Charles Ramsey Is His Name --

Because the person he called sent them which is their job dork.

So if the dispatcher didn't do her job, the police would have never come, and then who would be the idiot?

These people are heroic, they send ambulances, firefighters, police. They deal with a ton of shit you never deal with. This is you taking them for granted. Their actions save lives daily; and I am taken aghast by your low opinion of them.

The dispatcher was a man, but point taken.

He was able to decipher from a erratic phone call the nature of the emergency and was able to dispatch appropriate help.

So my question is, Temple, if you agree these first responders are heroes, why do you side with guys like Romney, Kasich, Walker, et al. who want to cut their pay, benefits and right to be represented by a union?
Was a reward ever offered for information on the captives' whereabouts? Because if there is, Ramsey deserves every cent. His actions lifted an insurmountable emotional burden from the shoulders of the victims and their families. Just imagine what must've gone through the minds of the captives parents when they got the call telling them that their daughters have been found alive. I can't even begin to imagine the mental torture they've endured at the hands of this monster. He should be nailed to a cross.

Furthermore, although the media and some commentators on this thread have alluded or drawn attention to the scatty behaviour of Ramsey during his interview, it wouldn't surprise me at all if he was still suffering from some form of shock himself. I mean, how would you react if you found-out that one of your neighbours had been holding a group of girls captive in his house for ten years?

Anderson Cooper ask Ramsey if he wanted a reward. Ramsey said no, he has a paycheck. give the reward to the girls.

Anderson Cooper Interviews Cleveland Hero Charles Ramsey
Too little attention?

The guy is on every network. Funny as hell, but he is getting his 15 minutes of fame
Well it's a good thing to get it for...

Let the guy receive his chops...when I watch "I Survived" I'm always amazed at how many of the victims say that people refused to help them, when they were bloody and screaming for help. This guy stepped up, good for him.
Too little attention?

The guy is on every network. Funny as hell, but he is getting his 15 minutes of fame

Exactly what I thought...he is becoming the biggest YouTube sensation since Justin Bieber.
The 12 minute uncut CNN interview is hilarious!!
This guy should be a character on Saturday Night could make a movie with this guy being the main character.
Funny as hell - " a pretty young white girl hugs a black KNOW something is up"....:lmao:
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Yes, he was provided a lot of laughs during his interview. But his modesty and self-deprecating humour shouldn't distract from the fact that his selfless act of bravery has put a stop to the physical and emotional torture endured by his victims and their loved ones. The girls held in captivity will be emotionally scarred by their prolonged ordeal for the rest of their lives. They've had ten years of their lives stolen from them. And their families have had to endure a form of emotional and psychological torment none of us can even begin to imagine.

In spite of him claiming that when a white girl runs to a black man for help you know something's up, I'm sure it dawned on him a lot earlier than that that he was standing on the threshold of pure, unremitting evil. He must have realised that his neighbour stood to lose a lot if his heinous crime was exposed, and would use whatever means necessary to avoid exposure. Charles Ramsey didn't baulk at that, and risked everything to free those girls. He is a hero and should be publically lauded for his actions on the South Lawn of the White House itself.
Listen to the 9/11 call he made.

Not taking anything away from this guy, he helped in a good way, but the tape is profanity laced and the guy is freaking out. (again, under the circumstances, understandable.)

The hero here is the 9/11 dispatcher, who kept this guy calm enough to discern what was going on and send help.

In my opinion, the 911 dispatcher screwed up royally when he was speaking with Amanda Berry...the dude didn't even keep her on the line until police arrived!

Can you imagine being Amanda Berry and having the dispatcher tell you to "talk to the police when they come" and then just hanging up??!?!?? That poor girl probably felt pretty alone at that moment that the phone went dead!
From the tape, the dispatcher wasn't taking the call very seriously. Almost like he didn't believe what he was hearing. Good thing he just did his job and sent the police out there.
I would love to BarBQ some ribs and listen to salsa music with Charles Ramsey. I bet this guy is a riot.
Listen to the 9/11 call he made.

Not taking anything away from this guy, he helped in a good way, but the tape is profanity laced and the guy is freaking out. (again, under the circumstances, understandable.)

The hero here is the 9/11 dispatcher, who kept this guy calm enough to discern what was going on and send help.

I'm sorry But both these 911 dispatchers sound like assholes to me. The Ramsey dispatcher was very disrespectful, telling the guy things like "We can't both talk at the same time". Then the Amanda dispatcher should have had her stay on the phone till officers arrived. They both seemed like rookies and both sound like they really didn't want to be bothered.
Yes, he was provided a lot of laughs during his interview. But his modesty and self-deprecating humour shouldn't distract from the fact that his selfless act of bravery has put a stop to the physical and emotional torture endured by his victims and their loved ones. The girls held in captivity will be emotionally scarred by their prolonged ordeal for the rest of their lives. They've had ten years of their lives stolen from them. And their families have had to endure a form of emotional and psychological torment none of us can even begin to imagine.

In spite of him claiming that when a white girl runs to a black man for help you know something's up, I'm sure it dawned on him a lot earlier than that that he was standing on the threshold of pure, unremitting evil. He must have realised that his neighbour stood to lose a lot if his heinous crime was exposed, and would use whatever means necessary to avoid exposure. Charles Ramsey didn't baulk at that, and risked everything to free those girls. He is a hero and should be publically lauded for his actions on the South Lawn of the White House itself.

Oh I don't know...I think the media tends to "over-hero" people when they do what is only natural for any decent human being to do. I mean the guy stands up and look over and sees a woman trying to crawl out of a door yelling help - HIS OWN WORDS - "I thought this was just domestic violence at first" - while shrugging his shoulders, leaving the impression at first he was going to do nothing. Then the girl saw him and yelled directly to him for help...and again his words "but then I thought wait...there ain't no girls living over there that I have ever I went over there..."
Listen to the 9/11 call he made.

Not taking anything away from this guy, he helped in a good way, but the tape is profanity laced and the guy is freaking out. (again, under the circumstances, understandable.)

The hero here is the 9/11 dispatcher, who kept this guy calm enough to discern what was going on and send help.

I'm sorry But both these 911 dispatchers sound like assholes to me. The Ramsey dispatcher was very disrespectful, telling the guy things like "We can't both talk at the same time". Then the Amanda dispatcher should have had her stay on the phone till officers arrived. They both seemed like rookies and both sound like they really didn't want to be bothered.

I found that amazing too

A woman calls and says "I have been kidnapped for ten years and just escaped...send cops NOW" and the 9-11 dispatch treats it like a cat stuck in a tree
Dispatchers get a little jaded, I'm sure.

It all came out okay, so let's allow the guy to bask, there's nothing wrong with lionizing some guy who helps out someone else...
Both the dispatcher and Mr. Ramsey are heroes. Just saying.

Now the person answering the phone is a hero too. Alrighty then. I heard there was a stray dog watching across the street. What about him?
Ramsey chose to place himself in what could have turned out to be a compromising position and he did it out of sincere concern for another human being who apparently needed help. How many people would have opted to mind their own business rather than risk retaliation by a pissed-off neighbor -- and possible criminal charges? Because he kicked the lower door panel in, which technically and potentially is forcible entry (even though he didn't enter). He didn't know the real circumstances at the time he did that. It could have been nothing but a bizarre domestic situation he was actively placing himself within.

In other words, he saw fit to stick his neck out and I think he deserves a lot of credit. But today, on MSNBC, I watched and heard a relative of one of the liberated girls gushing with fawning gratitude for the police and the FBI -- neither of which had a goddam thing to do with rescuing those tormented women!

Charles Ramsey appears to be one who normally dwells in the nether region of American social status. But he has done something which calls for recognition and celebration and I hope he gets all of that which is due him.
Ramsey chose to place himself in what could have turned out to be a compromising position and he did it out of sincere concern for another human being who apparently needed help. How many people would have opted to mind their own business rather than risk retaliation by a pissed-off neighbor -- and possible criminal charges?

If anyone were even talking about him you might have a point.

No the dork is you. Funny, and you think our first responders aren't heroes. Grow up.

Now operators are first responders and heroes. Alrighty then I think we can put a fork in that one.
Listen to the 9/11 call he made.

Not taking anything away from this guy, he helped in a good way, but the tape is profanity laced and the guy is freaking out. (again, under the circumstances, understandable.)

The hero here is the 9/11 dispatcher, who kept this guy calm enough to discern what was going on and send help.

I'm sorry But both these 911 dispatchers sound like assholes to me. The Ramsey dispatcher was very disrespectful, telling the guy things like "We can't both talk at the same time". Then the Amanda dispatcher should have had her stay on the phone till officers arrived. They both seemed like rookies and both sound like they really didn't want to be bothered.

Which is why it took 10 years to find those women. If the dispatchers were bored and too lazy to believe eye witnesses...then so were the police when they went there a few times but never LOOKED.

All Ramsey had to do is what the cops did. Yawn, say he was busy with lunch, and to mind her husband and walk away. But he didn't.

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