military personnel on that ship were returning from the invasion of Iraq...something which had been accomplished in record time with an amazingly low loss of American lives. THAT was their "mission" and they deserved to have that banner up because they had performed it flawlessly. I know you Libs love to point at Bush standing in front of it as some sort of "proof" that he failed in Iraq. You could make the point that the post war period was not successful but it's hard to argue with the success of the effort to oust Saddam Hussein.
I've had a moment to reflect on your attempt to zing and I think you're right. While I am no fan of the Iraq war, at least it was a Constitutional undertaking by the President. Loans to buddies at Solyndra? No so much.

You should heed your own advice. Ridiculous indeed.

Oh, good. A thoughtful and almost relevant reply. Of course, I don't agree, but at least you don't dwell on gross irrelevancies (and inaccuracies) about the environment where I live.

You're right that the Iraq War was Constitutional. It was also a disaster and a money pit. But we are talking about what is the most expensive photo op in American history. Clearly that would be "Mission Accomplished" on a battle fleet carrier. Also, perhaps the bloodiest photo op, but definitely more bloody than Solyndra.

(See what I did at the end there? I added an extraneous detail, referring to how many lives were lost in the Iraq War; even though Krauthammer didn't call Obama's photo op the bloodiest. But he certainly didn't call it the most unconstitutional photo op, either)

Thanks for playing. :razz:

Oh gosh, my fault. I didn't understand that this was about, how did you say it, the most expensive photo op in American history. Sorry about that, I didn't realize that was the game you were playing. Now that I know, here's a picture of the President signing Obamacare....looks like I win.


Don't look now but I'm pretty sure that Harry Reid just grabbed Nancy Pelosi's ass in that photo...and she seemed to REALLY like it!

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